Blogs about OA
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This list is part of the Open Access Directory.
- This is list of blogs which focus largely on open access.
- Please indicate the blog's author or primary authors. When its primary language is not English, please indicate what it is.
- If the blog has an RSS feed for its posts (as opposed to its comments), please link to it.
- Wikidata identifier for this page: Q56229362.
- Alphabetical.
- If a blog is no longer updated, move it from the active blog list to the discontinued blog list.
- Related lists in OAD: (1) Discontinued blogs about OA, (2) Discussion forums, (3) Social media sites about OA.
- Abierto al público (RSS feed). In Spanish.
- Access to Mideast and Islamic Resources (RSS feed). From Peter Magierski and Charles Ellwood Jones.
- Ancient World Open Bibliographies (RSS feed). From Chuck Jones.
- Adjacent Open Access (No RSS Feed). From Lisa Carnwell.
- ADS Blog (RSS feed) From Astrophysics Data System. Wikidata:
- Ann's Blog. "My Musings on Open Science and Public Engagement."
- Annotated AOA "Accessibility and OA Resources – Annotated." From Stewart Baker.
- Anyway (RSS feed). From Marijke. In Dutch.
- Åpen Vitenskap. From Pål M. Lykkja. In Norwegian. Wikidata:
- Arab Initiatives of Open Access (RSS feed). From Sulieman Salem Alshuhri and others. In Arabic.
- Archivalia (RSS Feed). From Klaus Graf. In German. Wikidata: Q77446257.
- Also contains entries in English on Open Access: English Corner
- Australian Open Access Support Group (RSS feed). "Supporting open access to Australian research". Wikidata:
- Author Rights Model License Language (RSS feed for news/updates to the blog) (RSS feed for comments about the language)
- autour de l'Open Science (RSS feed). From Nadege Joly and Taina Cluzeau. In French.
- ASAPbio (RSS Feed). From Daniel Colón Ramos, Jessica Polka, Ron Vale, and Harold Varmus. Wikidata: Q56070723.
- AWOL - The Ancient World Online (RSS feed). In English. From Charles Jones.
- Be Openly Accessible or Be Obscure (RSS feed). From Jim Till.
- BioSharing (RSS feed). From Dawn Field.
- Biboer: Open Educational Resources in Bibliotheken. (RSS feed). In German. From Dr. Jürgen Plieninger at the Institut für Politikwissenschaft.
- Blog do Kuramoto. From Hélio Kuramoto. In Portuguese.
- Blog ONE (RSS feed). From Niyaz Ahmed.
- Brainstorm in Progress (RSS feed). From Geoff Cain.
- City Open Access (RSS feed). From Neil Stewart at City University.
- College Open Textbooks Blog (RSS feed). From Sharyn Fitzpatrick and Rod Kirk.
- communs / commons / comuns / comunes (No RSS feed). The blog associated with the Public Domain Manifesto. In French.
- Communications in "Massive Open Online Courses". (RSS feed). From the University of Salzburg. In German.
- Comptoir de l'accès ouvert (RSS feed). OA and libraries. In french.
- Copyright on Campus (RSS feed). From Christine Ross.
- Cureus Blog (No RSS feed). Associated with Cureus, the open access medical science journal.
- DataUp (RSS feed). From the University of California Curation Center (UC3) and the California Digital Library.
- Digging Digitally (RSS feed). From Erik Kansa.
- Digital & Scholarly (RSS feed). From Adrian K. Ho.
- DigitalKoans (RSS feed). From Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
- Dryad news and views (RSS feed). From the Dryad open-data repository.
- DuraSpace Blog (RSS feed). From Carissa Smith, Carol Minton Morris, and Valorie Hollister at DuraSpace.
- Dynamic Repositories (RSS feed). From Paola Bongiovani. In Spanish.
- E-LIS: Open Access Archive for LIS (RSS feed). From Alireza Noruzi. In Persian.
- End-to-End Open Access No RSS Feed?. From JISC.
- EPrints News (RSS feed). From EPrints.
- EPT (Electronic Publishing Trust for Development) (RSS feed). From Barbara Kirsop.
- EveryONE (RSS feed). From PLoS ONE.
- Film Studies For Free (RSS feed). From Catherine Grant.
- Free as in Science (RSS feed). From Sandeep Gautam.
- Free Government Information (RSS feed). From Jim A. Jacobs and others.
- Free US ETDs (FUSE). "Promoting Open Access to American graduate research". From Gail Clement.
- Gavin Baker (RSS feed). From Gavin Baker.
- Only the posts about open access (RSS feed)
- Greek Open Science (RSS feed) From Nikos Karagiannakis. In Greek.
- Gulliver Turtle's Blog (RSS feed). From Gulliver, BioMed Central's open access turtle.
- A Hacker's View: Open Access, Digital Publishing, and Academic Writing (RSS feed). From Andrea Hacker.
- Harvard Open Data Project (No RSS Feed). From Neel Mehta, Athena Kan, Brian Sapozhnikov, and Chris Kuang.
- hinc-omnia (RSS feed) . Based out of Uniwersytet Warszawski. In Polish.
- Huddersfield Open Access Publishing (RSS feed). From the Huddersfield Open Access Publishing project, which is part of the JISC Digital infrastructure programme.
- ICA Commission on Open Source Geospatial Technologies (RSS Feed). From Dr. Suchith Anand and Thierry Badard. Wikidata: Q76435654.
- ICDE Blog. (No RSS feed). From International Council For Open And Distance Education, "global membership organization for online, open and flexible education including e-learning."
- I Love Open Access "Arguments for Open Access to Research Results".
- The Imaginary Journal of Poetic Economics (RSS feed). From Heather Morrison.
- Indian IDR World (RSS feed). "Blog on Indian Institutional Repository." From Ziaul Haque.
- Informationsplattform Open Access (RSS feed). In German. A joint project of the Universities of Bielefeld, Goettingen, Constance, and the Free University of Berlin.
- Iniedigital (RSS feed) Education Research Institute (INIE)Journal Actualidades Investigativas en Educación University of Costa Rica. In Spanish. From Isabel Jara Quesada and Alejandro Vílchez Barboza.
- InTechWeb Blog (RSS feed). From InTechWeb.
- Intellectual Property and "Open" Movements Blog (No RSS Feed). From James 'Kip' Currier.
- International Scholarly Open Access Research (ISOAR). From Subhan Sree.
- Open Archaeology (RSS feed). From Stefano Costa.
- iterating toward openness (RSS feed). From David Wiley.
- InfoDoc MicroVeille (RSS feed). From Hans Dillaerts.
- Jeszke (RSS feed). From Łukasz Jeszke. In Polish.
- JoRD. (RSS feed). From JoRD (Journal Research Data Policy Bank).
- Journalology (RSS feed). From Matt Hodgkinson.
- Knowledge Ecology International (RSS feed) Wikidata: Q76435628.
- L’édition électronique ouverte (RSS feed). "The open electronic publishing blog." From Marin Dacos and others at the Centre pour l'édition électronique ouverte (CLEO). In French.
- Lessig blog (RSS feed). From Lawrence Lessig.
- Lever Initiative (No RSS feed). Investigating open access in American liberal arts colleges for The Oberlin Group.
- Libertas Academica (RSS feed). "Open access journals, science, and the publishing business." From Libertas Academica, the OA journal publisher.
- Liber-Libre[ (RSS feed)]. From Erin Clupp, librarian, archivist and bookbinder.
- LOCH. Lessons in Open Access Compliance for Higher Education. (RSS Feed). From Dominik Tate, University of Edinburgh.
- LSE Impact Blog. From the London School of Economics and Political Science. Covers various scholarly communication topics, including open access. Wikidata: Q77710848.
- MALAYSIAN OPEN ACCESS SUPPORT GROUP From Muhammad Akmal Ahmat. In Malaysian.
- McBlawg (RSS feed). From Graham Steel.
- (No RSS feed.) "Open Access Medical Research and Health News". Anon.
- Michael Geist Blog (RSS feed). From Michael Geist.
- MIT Society for Open Science (RSS feed). From the MIT student group, MIT Society for Open Science.
- Modus Operandi for Repository Deposits (RSS feed). From the JISC-Funded DepositMO project.
- Mohylianska bibliotekarka (RSS feed). From Tetiana Yaroshenko. In Ukrainian.
- NARAtions (RSS feed). "A Blog about Online Public Access to the Records of the U.S. National Archives."
- Nationaler Open-Access-Kontaktpunkt OA2020-DE. (No RSS feed). From Allianz der deutschen Wissenschaftsorganisationen. In German.
- Netzwerk von Open-Access-Repositorien (RSS feed). From the Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerkinformation (DINI). In German.
- The New Open Access (NOA) for journal publishing industry (RSS feed). From Reza Farrahi.
- OAnarchy (RSS Feed). From Josh Bolick, Ada Emmett, Marc L. Greenberg, Town Peterson, and Brian Rosemblum.
- Open Access Bangladesh (No RSS Feed). From Golam Mustafa, Dr. Anisuzzaman Khan, Lutful Hafiz, Ashraful Kabir Jewel, Dr. Mirza Rezaul Islam, Dr. Md. Mustafizur Rahman, and Mamun Abdul Kaioum. Wikidata: Q76435629.
- Open Access India Building Open Access Movement in India. Wikidata: Q76435012.
- OA Bibliography (RSS feed). From Lucia Bertini. In English and Italian.
- OA Books: Publizieren in der Wissenschaft. (No RSS feed). From Sarah-Mai Dang. In German.
- OpenAire Blog (RSS Feed). From the National Open Access Desks; focused on Europe.
- OA Good Practice Pathfind Project - Bath (RSS feed). Reporting on the JISC-Funded Project run by the GW4 partnership between the University of Bath, University of Bristol, Cardiff University and University of Exeter.
- OA Librarian (RSS feed). From Heather Morrison and Andrew Waller.
- OA@UCD (RSS feed). From the University College Dublin.
- OAMPHJ (Open Access Medical and Public Health Journals: links to latest updates) (RSS feed).
- OASCIR (RSS feed). "Building an Institutional Repository for the University of Khartoum's Faculty of Science." From Pablo de Castro and Rania Baleela.
- OASPA News and Comment (RSS feed). From the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA).
- The Occasional Pamphlet (RSS feed). From Stuart Shieber.
- OCW Blog (RSS feed). "Blogging the OpenCourseWare and OER Movements." From Mike Caulfield.
- OERderves (RSS feed). From Marshall Smith, Catherine Casserly, and Phoenix Wang.
- OER Research Hub (No RSS Feed). From Patrick McAndrew, Martin Weller, Robert Farrow, and Beck Pitt.
- OER World Map (RSS Feed). From Philipp von Böselager, Karin Driesen, Dr. Robert Farrow, Felix Link, Jan Neumann, Felix Ostrowski, Adrian Pohl, Johannes Schnettker, Ben Buschfeld. Wikidata: Q76434424.
- OJS Latin America (RSS feed). "Regional news and information about Open Journal Systems." From Open Journal Systems.
- OKF Open Science Working Group (No RSS feed?). From Open Knowledge Foundation. In German.
- oMedPub (RSS feed). From iMedPub.
- Omega Alpha Open Access (RSS feed). "Advocate for open access academic publishing in religion and theology." From Gary Daught.
- Open... (RSS feed). From Glyn Moody.
- Open Access all'Universita di Torino (No RSS feed). From L'Universita di Torino. In Italian.
- Open Access Belgium – Promoting Open Science From Ghent Univeristy Library and University of Liège Library.
- Open Access blogg RSS feed). In Norwegian.
- Open Access Facil From Octavio Ruiz Jorge Vaca. In Spanish.
- Open Access Initiatives: India (RSS feed). From Sehdeep Kaur at the University of British Columbia.
- Open Access for All (RSS feed). From Jenna Horowitz.
- Open Access Linguistics (RSS feed). From George Walken.
- Open Access - Making Sense (RSS feed). Associated with the JISC OA pathfinder project and Oxford Brookes University.fope
- Open Access Media Studies From Jeroen Sondervan and the European Network for Cinema and Media Studies (NECS).
- Open Access to Scholarly Communication (RSS feed). From Frank van Laerhoven at Utrecht University.
- Open Access to Scientific Communication (RSS feed). From Hans Dillaerts and Helene Bosc. In English and French.
- Open Folklore (No RSS feed). From the Open Folklore Project, including Julie Bobay and Timothy Lloyd.
- Open Syllabus Project (No RSS feed). Created using a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Wikidata: Q23760279.
- openfigures (RSS feed). Compiled figures and images from open access papers from Public Library of Science (PLOS).
- OpenAccess@StAndrews. From St Andrews University Library.
- Open.Michigan blog. From the University of Michigan Open.Michigan project (No RSS feed?).
- Open2Learn (RSS feed). From Robert Hughes, Jr.
- (RSS feed). In Greek. From Vangelis Banos.
- Open@VT (RSS feed). Open access at Virginia Tech. From Philip Young.
- OpenBibBlog (RSS feed). "Das Blog zu OpenBib und OPAC 2.0." From Oliver Flimm. In German.
- (RSS feed). From Charlie Greenberg.
- OpenContentLawyer (RSS feed). From Jordan S. Hatcher.
- Opening Research at Reading Blog (ORRB) (RSS Feed). From Alice Sutton, Robert Darby, and Karen Rowlett.
- Openining Scholarship. (RSS feed) "Voices from the South." From Laura Czerniewicz, Eve Gray, Michael Paskevicius, Ed Rybicki, Shihaam Shaikh, and Michelle Willmers.
- Opening Science (RSS feed). From the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG).
- Open-STEPS (No RSS feed?). From Alex Corbi and Margo Thierry.
- OpenStreetMap Blog (RSS feed). From OpenStreetMap. Wikidata: Q76435019.
- The OpenScience Project (RSS feed). From Dan Gezelter and others, focusing on free and open-source scientific software.
- OpenScience (No RSS Feed). From Wageningen University & Research.
- Open Access (RSS feed). From Karen Marie Øvern, Klaus Tollan, and Aneta Laskowsk. In Norwegian.
- Open Access @ CUNY (RSS feed). "Highlighting open access efforts across the University". From librarians at the City University of New York.
- Open Access Advocate (RSS feed). Anon.
- Open Access Anthropology (RSS feed). From Kerim Friedman, Alex Golub, Kambiz Kamrani, and Christopher Kelty.
- Open Access Archeology (RSS feed). From Doug.
- Open Access Archivangelism (RSS feed). From Stevan Harnad. Wikidata: Q54863830.
- Open Access Blog. In Dutch.
- Open @ CUNY (RSS feed). "Just another CUNY Academic Commons site." From CUNY Academic Commons.
- Open Access & Open Data (RSS feed). From The Central Medical Library of the University Medical Center Groningen in the Netherlands.
- Open Access, Freedom Space (RSS feed). From Zhiming Wang.
- Open Access Good Practice (RSS feed). From Sarah Fahmy. Project advisory group comprised of Jisc, ARMA, SCONUL, and RLUK.
- Open Access in Hannover (RSS feed). "Informationen und Veranstaltungen über Open Access in Hannover." In German.
- Open Access i Sverige "Kungliga bibliotekets blogg för alla som arbetar med open access i Sverige." (RSS feed). From Kungliga Bibliotekeket, The National Library of Sweden. In Swedish.
- Open Access Japan (RSS feed). Maintained by Shinji Mine. In Japanese.
- Open-Access-Netzwerk (RSS feed). From Robin Malitz. In German.
- An Open Access Peon. No RSS feed? From Tim Brody.
- Open Access Publisering (RSS feed). From Karen Marie Øvern. In Norwegian.
- Open Access Publishing Blog. (No RSS feed?)
- Open Access Week - October 19-23, 2009 (RSS feed). Wikidata: Q2000002.
- Open and Shut? (RSS feed). From Richard Poynder. Wikidata: Q76428994.
- Open Archaeology (RSS feed). From (The blog is the home page.)
- Open Assembly Blog. Founded by Domi Enders.
- Open Book Alliance (RSS feed). From Peter Brantley and Gary Reback. The blog is the OBA home page. Wikidata: Q7095963.
- Open Book Publishers Blog: Knowledge is for sharing. (RSS feed). From Open Book Publishers, UK.
- Open Chemistry Web (RSS feed). From Will Griffiths.
- Open Cloud Consortium (RSS feed). Wikidata: Q7095978.
- Open Content Alliance blog (RSS feed). From the OCA (the blog is its home page).
- Open Course Ware blog (RSS feed). From John Dehlin and others.
- Open Culture (RSS feed). "The best free cultural & educational media on the web."
- Open Data. (RSS feed). From The World Bank.
- Open Data Commons (RSS feed). From Jordan Hatch. Wikidata: Q2025635.
- Open Data Em Portugal (RSS feed). From Filipe Cruz. Portuguese language.
- Open Data Foundation (RSS feed). From the Open Data Foundation.
- Open Data Forum Blog (No RSS feed). In Dutch.
- Open Data Now. From Joel Gurin
- The Open Dinosaur Project (RSS feed). From Andy Farke, Matt Wedel, and Mike Taylor.
- open & distance learning "Reflections and ideas on open and distance learning." From Irwin Devries.
- Open Economics Blog: A Companion Blog for Open Economics, a Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal. (RSS feed). "A blog proposed by Hypotheses."
- Open Ed Evangelist. (No RSS feed). From Devin Soper.
- Open Education News (RSS feed). From David Wiley and others.
- Opening Educational Practices in Scotland (RSS feed). Led by the Open University in Scotland.
- Open Electronic Publishing (RSS feed). From the OpenEdition platform, developed by the Centre for Open Electronic Publishing (Cléo, France).
- Open Everything[* (RSS feed). "Open-Data, Open-Access & Open-Design". In German.
- Open Exeter(RSS feed). "Human Factors in Research Data Management".
- Open Glam (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums)(RSS feed). From The Open Knowledge Foundation.
- Open Government Blog (RSS feed). From the White House of the Obama administration.
- Open Humanities. From the Working Group on Humanities at the Open Knowledge Foundation. (No RSS feed?)
- Open Knowledge Finland Blog (No RSS feed). In English and Finnish.
- Open Knowledge Foundation Weblog (RSS feed). From Rufus Pollock and others.
- Open Librarian(RSS feed). From Gerry McKiernan.
- Open Mathbook (RSS feed). From Albert Schueller.
- Open Matters(RSS feed). From MIT.
- Open Movements(RSS feed). From Stefan Baack. In German.
- Open Objects (RSS feed). From Mia Ridge.
- Open Personalized Health Informatics (RSS feed). "Open Access + Open Code + Open Data = Better Family Health."
- Open Pharma blog. (No RSS feed). From Oxford PharmaGenesis.
- Open PuMa – open science in public management research. (No RSS feed). From Caroline Fischer. In German.
- Open Reading Frame (RSS feed). From Bill Hooker.
- Open Recognition Alliance: Opening recognition for all. (No RSS feed).
- Open Repository Blog (RSS feed). From Graham Triggs.
- Open Research Online (RSS feed). From Colin Smith and Sheila Chudasama at the (UK) Open University.
- Open Scholar C.I.C.. From a group of scholars, editors, and librarians working to improve scholarly evaluation and communication.
- Open Scholarship(RSS feed) "Promoting open knowledge and working practices within the University of Edinburgh". From The University of Edinburgh.
- Open Science dot com(RSS feed). A guide to Open Access publishing and Open Science. The blog is owned by De Gruyter Open. Most of blog posts by Witold Kieńć.
- Open Science Collaboration Blog. An open collaboration supported by the Center for Open Science.
- Open Science and Innovation Research Group (OSI) (RSS Feed). From Eduard Aibar Puentes, Josep Lladós Masllorens, Dr. Antoni Meseguer-Artola, Julià Minguillón, Maura Lerga, Peter Dunajcsik, Pedro Jacobetty, Óscar David Sánchez, and Rosen Bogdanov.
- Open Scotland: Promoting the Development and Adoption of Open Education Polices and Practices in Scotland. Started after the Open Scotland Summit.
- Open Source Open History (RSS feed). From William G. Thomas.
- Open Source Paleontologist (RSS feed). From Andy.
- Open Students (RSS feed). "Student news from the OA movement." From the Right to Research Coalition.
- Open Students (RSS feed). From Gavin Baker. (No longer updated.)
- Open Thinking (RSS feed). "Rants & resources from an open educator." From Alex Couros.
- Opening Science (RSS feed). From The Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG).
- Opening Scientific Communication (RSS feed). From the Euroscience Working Group on Open Access.
- OpenUP Hub. (No RSS feed?). From an EC-funded H2020 project.
- Open Working: An Experiment in Open Working from 4TU.Centre for Research Data & TU Delft Research Data Services (Note! This is a test site, so URLs may change!). (No RSS feed).
- Open World (RSS feed). From Lorna M. Campbell.
- Operation beprexit – Documenting Penn Libraries' journey toward open source repository solutions. (RSS feed). From University of Pennsylvania.
- OptimalScholarship (RSS feed). From Alma Swan.
- Optimising resources to develop a strategic approach to Open Access (RSS feed). From Nick Woolley, David Young, and Ellen Cole at Northumbria University.
- Orwik: The Open Science Platform (RSS feed). From Barak Shahen.
- Otwarta nauka (RSS feed). [Open Learning] In Polish.
- Outernet Blog (RSS feed). From Thane Richard.
- The Parachute (RSS feed). From Jan Velterop.
- PhysMath Central Blog (RSS feed). From Chris Leonard.
- PLoS Blog (RSS feed) From the Public Library of Science.
- PLOS ECR Community (Early Career Researcher) (RSS feed) "Diverse perspectives on science and medicine." Edited by Sara Kassabian, Andreas Vilhelmsson, Mary Gearing, and Meredith Wright.
- Publications Router No RSS Feed? From EDINA.
- PubChem Blog (RSS feed). From PubChem.
- Public Domain Review (No RSS feed). From the Open Knowledge Foundation.
- Public Knowledge Project (RSS feed) Wikidata: Q680086.
- Publish Open Access (RSS feed). From iMedPub.
- Publishing Archaeology Blog (RSS feed). From Michael E. Smith.
- RepositoryMan (RSS feed). From Les Carr.
- Repository News (RSS feed). From the repository team at Leeds Beckett University.
- Research Communications Strategy (RSS feed). From the JISC-funded RSC project.
- Return on Academic Research (RSS feed). From Association ROARS. In Italian.
- RSP Blog Directory. From The JISC-funded Repositories Support Project.
- SAS Open Journals (RSS feed). SAS = School of Advanced Study, University of London. From Peter Webster.
- Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week (SV-POW!) (RSS feed). Although this blog started out as pure palaeontology, it's now a 50-50 blend of sauropods and open-access advocacy.
- ScholarLed Blog (RSS feed). From ScholarLed.
- Scholarly Communication and Open Science (RSS Feed) From Yimei Zhu.
- Scholarly Communications @ Duke (RSS feed). From Kevin Smith.
- Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog (RSS feed). From Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
- Scholarly Open Access (RSS feed). "Critical analysis of scholarly open-access publishing." From Jeffrey Beall.
- Scholar Blog (RSS feed). From the KUBIS Center for Scholarly Communication at the University of Copenhagen. In Danish.
- Science Hubs and Hub Science (RSS Feed). From Stéphane Mottin.
- Scientific Data Sharing Project. No RSS feed? From the Data Sharing Project, launched by Michael Weiner.
- ./scidecode science consulting & research (RSS feed). From Ulrich Herb. "Science consulting, open access, scientific publishing, open knowledge & open science." Mostly in English language but partially in German language.
- A Scientist and the Web (RSS feed). From Peter Murray-Rust.
- Share Anthropology (RSS feed). "Sharing and disseminating open access anthropology." From Kerim Friedman.
- SHERPA Services Blog(RSS feed). "Opening Access to research". From JISC, The Joint Information Systems Committee.
- Sociology of Science and Open Access. From Luis-Reyes Galindo.
- SocOpen: The SocArXiv blog "Open archive of the social sciences."
- SONEX (Scholarly Output Notification and Exchange) blog (RSS feed). From the JISC-funded SONEX project.
- SPARC blog (RSS feed). From SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition).
- Sphere (RSS feed). From Eloy Rodrigues and others. In Portuguese.
- Spreading Science (RSS feed). From Richard Gayle and others.
- Only the posts about open access.
- SpringerOpen Blog (RSS Feed). From Regina Bauer, Scott Epstein, and Wakey Lau.
- Storytelling with Open Data. "Visualizations of open datasets with R and Python." From Tarjin Rahman.
- Subbiah Arunachalam: Open Access Advocate (RSS feed). From Subbiah Arunachalam.
- Peter Suber's blog at Google+. (Successor to his older blog, Open Access News, 2002-2010.) From Peter Suber.
- The One Repo blog (RSS Feed) From Mike Taylor and Index Data.
- The Open Data Research Portal (RSS feed). From Fraunhofer Fokus. In Dutch and English.
- Trinity's Open Access News. (RSS feed). Wikidata: Q76428967.
- UCR publicaa (RSS fedd). From the Latindex Project Representatives at the University of Costa Rica. In Spanish.
- UJDigispace (RSS feed). "Institutional repository and scholarly communication." (UJ = University of Johannesburg.) From Matizi.
- UK Council of Research Repositories (RSS feed). From Jenny Delasalle, Mary Robinson, and the committee of the UKCoRR.
- UK Open Textbooks. (RSS feed). Promoting the use of openly licensed textbooks in UK higher education.
- Universo Abierto (RSS feed). From Biblioteca de la Facultad de Traducción y Documentación de la Universidad de Salamanca (Spain). In Spanish.
- Unlocking Research (RSS feed). From University of Cambridge Office of Scholarly Communication.
- Useful Chemistry (RSS feed). From Jean-Claude Bradley and others.
- USFSP Open Access (RSS Feed). From Nelson Poynter Memorial Library.
- Utah Open Textbook Project. "Determining the Cost Effectiveness and Educational Effectiveness of Open Textbooks." From Brigham Young University.
- The Value of Openness "The PatientsLikeMe Blog." (RSS feed).
- VIKAS PSOAR (RSS feed). Pharmaceutical Sciences Open Access Resources: Vikas PSOAR and Vikas PGIAR. From Vikas Anand Saharan, Mahesh Kataria, and Vipin Kukkar.
- blog (RSS feed). About free course materials. In German.
- Who Needs Access? You Need Access! (RSS feed). From the @ccessworking group.
- Wide Open (RSS feed). From John Hilton III.
- John Wilbanks' Blog (RSS feed). From John Wilbanks.
- Wissenschaftsurheberrecht (RSS feed). From Eric Steinhauer. In German.
- (RSS feed). From Heinz Pampel, Cornelius Puschmann, Nils Windisch, and Robert Forkel. In German.
- WoW! Wouter on the Web (RSS feed). From Wouter Gerritsma.
See also
- List of blogs about open access in Wikidata.