Discontinued blogs about OA
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This list is part of the Open Access Directory.
- This is a list of blogs about OA that have ceased publishing.
- Whenever possible, please include the date when the blog stopped publishing.
- If archives are available please provide the URL.
- Alphabetical order.
- Related lists in OAD: Blogs about OA
- A Blog Around the Clock. From Bora Zivkovic.
- Posts on Open Science at Scienceblogs June 29, 2006 - July 19, 2010.
- Acceso Abierto (RSS feed). From Carolina De Volder. In Spanish.
- Acceso Abierto en Bibliotecas Universitarias. In Spanish. May 15, 2007 - June 15, 2007. The searchable archive remains online.
- Acesso Livre. From Maria Feminino. In Portuguese. June 4, 2008 - July 28, 2008. The searchable archive remains online.
- Acesso Livre Brasil. From IBICT (Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia). In Portuguese. March 17, 2006 - December 14, 2010. The searchable archive remains online.
- Access Denied?: Fighting for the 'Right to Open Access (RSS feed) . A student-run blog inspired by the Right to Research Coalition.
- Access to Health Information (RSS feed). From Juan Ramos.
- access2research (RSS feed). From Michael Carroll, Heather Joseph, Mike Rossner, and John Wilbanks and others.
- Açık Erişim Dünyasından (RSS feed). ("Open Access to the World") From Ilkay Holt. In Turkish. November 20, 2005 - July 29, 2008. The searchable archive remains online.
- Agricultural Scholars for Open Access. From Sameera Wijerathna. January 13, 2010 - March 26, 2010. The searchable archive remains online.
- Areana libaries. From Hossein Mokhtari. Archives no longer available.
- Archives*Open. From David Kemper. November 5, 2008 - September 3, 2009. The searchable archive remains online.
- Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories (RSS feed). From the Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories.
- Beall's List of Predatory Open Access Journal Publishers . From Bill Cohen. In English.
- Blog o Open Access (RSS feed). From Roman Bogacewicz. In Polish.
- Blogue du GTA(RSS feed). In French.
- Caveat Lector. By Dorothea Salo. (Dates unknown.) The archive is no longer online.
- Chemistry Central Blog (RSS feed). From Gino D'Oca.
- Cibertecário 0.2. From Eloy Rodrigues. In Portuguese. March 28, 2008 - April 10, 2010. The searchable archive remains online.
- Citizendium Blog. From Larry Sanger. October 30, 2006 - September 22, 2010. The searchable archive remains online.
- ©ollectanea (RSS feed) From Peggy Hoon.
- Common Knowledge. From John Wilbanks. October 8, 2008 - March 3, 2011. The searchable archive remains online.
- Conocimiento Abierto. From Emanuel Malfatti. In Spanish.
- DataShare Blog. From the JISC DataShare project. July 27, 2007 - April 1, 2010. The searchable archive remains online.
- La Ecología de los Repositorios From OS-Repositories. In Spanish. November 30, 2007 - December 21, 2007. The searchable archive remains online.
- EPrints Insiders. By Steve Hitchcock and the EPrints Community. October 20, 2005 - December 18, 2007. The searchable archive remains online.
- Forskningsdata. From the Forskningsdata og Open Access project. In Danish. March 20, 2010 - November 4, 2010. The searchable archive remains online.
- Free Our Books. From Toni Prug, Benjamin Geer, and the UK Free Our Books project. July 25, 2009 - March 30, 2011. The searchable archive remains online.
- Free Our Data. From Charles Arthur. March 16, 2006 - June 15, 2011. The searchable archive remains online.
- The Free Science Flying Circus. From Patternizer. June 29, 2010 - July 8, 2010. The searchable archive remains online.
- Free the Books. From Georgia Harper and Maria E. Gonzalez at the University of Texas Libraries. November 27, 2007 - April 8, 2009. The searchable archive remains online.
- Gateway to Open Access Resources. From R. Prabu. November 28, 2008 - April 29, 2010. The searchable archive remains online.
- Gray Area. From Eve Gray. July 16, 2006 - May 25, 2010. The searchable archive remains online.
- Gutam Sridhar on Open Access Journals. From Sridhar Gutam. October 15, 2008 - May 15, 2009. The searchable archive remains online.
- In Between From Henk Ellermann. November 13, 2009 - February 17, 2011. The searchable archive remains online.
- Issues in Scholarly Communication. From the Auraria Library for the the University of Colorado Denver, Metropolitan State College of Denver, and Community College of Denver. August 26, 2004 - January 26, 2011. The searchable archive remains online.
- Legal Sources Subject to Open (RSS feed). From Ned Swanner, Olugbenga Ademodi, and Robb Farmer.
- Legal Transformation & Open Access (RSS feed). From Joshua Kubicki.
- Libre accès à l'information scientifique et technique (RSS feed). From the Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique (INIST). In French.
- OCW Blog (RSS feed). "Blogging the OpenCourseWare and OER Movements." From Mike Caulfield.
- OJSAN A blog about Open Access publishing and Open Journals System. In Norwegian. Editor and main contributor (so far) Karl Henrik Flyum, University of Oslo. Entries RSS-feed and Comments RSS-feed.
- Open Access. From Alicia López Medina and others. In Spanish. June 8, 2006 - December 16, 2009. The searchable archive remains online.
- Access at the University of Oregon. "About this Site." From JQ Johnson.
- Open Access Comments. From Katarina Lovrecic and InTechWeb.
- Open Access Day (RSS feed). From SPARC, PLoS, and Students for Free Culture.
- Open-Access.dk (RSS feed). From Anders Nielsen Agerbæk Kjøller. In Danish.
- Open Access News. From Peter Suber. May 26, 2002 - April 30, 2010. The searchable archive remains online at the original site, and also here.
- Open Access Press (RSS feed). The blog is the OAP home page.
- Open Access Resources for Engineers (RSS feed). From Kanwal Dhindsa.
- Open-Content-Reusable By Peter Pernías and Paco Sanguino. In Spanish. February 19, 2006 - April 14, 2010. The searchable archive remains online.
- Open Knowledge From the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. In Spanish.
- The Open Scientist (RSS feed). From David Rozak.
- Open Universe From the University of Salamanca. In Spanish.
- Open Text Book (RSS feed). From the Open Knowledge Foundation.
- OpenRePub Blog (RSS feed). From the OpenRePub project.
- Opinions On Open (RSS feed). "Open writings on open education, open technology, open governance, and the general state of open affairs." From Ahrash Bissell, Lee-Sean Huang, Alex Kozak, and Jane Park.
- the relog experiment. "Readings in open access, scholarly communication, and digital librarianship." From akosavic. (No RSS feed?)
- Scholarly Communication, Open Access, Open Science (RSS feed). From the University of Texas at Arlington.
- Science in the open. From Cameron Neylon
- Some Rights Reserved. (No RSS feed?) From Isaac Gilman.
- Terra Incognita (RSS feed). From Ken Udas.
- Transforming Scholarly Communication (RSS feed). From Adrian Ho. University of Minnesota Libraries.
- Wang Ying-wide blog (王应宽的博客) (RSS feed). In Chinese.
- Zugang zum Wissen Journal (RSS feed). From Eberhard Hilf. In German.