Disciplinary repositories

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This list is part of the Open Access Directory.

  • This is a list of OA disciplinary repositories (also called central or subject repositories). Unless otherwise noted, they accept relevant deposits regardless of the author's institutional affiliation.
  • This list includes both preprint and postprint repositories.
  • When possible, please indicate the institution hosting or maintaining the repository. If a repository only accepts submissions in certain languages, please indicate the languages. If a repository is open in some respects but not others, please include it with an annotation rather than exclude it.
  • Wikidata identifier for this page: Q56229148.
  • Alphabetical by field.


  • ICRISAT. International Crops Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics Open Access Repository. From the ICRISAT.
  • Infoteca-e. The collections comprise self-edited materials such as books for technology transfer, primers, radio and television programs with information related to the several areas of expertise. Appropriate language is used to ensure that farmers, extensionists, agricultural technicians, students and teachers from rural schools, cooperatives and other sectors of agricultural production are able to assimilate information more easily and, as a result, to appropriate themselves of the technologies developed by Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa). From the Embrapa.


  • Mana'o. A repository for anthropology of the Asia-Pacific region, hosted by the the Department of Anthropology at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa.

Architecture and Civil Engineering


Art history

  • ART-Dok. German, English, French etc.


Biology / Life sciences

  • Also see medicine.
  • Nature Precedings. Documents in bioinformatics, genetics, molecular cell biology, neuroscience, ecology, and several other subjects.


  • EconStor. The repository focuses on Publications from Germany, mainly from institutions, but also from single authors.


  • Also see literature.
  • PropylaeumDOK. German, English etc. Fields: Egyptology, ancient history, classical archaeology, classical philology, prehistoric archaeology.

Cognitive science

Computer science

  • Also see mathematics.
  • CiteSeerx. Successor to CiteSeer. From Lee Giles. (The original CiteSeer was from Giles, Steve Lawrence, and Kurt Bollacker.)
  • Vixra - Policy: English. Digital Signal Processing, Data Structures and Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence.



Digital preservation

Earth science

  • EarthArXiv Preprint server for the Earth sciences.
  • Earth Prints. Focuses on atmosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere, solid Earth, and Earth sciences in general. All languages.
  • GEO-LEO. English, German, etc., but only publications from the German speaking area.


  • EconStor. The repository focuses on Publications from Germany, mainly from institutions, but also from single authors.
  • Munich RePEc Personal Archive. All languages. "The topic should relate to economics, including the contiguous historical, social, and behavioral sciences and statistical as well as mathematical methods related to economics."

Education 1 (Research)

(This is a list of repositories for research in the field of education. For repositories of open educational resources, see Education 2, below.)

  • African Higher Education Research Online. English. African Higher Education Research Online (AHERO) is an open access archive of texts that focus on the study, practice and governance of higher education in Africa.
  • OER Research. A repository for research on open educational resources (OERs). Accepts submissions "in just about every language" (Personal Mail, November 8, 2008). From IssueLab and the Hewlett Foundation.
  • TeLearn. Multilingual. TeLearn is a multidisciplinary and multilingual open archive on technology enhanced learning (TEL). It was launched late 2006 by the Kaleidoscope European Network of Excellence (EC funded project of the 6th R&D framework programme).

Education 2 (OER)

(This is a list of repositories for open educational resources. Also see the OAD list of OER lists, in our section of Lists maintained by others. For repositories for research in the field of education, see Education 1, above.)

  • MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching).
  • JorumOpen. Open educational resources from the UK.
  • Pedocs. German educational portal.



  • engrXiv Temporary home for engrXiv PrePrints, hosted by the Open Science Framework (OSF).

Environmental science

  • GreenFILE. From EBSCO. Some texts are scholarly and some are not. Some are just OA abstracts and some are OA full-texts.

German Literature and Language

Humanitarian aid

Humanities in general

  • Hprints. All languages. A division of HAL focusing on the humanities.
  • HAL-SHS. All languages. A division of HAL focusing on the humanities and social sciences.


  • Also see SSRN under Social sciences, below.

Library and information science

  • E-LIS. International in scope. All languages. Abstracts in English.
  • DList. English. As of 2013, DLIST is temporarily closed to new submissions.


  • semanticsarchive.net. "For exchanging papers of interest to natural language semanticists and philosophers of language."


  • Also see classics.

Marine science

  • Aquatic Commons. The fresh- and brackish-water counterpart to OceanDocs, below. (From the same agencies?)
  • Avano. Harvesting many marine science repositories for OAI-based cross-archive searching. From L'Ifremer (Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer, or the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea).
  • Archimer (Archive Institutionnelle de l'Ifremer). From L'Ifremer (Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer, or the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea).


  • Also see computer science.
  • Arxiv. Fields: Physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, and statistics.
  • Vixra - Physics, mathematics, computational science, biology, chemistry, humanities, academics. Policy in English.


  • Also see biology / life sciences.
  • Open Medical Abstracts. OMA is an Open Access-exclusive abstracting service covering all areas of medical sciences (e.g., Psychiatry, Neurology, Physiology, Dentistry, etc.) only Open Access materials from peer-reviewed journals are included. The service is provided free-of-charge and the database is updated quarterly.
  • OpenMED@NIC. All languages (non-English documents must have metadata, abstract and keywords in English). Fields: "Medical and Allied Sciences including Bio-Medical, Medical Informatics, Dental, Nursing and Pharmaceutical Sciences".


Multidisciplinary repositories

  • Also see Humanities; Social Sciences.
  • CORE! (Commons Open Repository Exchange). A "a library-quality repository for sharing, discovering, retrieving, and archiving digital work." By MLA Commons.
  • Iniciativa Metabiblioteca (MetaBibilioteca Initiative). Biblioteca Digital de Libros de Acceso Abierto (Digital Library of Open Access Books). In Spanish and English.
  • IssueLab. For research by non-profit organizations, in any field.
  • Latindex. "A regional network with participation of national focal points in 18 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean." In Spanish.
  • OpenDOAR (The Directory of Open Access Repositories). Searches can be limited to disciplinary repositories.
  • Zenodo. Open content from all fields of the sciences.


Nuclear Sciences



  • For logic, see Mathematics.
  • PhilPapers. From David Chalmers and David Bourget.
  • semanticsarchive.net. "For exchanging papers of interest to natural language semanticists and philosophers of language."


  • Arxiv - Policy: all languages. Fields: Physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, and statistics.
  • InterNano. For "resources about the advances in applications, devices, metrology, and materials that will facilitate the commercial development and/or marketable application of nanotechnology." From the National Nanomanufacturing Network.
  • Vixra - Policy: English. Fields: Physics, mathematics, computational science, biology, chemistry, humanities, academics.

Political science

  • eDoc.ViFaPol. An OA section within ViFaPol (Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Politikwissenschaft). Mostly German. Mostly only for institutions not for single scholars.


  • HTP Prints. History and theory of psychology. All languages.

Public policy research

Regional studies

  • SavifaDok. English, German etc. Focusing on South Asian Studies.

Sciences in general

Social sciences in general

  • HAL-SHS. All languages. A division of HAL focusing on the humanities and social sciences.

Sport, Exercise and Physical Activity

Technology in general

See also