Blogs about OA

From Open Access Directory
Revision as of 10:09, 15 July 2020 by LucyBarnes (talk | contribs) (→‎S: Added ScholarLed blog)
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This list is part of the Open Access Directory.

  • This is list of blogs which focus largely on open access.
  • Please indicate the blog's author or primary authors. When its primary language is not English, please indicate what it is.
  • If the blog has an RSS feed for its posts (as opposed to its comments), please link to it.
  • Wikidata identifier for this page: Q56229362.
  • Alphabetical.


  • Annotated AOA "Accessibility and OA Resources – Annotated." From Stewart Baker.


  • Biboer: Open Educational Resources in Bibliotheken. (RSS feed). In German. From Dr. Jürgen Plieninger at the Institut für Politikwissenschaft. Wikidata: Q76434413.








  • ICDE Blog. (No RSS feed). From International Council For Open And Distance Education, "global membership organization for online, open and flexible education including e-learning."




  • LOCH. Lessons in Open Access Compliance for Higher Education. (RSS Feed). From Dominik Tate, University of Edinburgh. Wikidata: Q76435011.
  • LSE Impact Blog. From the London School of Economics and Political Science. Covers various scholarly communication topics, including open access. Wikidata: Q77710848.


  • (No RSS feed.) "Open Access Medical Research and Health News". Anon.



  • Open Access Bangladesh (No RSS Feed). From Golam Mustafa, Dr. Anisuzzaman Khan, Lutful Hafiz, Ashraful Kabir Jewel, Dr. Mirza Rezaul Islam, Dr. Md. Mustafizur Rahman, and Mamun Abdul Kaioum. Wikidata: Q76435629.
  • OA Books: Publizieren in der Wissenschaft. (No RSS feed). From Sarah-Mai Dang. In German. Wikidata: Q76435061.
  • OASCIR (RSS feed). "Building an Institutional Repository for the University of Khartoum's Faculty of Science." From Pablo de Castro and Rania Baleela. Wikidata: Q76428925.
  • OER World Map (RSS Feed). From Philipp von Böselager, Karin Driesen, Dr. Robert Farrow, Felix Link, Jan Neumann, Felix Ostrowski, Adrian Pohl, Johannes Schnettker, Ben Buschfeld. Wikidata: Q76434424.
  • Open Folklore (No RSS feed). From the Open Folklore Project, including Julie Bobay and Timothy Lloyd.
  • Openining Scholarship. (RSS feed) "Voices from the South." From Laura Czerniewicz, Eve Gray, Michael Paskevicius, Ed Rybicki, Shihaam Shaikh, and Michelle Willmers.
  • Open-STEPS (No RSS feed?). From Alex Corbi and Margo Thierry.
  • Open Access @ CUNY (RSS feed). "Highlighting open access efforts across the University". From librarians at the City University of New York.
  • Open PuMa – open science in public management research. (No RSS feed). From Caroline Fischer. In German. Wikidata: Q76434429.
  • Open Scholar C.I.C.. From a group of scholars, editors, and librarians working to improve scholarly evaluation and communication.
  • Open Working: An Experiment in Open Working from 4TU.Centre for Research Data & TU Delft Research Data Services (Note! This is a test site, so URLs may change!). (No RSS feed). Wikidata: Q76434430.


  • PLOS ECR Community (Early Career Researcher) (RSS feed) "Diverse perspectives on science and medicine." Edited by Sara Kassabian, Andreas Vilhelmsson, Mary Gearing, and Meredith Wright. Wikidata: Q76435094.





  • Universo Abierto (RSS feed). From Biblioteca de la Facultad de Traducción y Documentación de la Universidad de Salamanca (Spain). In Spanish.


  • VIKAS PSOAR (RSS feed). Pharmaceutical Sciences Open Access Resources: Vikas PSOAR and Vikas PGIAR. From Vikas Anand Saharan, Mahesh Kataria, and Vipin Kukkar. Wikidata: Q76428999.


  • (RSS feed). From Heinz Pampel, Cornelius Puschmann, Nils Windisch, and Robert Forkel. In German.

See also