Careers in OA

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This list is part of the Open Access Directory.

This list is still under development. Every part of it may change before the official launch, including its title, URL, and method of organization.

  • This list contains specific job types found in Open Access. Due to the fluid nature of Open Access, this list can’t hope to be all inclusive.
  • Many of examples listed are no longer open. The links are provided as examples and may not reflect current listings. If the link leads to an error page, the link is red. It’s still included here to provide further examples of job types.
  • Contributors should add jobs as they see fit, and, if there is no description already available, contributors should create a description for the job.
  • This list is arranged alphabetically with a note of the types of institutions typically hiring for that type of job. Sections are not used because of the overlap of so many jobs would lead to a lot of duplicate entries. Additionally, any required degrees and whether it is a part or full-time position.
  • Related lists in OAD: Jobs in open access. NOTE: it’s no longer actively maintained but includes good examples of job ads that have been used to fill Open Access positions

Copyright Librarian/Advisor

This role may be full-time, or combined with other responsibilities (typically Scholarly Communications.) The candidate serves as an authority on copyright law, including its foundations and applications; works to organize and disseminate information on copyright law; and assists their organization in navigating copyright and licensing.

Curator of Digital Exhibits at a Museum

This normally full-time position works with authors, editors, and curators to develop content for the museum’s phone/tablet app, exhibition guides, audio/video scripts, and any other types of content that the museum displays. The role also ensures that item captions in the content management system are coded and categorized correctly. Additionally the position works with social media and other emerging technology trends to further the museum’s reach. Project management and other supervisory responsibilities may also be required in some museums.

  • Degrees Required: Graduate degree preferred. Bachelor’s degree in a field related to the museum’s mission. Experience can sometimes be combined with degrees to meet position requirements.
  • Institutions Offering Position:
  • Example Openings:

Digital Repository Librarian

This full-time job is often centered around both the hardware and software needed to make digital materials available. Common responsibilities include digitization of print materials, upgrading the web interface, and training staff and patrons on how to use the digital repository.

  • Degrees Required: None, however Computer Science would often increase the candidate’s chances for securing the job.
  • Institutions Offering Position: Academic Libraries, Organizations, Publishers
  • Example Openings:

Funding Assistant

This full-time position is responsible for helping the institution’s employees understand any and all government funding mandates. Additionally, the role is expected to give authors or other institution employees advice on how to proceed with publishing to a Gold OA. The position also monitors payments made to those Gold OAs by the institution.

  • Degrees Required: None listed in the job ads found however a degree in business of some sort seems like it would be more than useful.
  • Institutions Offering Position: Universities
  • Example Openings:

Manager of a Digitization Project or Data Project

This full time position is similar to the Digital Repository Librarian position above in that it is often centered around using and creating technology to make digital resources and data available. Candidates are often required to have a background in one of the following: library science, computer science, or research, with the ability to work in all three. Project management is an important skill for the position.

Metadata Officer

This position is full-time but fellowships are usually for a set term (with one year being the most common). The position works to extract metadata from documents in the institution’s repository and sets up technological workflows that can automate this extraction. The position is also often responsible for ensuring superior usability for the repository. Additionally, the position works to clear up any confusion between author and paper associations while making papers easily harvestable for other repositories.