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* This is a section within the larger list of OA-related [[Events]]:<br>
* This is a section within the larger list of OA-related [[Events]]:<br>
::[[2002|2002]] - [[2003|2003]] - [[2004|2004]] - [[2005|2005]] - [[2006|2006]] - [[2007|2007]] - [[2008|2008]] - [[2009|2009]] - [[2010|2010]] - [[2011|2011]] - [[2012|2012]] - [[2013|2013]] - [[2014|2014]] - [[2015|2015]] - [[2016|2016]] - [[2017|2017]] - [[2018|2018]] - [[2019|2019]]
::[[2002|2002]] - [[2003|2003]] - [[2004|2004]] - [[2005|2005]] - [[2006|2006]] - [[2007|2007]] - [[2008|2008]] - [[2009|2009]] - [[2010|2010]] - [[2011|2011]] - [[2012|2012]] - [[2013|2013]] - [[2014|2014]] - [[2015|2015]] - [[2016|2016]] - [[2017|2017]] - [[2018|2018]] - [[2019|2019]] - [[2020|2020]] - [[2021|2021]] - [[2022|2022]] - [[2023|2023]]
* Chronological order.
* Chronological order.
* For real-time updates, some not yet reflected here, see the [https://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/tag/oa.events ''oa.events''] tag library at the [http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/hoap/Open_Access_Tracking_Project Open Access Tracking Project]. This tag library is crowd-sourced, and you can make it more comprehensive by [https://cyber.harvard.edu/hoap/Get_started_as_a_tagger taking part] in OATP.
* For real-time updates, some not yet reflected here, see the [https://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/tag/oa.events ''oa.events''] tag library at the [http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/hoap/Open_Access_Tracking_Project Open Access Tracking Project]. This tag library is crowd-sourced, and you can make it more comprehensive by [https://cyber.harvard.edu/hoap/Get_started_as_a_tagger taking part] in OATP.
** From 2011-2018, grant-funded members of the [http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/hoap Harvard Open Access Project] helped keep this list comprehensive. When HOAP funding ends in September 2018, the list will [https://cyber.harvard.edu/hoap/OATP_all-volunteer_phase#Implications_for_the_Open_Access_Directory_.28OAD.29 need more volunteer contributors] than in the past to keep it comprehensive.

== January ==
== January ==
*[https://mla.hcommons.org/events/event/making-the-most-of-humanities-commons/ Modern Language Association MLA 2019 - Making the Most of Humanities Commons]. Chicago, January 3-6, 2018.
*[https://mla.hcommons.org/events/event/making-the-most-of-humanities-commons/ Modern Language Association MLA 2019 - Making the Most of Humanities Commons]. Chicago, January 3-6, 2018. ([https://perma.cc/GJ6D-292A perma.cc]).
* [http://signup.txstate.edu/topics/858-scholarly-communication-workshop-series-where-to-publish-navigating-the-journal-jungle-and-avoiding-predators Where to Publish? Navigating the Journal Jungle and Avoiding Predators]. Texas State University. January 16, 2019.
* [http://signup.txstate.edu/topics/858-scholarly-communication-workshop-series-where-to-publish-navigating-the-journal-jungle-and-avoiding-predators Where to Publish? Navigating the Journal Jungle and Avoiding Predators]. Texas State University. January 16, 2019. ([https://perma.cc/YGY2-VLPJ perma.cc]).
* [https://www.mzes.uni-mannheim.de/openscience/ MZES Open Science Conference 2019]. Mannheim, Germany, January 25 - 27, 2019.
* [https://www.mzes.uni-mannheim.de/openscience/ MZES Open Science Conference 2019]. Mannheim, Germany, January 25 - 27, 2019. ([https://perma.cc/E3WM-FDSY perma.cc]).

== February ==
== February ==
* [https://www.openu.ac.il/innovation/chais2019/ הכנס הארבעה-עשר לחקר חדשנות וטכנולוגיות למידה ע"ש צ'ייס] (English Translation: The Chais Forteenth Conference on Innovation and Learning Technologies), February 8 - 12, 2019. ([https://perma.cc/WBD8-WXNP perma.cc]).
* [http://signup.txstate.edu/topics/1114-scholarly-communication-workshop-series-research-data-management-basics Research Data Management Basics]. Texas State University, February 28, 2019. ([https://perma.cc/62S9-8ASX perma.cc]).

== March ==
== March ==

== April ==
== April ==
* [https://www.uksg.org/event/conference19 UKSG Annual Conference 2019]. Teldford, UK, April 8-10, 2019
* [https://www.uksg.org/event/conference19 UKSG Annual Conference 2019]. Teldford, UK, April 8-10, 2019. ([https://perma.cc/5KLE-LQ77 perma.cc]).

== May ==
== May ==
* [https://ccglobalsummit2019lisbonportugal.sched.com Creative Commons Global Summit]. Lisbon, Portugal, May 9-11, 2019. ([https://perma.cc/V5UP-369W perma.cc]).
* [https://openaccess.unt.edu/symposium/2019 UNT Open Access Symposium 2019]. Dallas, Texas, May 17–18, 2019.
* [https://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2018/goodbye-seville-hello-saarbrucken/ Libre Graphics Meeting 2019]. Saarbrücken, Germany, May 2019
* [https://www.coar-repositories.org/community/events/coar-annual-meeting-2019/ COAR Annual Meeting]. Lyon, France, May 20-23, 2019.
* [https://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2018/goodbye-seville-hello-saarbrucken/ Libre Graphics Meeting 2019]. Saarbrücken, Germany, May 2019. ([https://perma.cc/77V7-3TTQ perma.cc]).

== June ==
== June ==
* [https://elpub2019.hypotheses.org/6 ELPUB 2019]. Marseille, France, June 2-4, 2019. ([https://perma.cc/4BN4-2BFW perma.cc]).
* [http://or2019.blogs.uni-hamburg.de/ Open Repositories 2019]. Hamburg, Germany, June 10 - 13, 2019.
* [http://or2019.blogs.uni-hamburg.de/ Open Repositories 2019]. Hamburg, Germany, June 10 - 13, 2019.
* [https://portal.fgv.br/en/news/call-papers-global-conference-transparency-research-will-be-held-rio-june-2019 Global Conference on Transparency Research]. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Juune 26 - 27, 2019.
* Journées CasuHal 2019. Rouen, France, June 17-18, 2019.
* [https://portal.fgv.br/en/news/call-papers-global-conference-transparency-research-will-be-held-rio-june-2019 Global Conference on Transparency Research]. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 26 - 27, 2019. ([https://perma.cc/Y3EG-PJ5C perma.cc]).
* [https://liberconference.eu/dublin2019/ LIBER 2019]. Dublin, Ireland, June 26-28, 2019.

== July ==
== July ==

== August ==
== August ==
* [https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/2019:GLAM/Public_Domain_Awareness_Project:_enhancing_use_of_CC’s_Public_Domain_tools_to_serve_the_needs_of_GLAM_institutions_and_reusers Wikimania]: enhancing use of CC’s Public Domain tools to serve the needs of GLAM institutions and reusers. Online and in Stockholm, 18 August 2019. ([https://perma.cc/5BZV-8WU9 perma.cc]).

* [https://www.clocate.com/conference/Open-Source-Summit-North-America-2019/50599/ Open Source Summit, North America], California, August 2019
* [https://www.clocate.com/conference/Open-Source-Summit-North-America-2019/50599/ Open Source Summit, North America]. California, 21-23 August 2019.

== September ==
== September ==
* [https://oaspa.org/conference/ COASP 2019]. Copenhagen, Denmark, September 24-26, 2019. ([https://perma.cc/5BUM-JXS8 perma.cc]).
* '''[http://open-access.net/community/open-access-tage/ 13. Open-Access-Tage]'''. Hanover (Lower Saxony), Germany, September 30 - October 2, 2019. ([https://perma.cc/YUY8-W679 perma.cc]).

== October ==
== October ==
* [https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q42449814 WikidataCon 2019]. Berlin, Germany, October 2019.
* [https://coko.foundation/introducing-the-open-publishing-awards/  Open Publishing Awards]. Edinburgh Scotland, October 15, 2019. ([https://perma.cc/9D2E-NPH5 perma.cc]).
* DLF Forum: [https://forum2019.diglib.org/schedule/ OA in the Open]. Tampa, Florida, US. October 16, 2019. ([https://perma.cc/G8MB-4RXJ perma.cc]).
* [https://networks.h-net.org/node/73374/announcements/4877642/open-science-and-open-access-publishing-equity-open-knowledge Open Science and Open Access Publishing: Equity in Open Knowledge]. Tehran, Iran, October 21, 2019. ([https://perma.cc/6AZ5-TN6Y perma.cc]).
* [http://www.openaccessweek.org/profiles/blogs/theme-of-2019-international-open-access-week-to-be-open-for-whom- International Open Access Week]. October 21-27, 2019. ([https://perma.cc/92TL-V55B perma.cc]).
* [http://www.crecs.info/crecs2019-guadalajara-mx/ 10th CRECS]. Guadalajara, México, October 23-24, 2019. ([https://perma.cc/SC5X-GEPT perma.cc]).
* [https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q42449814 WikidataCon 2019]. Berlin, Germany, 25–26 October 2019. ([https://perma.cc/4WD2-7XC2 perma.cc]).
* [https://openedconference.org/2019/ Open Education Conference]. Phoenix, Arizona. October 30 - November 1, 2019. ([https://perma.cc/97FK-9K4E perma.cc]).
* [https://www.uni-muenster.de/Publizieren/open-access/ Open Access Week 2019 with an Information Poster Presentation] and other events, where [https://www.uni-muenster.de/Publizieren/open-access/wwu/oa-woche-2019/ankuendigung.html#veranstaltung various topics on Open Access and Open Science] will be presented. Münster University Library, Germany. October 21-27, 2019. ([https://perma.cc/462B-HHPC perma.cc]).

== November ==
== November ==
* [https://www.opencon2018.org/opencon_2019_philly OpenCon Philly]. Philadelphia, US, November 1, 2019. ([https://perma.cc/Q7CW-RBJJ perma.cc]).
* [https://cal.flavoursofopen.science/event/osmooc-webinar-the-state-of-open-science/ State of Open Science] webinar. November 4, 2019.
* [https://wikiconference.org/wiki/2019/Main_Page WikiConference North America], Cambridge, Massachusetts, November 8–11, 2019. ([https://perma.cc/EYP6-BBSY perma.cc]).
* [https://tspoa.org/2019/10/24/webinars-charting-paths-forward-for-open-access-publishing-by-learned-societies/ Understanding Learned Societies] webinar. November 20, 2019. ([https://perma.cc/HSM4-34PQ perma.cc]).
* [https://www.eoscsecretariat.eu/eosc-symposium European Open Science Cloud Symposium]. Budapest, Hungary, 26-28 November 2019. ([https://perma.cc/QK9R-HKSC perma.cc]).
* [http://site.uit.no/muninconf/ Munin Conference 2019]. Tromsø, Norway, 27-28 November 2019. ([https://perma.cc/7U28-DFLH perma.cc]).

== December ==
== December ==
* [https://tspoa.org/2019/10/24/webinars-charting-paths-forward-for-open-access-publishing-by-learned-societies/ Funding Pathways for Learned Society Open Access Publishing] webinar. December 6, 2019.
* [https://tspoa.org/2019/10/24/webinars-charting-paths-forward-for-open-access-publishing-by-learned-societies/ Engaging Societies and Society Journals in Transitioning to Open Access] webinar. December 12, 2019.
* [https://eifl.net/resources/webinar-phenom-free-and-open-source-journal-publishing-platform-hindawi Phenom open source journal publishing platform] webinar. Online, December 13, 2019. ([https://perma.cc/MR4M-5NXU perma.cc]).

==See also==
==See also==
* [[Timeline|Timeline of the open access movement]]
* [[Timeline|Timeline of the open access movement]]

Latest revision as of 04:31, 13 July 2021

This list is part of the Open Access Directory.

  • This is a section within the larger list of OA-related Events:
2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023









  • Wikimania: enhancing use of CC’s Public Domain tools to serve the needs of GLAM institutions and reusers. Online and in Stockholm, 18 August 2019. (perma.cc).





See also