User:Ab1630/oatp: Difference between revisions

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(Undo revision 26051 by Ab1630 (talk))
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# oa.peer_project = Publishing and the Ecology of European Research
# oa.peer_project = Publishing and the Ecology of European Research
# oa.plos
# oa.plos
# oa.pluto
# oa.rcuk = Research Councils UK
# oa.rcuk = Research Councils UK
# oa.sage
# oa.sage

Revision as of 13:57, 13 January 2018



  1. ?? oa.annotation = for OA-related items about annotation
  2. ?? oa.apis = for API-related items about OA resources, or OA-related items about APIs (application programming interfaces).
  3. ?? oa.awareness = for OA-related items about current-awareness systems
  4. ?? oa.badges = for OA-related items about the use of badges
  5. ?? oa.blogging = for OA-related items about blogging
  6. ?? = for OA-related items about cloud computing or cloud storage
  7. ?? oa.formats = for OA-related items about file formats (e.g. EPUB, HTML, PDF, XML)
  8. ?? oa.pod = for OA-related items about print on demand
  9. oa.social_media


  1. oa.advantage
  2. oa.advocacy
  3. oa.attitudes,
  4. oa.benefits.
  5. oa.best_practices,
  6. oa.boycotts,
  7. oa.collaboration = for items on how OA facilitates cooperation
  8. oa.compliance = for items about compliance with OA policies (e.g. rate of compliance, obstacles to compliance, tools for compliance, and so on)
  9. oa.consultations = for items in which institutions or projects call for public comments
  10. oa.disciplines,
  11. oa.history_of
  12. oa.growth,
  13. oa.guerrilla
  14. oa.history_of,
  15. oa.ignorance
  16. oa.implementation
  17. oa.incentives
  18. oa.milestones,
  19. oa.misconduct = for OA-related items about misconduct by authors, editors, publishers, funders, or other stakeholders
  20. oa.misunderstandings
  21. oa.negative
  22. oa.objections,
  23. oa.obstacles,
  24. oa.partial = for items about steps toward OA, or forms of wider access, that fall short of OA
  25. (policies)
  26. oa.predictions = for OA-related predictions
  27. oa.progress,
  28. oa.recommendations,
  29. oa.signatures = for OA-related petitions and declarations collecting signatures
  30. oa.speed
  31. oa.surveys = for items about OA-related surveys
  32. oa.strategies
  33. oa.trends = for items about trends that help or hurt OA
  34. oa.usage = for items about the usage of OA works
See also
  1. OAD list of discussion forums
  2. OAD list of educational materials about OA
  3. OAD list of periodicals that frequently publish articles about open access
  4. OAD list of social media sites about OA
  5. OAD's OA speakers bureau
  6. OAD's timeline of the open access movement


  1. oa.addenda = author addenda
  2. oa.authors,
  3. oa.citations,
  4. oa.crowd,
  5. oa.impact,
  6. oa.fees
  7. oa.hybrid
  9. oa.offsets = for items about the "offset model" for paying APCs by building them into the negotiated subscription price for a hybrid journal
  10. oa.orcid
  11. oa.p&t = for OA-related items about promotion and tenure practices
  12. oa.peer_review
  13. oa.postprints
  14. oa.preprints,
  15. oa.reproducibility = for OA-related items about the reproducibility of research (for example on how OA facilitates reproducibility)
  16. oa.scholcomm
  17. oa.scn = for OA-related items about scholarly collaboration networks
  18. ?? oa.self-publishing = for OA-related items about self-publishing
  19. oa.versions = for items about different or specific versions of OA works, or about version control
See also
  1. OAD list of publisher policies on NIH-funded authors
  2. OAD list of unanimous faculty votes


  1. oa.3d
  2. oa.dmp
  3. = for items about open data (OA to datasets)
  4. ?? oa.extraction
  5. oa.lod
  7. oa.mining
  8. oa.rdm = for OA-related items about research data management
  9. = repositories for data
  10. oa.visualizations = for OA-related items about data visualization


ie digital objects

  1. oa.apis = for API-related items about OA resources, or OA-related items about APIs (application programming interfaces).
  3. oa.books,
  4. oa.courseware
  5. (data)
  6. oa.dynamic = for items about dynamic ("living" or periodically updated) OA works
  7. oa.etds
  8. oa.floss
  9. oa.genres
  10. oa.grey
  11. oa.hardware
  12. oa.images
  13. (journals)
  14. oa.metadata = for OA-related items about metadata
  16. oa.orphans = "orphan works"
  17. oa.patents = for OA-related items about patents, e.g. sharing texts about patentable discoveries, limiting patent rights on publicly-funded research, sharing patented specimens, objections that OA will interfere with patents, or objections that patent-protection regimes will interfere with OA
  18. oa.print = for items about the relation between OA and print
  19. oa.oer
  20. oa.psi = "public sector information" (government information)
  22. oa.specimens = for items about sharing physical materials needed for research (e.g. chemicals, genetic materials, medicines, moon rocks, tissue samples, etc.) rather than sharing digital text, code, or data
  23. oa.summaries = for items about OA to summaries (either in addition to OA for full-text primary sources or instead of it)
  24. oa.syllabi,
  25. oa.textbooks
  26. = for OA-related items about traditional knowledge
  28. oa.vr = for OA-related items about virtual reality
  29. oa.wikis = for items about OA on or through wikis


  1. = for case studies of OA journal funds
  3. oa.cft = for OA-related calls for tenders (calls for funding proposals or funding applications)
  4. oa.funders,
  5. oa.funders.private,
  6. oa.funders.public,
  7. oa.funds,
  8. oa.policies.funders,
  10. oa.dfg,
  11. oa.nih,
  12. oa.wellcome
See also
  1. OAD list of OA publication funds


  1. ?? = for OA-related items about cloud computing or cloud storage
  2. oa.code4oa,
  3. oa.discoverability = for items about the discoverability or visibility of OA resources
  4. oa.infrastructure,
  5. oa.interoperability,
  6. oa.orcid
  7. oa.platforms,
  8. oa.recommenders = for software that recommends scholarly works, (e.g. "if you like this, you'll like that"), especially when the tools are open-source or the works are OA
  9. (repositories)
  10. ?? oa.semantic = for OA-related items about the semantic web
  11. = for items about OA-related software (e.g. repository software)
  12. oa.standards = for items about standards related to OA or scholarly communication; in general these are the kinds of standards approved by standard-setting organizations, not informal norms
See also
  1. OAD list of educational courses about OA
  2. OAD list of journal management software
  3. OAD list of tools for OA


  1. = for case studies of OA journal funds
  2. = for case studies of OA journals
  3. oa.embargoes = for items about OA embargoes (delays between publication and OA)
  5. oa.hybrid
  6. ?? oa.jif = "journal impact factors"
  7. oa.journals,
  8. oa.megajournals,
  9. oa.offsets = for items about the "offset model" for paying APCs by building them into the negotiated subscription price for a hybrid journal
  10. oa.peer_review
  11. oa.policies.journals
  13. oa.redirection = for items about supporting OA by redirecting funds from the support of subscription journals
  14. oa.versions = for items about different or specific versions of OA works, or about version control
See also
  1. OAD list of journal declarations of independence
  2. OAD list of early OA journals
  3. OAD list of guides for OA journal publishers
  4. OAD list of journal management software
  5. OAD list of journals that converted from OA to TA and from TA to OA


  1. oa.altmetrics = for items about impact metrics other than Journal Impact Factor (JIF)
  2. oa.citations = for OA-related items about citations, citation counts, or impact metrics based on citations
  3. oa.jif = "journal impact factors"
  4. oa.metrics
See also
  1. OAD's OA by the numbers


  1. oa.2.5%
  2. oa.budgets, oa.redirection
  3. oa.budgets,
  4. oa.cancellations,
  5. = for case studies of OA journal funds
  6. oa.cft = for OA-related calls for tenders (calls for funding proposals or funding applications)
  7. oa.paywalls, oa.prices
  9. oa.business_models
  10. oa.budgets
  11. oa.cancellations,
  12. oa.costs
  13. oa.economics_of, oa.prices, oa.recession,
  14. oa.economic_impact
  15. oa.fees
  16. oa.funds
  17., oa.fees, oa.funders, oa.funding
  18. oa.memberships = for items about memberships as one way to provide support, revenue, and sustainability to OA publishers or other OA resources
  19. oa.monopoly
  20. oa.negotiations
  22. oa.predatory,
  23. oa.prices = for items about the relationship between resource price and resource access, especially high prices that reduce access
  24. oa.profits = for items about the profits of for-profit corporations, particularly publishers (whether OA or non-OA)
  25. oa.recession = for items about how hard economic times affect the prospects for OA
  26. oa.redirection = for items about supporting OA by redirecting funds from the support of subscription journals
  27., oa.costs, oa.economics_of, oa.fees,, oa.hybrid, oa.megajournals, oa.memberships, oa.monopoly,, oa.offsets,
  28. oa.offsets = for items about the "offset model" for paying APCs by building them into the negotiated subscription price for a hybrid journal
  29. oa.paywalls,
  30. oa.revenue, oa.sales, oa.sustainability
  31. oa.boycotts, oa.budgets, oa.business_models, oa.costs,
  32. oa.prices,
  33. oa.profits,
  34. oa.recession,
  35. oa.redirection,
  36. oa.sustainability
See also
  1. OAD list of OA book business models
  2. OAD list of OA journal business models


  1. oa.addenda
  4. oa.copyright
  5. oa.declarations,
  6. oa.declarations_of_independence
  7. oa.encouragement
  8. oa.foi
  9. oa.incentives,
  10. oa.legislation
  11. oa.licensing
  12. oa.litigation,
  13. oa.loophole
  14. oa.mandates,
  16. oa.pd = for items about the public domain
  17. oa.petitions
  18. oa.pledges,
  19. oa.policies
  20. oa.policies.funders
  21. oa.signatures = for OA-related petitions and declarations collecting signatures
  22. oa.treaties.
See also
  1. OAD list of declarations in support of OA
  2. OAD list of publisher policies on NIH-funded authors
  3. OAD list of statements by learned societies and professional associations


  1. oa.access
  2. oa.accessibility,
  3. oa.advantage
  4. oa.benefits,
  5. oa.credibility = for items about the credibility of OA resources
  6. oa.debates
  7. oa.definitions
  8. oa.discussions
  12. oa.libre
  13. oa.objections
  14. oa.misunderstandings,
  15. oa.negative,
  16. oa.obstacles
  17. oa.prestige = for items about the reputation or reputed excellence of OA resources
  18. oa.principles
  19. oa.privacy = for items on the tension between OA and privacy (e.g. medical privacy or confidentiality)
  20. oa.quality = for OA-related items about the quality of research
  21. = for items on the tension between OA and security (e.g. national security or public safety)
  22. oa.terminology = for items about the words used when discussing OA and related topics


  1. oa.deposits
  3. oa.infrastructure
  5. oa.repositories
  6. = repositories for data
  7. oa.repositories.disciplinary = disciplinary repositories
  8. oa.repositories.consortial
  9. oa.versions = for items about different or specific versions of OA works, or about version control
See also
  1. OAD list of repository software
  2. OAD list of services to support repository managers


  1. (authors)
  2. oa.colleges,
  3. oa.crowd,
  4. oa.development
  5. oa.ecr,
  6. (funders)
  7. oa.glam
  8. oa.government,
  9. oa.humanitarian = for items about OA as humanitarian aid
  10. oa.hei
  12. oa.libarts
  13. oa.libass
  14. oa.libpub = for items about libraries as OA publishers
  15. oa.libraries
  16. oa.librarians
  17. oa.museums
  18. oa.people
  19. oa.publishers,
  20. (repositories)
  21. oa.societies,
  22. oa.students,
  23. oa.taxpayers,
  24. oa.universities
  25. oa.up = "university press"
See also
  1. OAD list of institutions that support open access


  1. oa.digitization = for items about OA-related digitization projects
  2. oa.dois
  3. oa.downloads
  4. oa.drm = for OA-related developments about digital rights management
  5. oa.op = "out of print"
  6. oa.overlay = for items about "overlay journals" or efforts to add a layer of peer review on top of an OA repository
  7. oa.p2p = for OA-related items on peer-to-peer technologies or approaches to knowledge-sharing
  8. ?? oa.preservation = for OA-related items about preservation
  9. oa.reuse = for OA-related developments related to the reuse of information or research
  10. oa.rss
  11. = for OA-related items about searching or search engines
  12. oa.standards
  13. oa.takedowns = for items about OA-related takedown notices, or legal demands from copyright holders that a web site remove a work



ie of published OATP item:

  1. oa.anecdotes = for items about OA-related anecdotes, especially efforts to collect such anecdotes
  3. = for OA-related case studies
  4. = for case studies of OA books or OA book publishers
  5. = for case studies of OA's effect on research impact
  6. = for case studies of OA journals
  7. oa.cfp
  8. oa.cft = for OA-related calls for tenders (calls for funding proposals or funding applications)
  9. oa.comment
  10. oa.event
  11. oa.humor
  12. oa.intro = for items that restate the basics for newcomers
  13. oa.lay
  14. oa.notes
  15. oa.paywalled
  16. oa.presentation
  17. oa.spam = for pages not relevant to OA but mischievously tagged as if they were (especially with


  2. oa.antarctica,
  5. oa.balkans
  6. oa.caribbean
  7. oa.europe
  8. oa.latin_america
  9. oa.mena = for items about the Middle East and North Africa
  10. oa.middle_east
  11. oa.north_america,
  12. oa.scandinavia
  13. oa.south = for items about OA-related developments in the "global south" or developing and transition countries
  14. oa.south_america
See also
  1. OAD's OA speakers bureau by country


  1. oa.aaas = American Association for the Advancement of Science
  2. oa.arnold_foundation
  3. oa.bepress = Berkeley Electronic Press
  4. oa.boai = Budapest Open Access Initiative.
  6. oa.coar = Confederation of Open Access Repositories
  7. oa.cope = Compact for Open-Access Publishing Equity
  8. oa.core
  9. oa.cris = Current Research Information Systems
  10. oa.dfg = Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
  11. oa.doaj = Directory of Open Access Journals.
  12. oa.dpla
  13. oa.eifl = Electronic Information for Libraries
  14. oa.elsevier
  15. oa.eosc = European Open Science Cloud
  16. oa.fair = Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable
  17. oa.fastr = US Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act
  18. oa.frpaa = US Federal Research Public Access Act.
  19. oa.gates_foundation
  20. = Google Book Settlement
  21. oa.hathi
  22. oa.hhmi = Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  23. oa.hindawi
  24. oa.horizon2020
  25. oa.ia
  26. oa.jisc = UK Joint Information Systems Committee
  27. oa.lpc
  28. oa.nih,
  29. oa.oaspa = Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association
  30. oa.oa_button
  31. oa.oai = Open Archives Initiative
  32. oa.oatp
  33. oa.oa_week
  34. oa.obama_directive
  35. oa.openaire
  36. oa.orcid = Open Researcher and Contributor ID
  37. oa.osf = Open Science Framework
  38. oa.peer_project = Publishing and the Ecology of European Research
  39. oa.plos
  40. oa.pluto
  41. oa.rcuk = Research Councils UK
  42. oa.sage
  43. oa.scielo [1]
  44. oa.sci-hub
  45. oa.scoss
  46. oa.sherpa.romeo
  47. oa.sparc
  48. oa.stm-assoc = International Association of STM Publishers
  49. ?? oa.twitter = for OA-related about Twitter
  50. = UK Scholarly Communications License
  51. oa.wellcome
See also
  1. OAD list of acronyms
  2. OAD list of advocacy organizations for OA
  3. OAD list of institutions that support open access


  2. oa.economics


  1. oa.arts,
  2. = for OA-related items about cultural heritage
  3. oa.classics,
  5. oa.history
  6. oa.humanities
  7. oa.journalism
  9. oa.lis
  10. oa.literature,
  11. oa.museums
  13. oa.philosophy
  14. ?? oa.preservation = for OA-related items about preservation
  15. oa.religion
  16. oa.ssh
  17. = for OA-related items about traditional knowledge


  1. = for OA-related items about artificial intelligence
  2. oa.astronomy
  3. oa.biology,
  4. oa.citizen_science,
  5. oa.geo
  6. oa.industry
  7. oa.mathemetics
  8. oa.medicine
  9. oa.neuro
  10. oa.pharma
  11. oa.psychology,
  12. ?? oa.open_science = for items about open science
  13. oa.stem
  14. = for OA-related items about traditional knowledge
  15. oa.vr = for OA-related items about virtual reality