OA tracking project

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Oad2.jpeg This list is part of the Open Access Directory.

  • This is the home page of the Open Access Tracking Project (OATP).

The Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) now runs on TagTeam.

The project is alive, well, and better than ever on its new and more powerful software platform. Please bear with us while we revise all the OATP pages to reflect this change. In the meantime, see our handout on the Transition to TagTeam and our Introduction to TagTeam itself.

  • OATP uses social tagging to capture new OA developments comprehensively and in real time. Participants tag OA-related developments using the tagging platforms of their choice. Open-source software developed for OATP, called TagTeam, pulls these separate efforts together, creating a primary project feed of new OA developments and a series of secondary feeds on a range of OA subtopics. The project launched on April 16, 2009, and there's a full-length description of it in the SPARC Open Access Newsletter for May 2, 2009. It started on Connotea and moved to TagTeam on September 17, 2012.
  • Some of the OATP pages here in the Open Access Directory are temporarily closed to public edits while the project works out methods for communal governance.