Publisher policies on NIH-funded authors: Difference between revisions

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(reviewed for currency 2/15/2022)
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*[ Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia]  
*[ Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University : formerly : Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia]  
**No specific policy as of 7/5/10.
**No specific policy as of 2/14/22.  (Reviewed for currency on 2/14/22.)

*[ AlphaMed Press]
*[ AlphaMed Press]
**AlphaMed Press now copublishes with Wiley/Blackwell.  Wiley-Blackwell will support our authors by posting the accepted version of articles by NIH grant-holders to PubMed Central upon acceptance by the journal. The accepted version is the version that incorporates all amendments made during peer review, but prior to the publisher’s copy-editing and typesetting. This accepted version will be made publicly available 12 months after publication.(Reviewed for currency on 6/30/10)  
**AlphaMed Press now copublishes with Wiley/Blackwell.  Wiley-Blackwell will support our authors by posting the accepted version of articles by NIH grant-holders to PubMed Central upon acceptance by the journal. The accepted version is the version that incorporates all amendments made during peer review, but prior to the publisher’s copy-editing and typesetting. This accepted version will be made publicly available 12 months after publication.(Reviewed for currency on 2/03/2022)  

*[ American Academy of Neurology]  
*[ American Academy of Neurology]  
**AAN copublishes with LWW.  For manuscripts accepted on or after April 7, 2008:  Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins (LWW) will submit an electronic version, on behalf of the authors, of the final published article of any study funded by NIH (or in which any of the authors are funded by NIH) to PubMed Central (PMC) for publication 12 months after print or online publication (whichever is first) ''(Reviewed for currency on 7/5/10)  
**AAN copublishes with WoltersKluwer (LWW).  For manuscripts accepted on or after April 7, 2008:  The publisher will submit an electronic version, on behalf of the authors, of the final published article of any study funded by NIH (or in which any of the authors are funded by NIH) to PubMed Central (PMC) for publication 12 months after print or online publication (whichever is first) ''(Reviewed for currency on 2/15/2022)  
*[ American Academy of Ophthalmology]  
*[ American Academy of Ophthalmology]  
**AAO copublishes with Elsevier. Sent by Elsevier to Pub Med Central for public access 12 months after final publication. The version of the article provide by Elsevier is the final accepted version after peer-review but without copyediting. (Reviewed for currency on 7/5/10)
**AAO copublishes with Elsevier. NIH-funded authors and NIH employees are required to deposit to PubMed Central (PMC), or have submitted on their behalf, their Accepted Manuscript, to appear on PMC no later than 12 months after final publication. As a service to our authors, where the author has identified themselves as being NIH funded or an NIH employee, Elsevier will deposit the accepted manuscript to PMC on behalf of the author, to be made publicly available after 12 months.. (Reviewed for currency on 10/25/2020)

*[ American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons]
*[ American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons]
**No specific policy as of 9/14/2011.
**No specific policy as of 9/14/2011.

*[ American Academy of Pediatrics] [[Previous policy]]
*[  American Academy of Pediatrics] [[Previous policy]]
*Policy for ''Pediatrics''.  
*Policy for ''Pediatrics''.  
**For articles published beginning in January 2011, PEDIATRICS will deposit papers to PubMed Central. For articles published January 2011, the author must deposit manuscript. The journal requires that the author choose the 12-month embargo option when submitting the final, peer-reviewed manuscript to PubMed Central. (Reviewed for currency on 6/09/2012)
**For NIH-funded authors who publish in PEDIATRICS, the AAP, the publisher of the journal, requires that you choose the 12-month embargo period. During the PubMed Central manuscript submission process, you will be asked when the manuscript can be released; choose 12 months. This will keep your submission consistent with the journal's own embargo policy. PEDIATRICS will deposit NIH-funded papers to PubMed Central on behalf of the authors (still with the 12-month embargo) prior to publication. Article deposits after publication is the author(s) responsibility.(Reviewed for currency on 7/28/2020)

*[ American Academy of Periodontology]. Instructions for authors for Journal of Periodontology.  
*[ American Academy of Periodontology]. Instructions for authors for Journal of Periodontology.  
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**ASBMR copublishes with Wiley-Blackwell who supports authors by posting the accepted version of articles by NIH grant-holders to PubMed Central upon acceptance by the journal. The accepted version is the version that incorporates all amendments made during peer review, but prior to the publisher’s copy-editing and typesetting. This accepted version will be made publicly available 12 months after publication. (Reviewed for currency on 7/23/2010)
**ASBMR copublishes with Wiley-Blackwell who supports authors by posting the accepted version of articles by NIH grant-holders to PubMed Central upon acceptance by the journal. The accepted version is the version that incorporates all amendments made during peer review, but prior to the publisher’s copy-editing and typesetting. This accepted version will be made publicly available 12 months after publication. (Reviewed for currency on 7/23/2010)

*[ American Society for Clinical Investigation]  
*[ American Society for Clinical Investigation]  
**The JCI deposits articles in Pubmed Central prior to the date of publication, and these articles become available to the public immediately when the date of publication has been reached.  (Reviewed for currency 08/12/2010)
**All research articles published in the JCI is deposited in PubMed Central (PMC), and the content is freely available on the PMC website three months after publication, making the JCI fully compliant with the National Institutes of Health Public Access Policy. Authors of articles published in the JCI do not need to deposit their articles separately in PubMed or PMC.  (Reviewed for currency on 04/24/2017)

*[ American Society for Investigative Pathology]
*[ American Society for Investigative Pathology]
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*[ American Society for Microbiology]  
*[ American Society for Microbiology]  
**ASM provides free access to full-text articles 6 months after the final version is published in an issue of one of the 9 primary research journals. For the review journals, Clinical Microbiology Reviews and Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, access to full-text articles is made freely available 1 year after an issue's publication.  (Reviewed for currency 04/14/2015)
**ASM provides free access to full-text articles 6 months after the final version is published in an issue of one of the 9 primary research journals. For the review journals, Clinical Microbiology Reviews and Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, access to full-text articles is made freely available 1 year after an issue's publication.  (Reviewed for currency 06/02/2016)

*[ American Society for Nutrition]
*[ American Society for Nutrition]
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**The nonexclusive right, after publication by ECS, to give permission to third parties to republish print versions of the Article or a translation thereof, or excerpts therefrom, without obtaining permission from ECS, provided the ECS-formatted version is not used for this purpose and provided the Article is not to be published in another journal. If the ECS version is used, permission from ECS must be obtained. (reviewed for currency 6/09/2012)
**The nonexclusive right, after publication by ECS, to give permission to third parties to republish print versions of the Article or a translation thereof, or excerpts therefrom, without obtaining permission from ECS, provided the ECS-formatted version is not used for this purpose and provided the Article is not to be published in another journal. If the ECS version is used, permission from ECS must be obtained. (reviewed for currency 6/09/2012)

*[ Elsevier]
*[ Elsevier]
**As a service to the authors, Elsevier will deposit to PubMed Central (PMC) author manuscripts on behalf of Elsevier authors reporting NIH funded research. Elsevier will send to PMC the final peer-reviewed manuscript, which was accepted for publication and sent to Elsevier’s production department, and that reflects any author-agreed changes made in response to peer-review comments. Elsevier will authorize the author manuscript’s public access posting 12 months after final publication. (reviewed for currency 9/30/2014)
** Due to the NIH being one of the first federal agencies to have a public access policy, Elsevier has a long standing arrangement to support their public access policy and this allowed us to test and learn how to best support US federally funded authors and agencies. In this arrangement we deposit the accepted manuscript on behalf of the author to PubMed Central after 12 months. We also deposit gold open access articles immediately. (reviewed for currency 7/8/2018)

*[ Emerald Group Publishing Limited]
*[ Emerald Group Publishing Limited]
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*[ Lippincott Williams & Wilkins]
*[ Lippincott Williams & Wilkins]
**Lippincott Williams & Wilkins will transmit the accepted manuscript to PubMed Central on the authors' behalf. Additional information will be available in the Instructions for Authors and Copyright Transfer Agreements for each LWW publication. For articles funded by the NIH, they will be made publically available 12 months after publication.(reviewed for currency 5/29/2013)
**Lippincott Williams & Wilkins will transmit the accepted manuscript to PubMed Central on the authors' behalf. Additional information will be available in the Instructions for Authors and Copyright Transfer Agreements for each LWW publication. For articles funded by the NIH, they will be made publically available 12 months after publication.(reviewed for currency 10/16/2017)

*[ Livres Hebdo]
*[ Livres Hebdo]
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**Mary Ann Liebert,Inc.publishers will deposit the final accepted paper (after copy -editing and proofreading) to PubMed Central (PMC) on behalf of the authors. The manuscript’s public access posting on PMC will occur 12 months after final publication. (reviewed for currency on 10/01/2015)
**Mary Ann Liebert,Inc.publishers will deposit the final accepted paper (after copy -editing and proofreading) to PubMed Central (PMC) on behalf of the authors. The manuscript’s public access posting on PMC will occur 12 months after final publication. (reviewed for currency on 10/01/2015)

*[ Massachusetts Medical Society]
*[ Massachusetts Medical Society]
**No specific policy as of 6/11/2012
**If the research supporting an article was funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the Wellcome Trust or another not-for-profit organization that requires authors to submit to a publically available, not-for-profit (non-institutional) repository,  NEJM will submit PDFs of the published version to the NIH Manuscript Submission System or Europe PubMed Central to be released six months after the article is published. (reviewed for currency on 01/20/2016

*[ MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute) ]
*[ MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute) ]
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**No specific policy as of 6/11/2012. As a service to the authors, Elsevier will deposit to PubMed Central (PMC) author manuscripts on behalf of Elsevier authors reporting NIH funded research. Elsevier will send to PMC the final peer-reviewed manuscript, which was accepted for publication and sent to Elsevier’s production department, and that reflects any author-agreed changes made in response to peer-review comments. Elsevier will authorize the author manuscript’s public access posting 12 months after final publication. (reviewed for currency 6/09/2012)  
**No specific policy as of 6/11/2012. As a service to the authors, Elsevier will deposit to PubMed Central (PMC) author manuscripts on behalf of Elsevier authors reporting NIH funded research. Elsevier will send to PMC the final peer-reviewed manuscript, which was accepted for publication and sent to Elsevier’s production department, and that reflects any author-agreed changes made in response to peer-review comments. Elsevier will authorize the author manuscript’s public access posting 12 months after final publication. (reviewed for currency 6/09/2012)  

*[ MIT Press]
*[ MIT Press]
**At this time, MIT Press does not submit articles on authors' behalf. You will need to do this yourself using the NIH Manuscript Submission System.  Depositing a manuscript takes only a few minutes and can be done by the primary (lead) author or a third party. (reviewed for currency on 6/13/2012)
**At this time, MIT Press does not submit articles on authors' behalf. You will need to do this yourself using the NIH Manuscript Submission System.  Depositing a manuscript takes only a few minutes and can be done by the primary (lead) author or a third party. (reviewed for currency on 9/27/2017)

*[ Modern Medicine (New York)]
*[ Modern Medicine (New York)]

Latest revision as of 12:16, 15 February 2022

This list is part of the Open Access Directory.

  • This list focuses on publisher policies on NIH-funded authors. It does not attempt to duplicate the much larger SHERPA/RoMEO database. Please annotate entries with a link to the publisher's entry in SHERPA/RoMEO (for example, Springer), for readers who want to see the rest of the publisher's OA policy.
  • Please annotate entries in order to flag, at least, (1) publishers demanding less than a full 12 month embargo, (2) publishers charging authors a fee for the right to comply with the NIH policy, (3) publishers refusing to allow deposit immediately upon acceptance, as the NIH requires, and (4) publishers refusing to publish work by NIH-funded authors.
  • When possible, please quote the language used by the publisher. Authors are particularly interested in knowing how compliance with the NIH will be met.
  • When linking to a long document, please use a deep link or an annotation (with section or page numbers) to point directly to the section on NIH-funded authors.
  • When we couldn't find the overall policy for a publisher, we link to the policy for a notable journal from that publisher, and explain in the annotation that we are doing so. Similarly when a publisher has different policies for different journals, we try to link to the separate policies separately and explain in the annotation that we are doing so.
  • Many of the links currently point to copyright policies or instructions for authors, not directly to policies on NIH-funded authors, and therefore should be understood as starting points. When policies on NIH-funded authors are available, please update the link. When a policy changes, please preserve the content of the older policy on a new page linked to the annotation for historical purposes.
  • To learn the policy of a particular journal, first find the publisher from the journal's web site or Journal Info. Then see whether the publisher policy is on this list.
  • OAD launched this list in August 2008. To the best of our knowledge, no publishers anywhere refuse to publish NIH-funded authors on the grounds of the NIH public-access policy. Every publisher we've examined to date offers some way to accommodate NIH-funded authors, even if the method of accommodation is not expressly stated in the copyright transfer agreement. In the rare cases when the copyright transfer does not expressly accommodate NIH-funded authors, publishers who learn that authors must comply with the NIH policy always offer options to make that compliance possible. Moreover, these options do not require authors to pay publication fees, or other fees, so long as they observe the 12 month embargo period. If we're wrong and have overlooked a publisher refusing to publish NIH-funded authors, or requiring a fee to comply with the NIH policy, please let us know.
  • Alphabetical by publisher or journal.


  • AlphaMed Press
    • AlphaMed Press now copublishes with Wiley/Blackwell. Wiley-Blackwell will support our authors by posting the accepted version of articles by NIH grant-holders to PubMed Central upon acceptance by the journal. The accepted version is the version that incorporates all amendments made during peer review, but prior to the publisher’s copy-editing and typesetting. This accepted version will be made publicly available 12 months after publication.(Reviewed for currency on 2/03/2022)
  • American Academy of Neurology
    • AAN copublishes with WoltersKluwer (LWW). For manuscripts accepted on or after April 7, 2008: The publisher will submit an electronic version, on behalf of the authors, of the final published article of any study funded by NIH (or in which any of the authors are funded by NIH) to PubMed Central (PMC) for publication 12 months after print or online publication (whichever is first) (Reviewed for currency on 2/15/2022)

  • American Academy of Ophthalmology
    • AAO copublishes with Elsevier. NIH-funded authors and NIH employees are required to deposit to PubMed Central (PMC), or have submitted on their behalf, their Accepted Manuscript, to appear on PMC no later than 12 months after final publication. As a service to our authors, where the author has identified themselves as being NIH funded or an NIH employee, Elsevier will deposit the accepted manuscript to PMC on behalf of the author, to be made publicly available after 12 months.. (Reviewed for currency on 10/25/2020)
  • American Academy of Pediatrics Previous policy
  • Policy for Pediatrics.
    • For NIH-funded authors who publish in PEDIATRICS, the AAP, the publisher of the journal, requires that you choose the 12-month embargo period. During the PubMed Central manuscript submission process, you will be asked when the manuscript can be released; choose 12 months. This will keep your submission consistent with the journal's own embargo policy. PEDIATRICS will deposit NIH-funded papers to PubMed Central on behalf of the authors (still with the 12-month embargo) prior to publication. Article deposits after publication is the author(s) responsibility.(Reviewed for currency on 7/28/2020)
  • American Association for Clinical Chemistry
  • Policy for Clinical Chemistry
    • AACC grants the author permission to allow public release of the accepted manuscript through PMC 12 months after publication in Clinical Chemistry. The author’s manuscript available on the PMC site is not the Clinical Chemistry article. (Reviewed for currency 6/09/2012)
  • American Association for Cancer Research
    • Only the accepted manuscript is deposited. Authors stipulate that PubMed Central may release the paper for public access not sooner than 12 months after its print publication date (the print publication date is considered the official publication date. Authors may specifically request that AACR deposit the accepted manuscript) For more information, see link provided above. (Reviewed for currency 8/22/2013)
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science.
  • Policy for Science.
    • Accepted version may be submitted. NIH authors of "Science" papers should set the time of public release of the accepted version at six months after final publication in "Science". (Reviewed for currency 7/25/2010)
  • American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists
  • Policy for Endocrine Practice
    • Endocrine Practice acknowledges that the author retains the right to provide a copy of the final peer-reviewed manuscript to the NIH upon acceptance for publication, for public archiving in PubMed Central no later than 12 months after publication by the journal. Please note that at this time, Endocrine Practice does not deposit manuscripts on behalf of the author; therefore, authors are responsible for depositing manuscripts. (Reviewed for currency 7/25/2010)
  • American Association of Immunologists.
  • Policy for The Journal of Immunology.
    • AAI will deposit author manuscripts to PubMed Central if article was submitted on or after 10AM (EDT) March 29, 2011. Authors MUST fill out proper paperwork for AAI upon submission of article and choose 12 months when prompted to select the Delay Period (also called the Embargo Period); that is, where the PubMed submission site reads: "Release to PubMed Central 12 months after publication in the journal". For further guidelines, see link above. (Reviewed for currency 6/9/2012)
  • American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
    • The Publisher grants the Author permission to provide a copy of the accepted manuscript upon acceptance for publication with the public release in PubMed Central (PMC) twelve months after final online publication. (Reviewed for currency 7/25/2010)
  • American Chemical Society
    • Author may deposit final peer-reviewed manuscript to be released 12 months after the official date of publication of the final article by ACS. ACS will deposit for author - free of charge for Society members - $100 fee for non-members. (Reviewed for currency 7/25/2010)
  • American College of Chest Physicians
  • Policy for Chest.
    • CHEST is now submitting the final version of articles of work funded by the NIH on behalf of authors. (For papers published before July 2009, authors should deposit their own papers at, and choose the 12-month embargo period.) This material will be available for Public Access 12 months after publication. (Reviewed for currency 6/9/2012)
  • American College of Emergency Physicians
    • ACEP publishes Annals of Emergency Medicine cooperatively with Elsevier. Elsevier will send to PMC the final peer-reviewed manuscript, which was accepted for publication and sent to Elsevier’s production department, and that reflects any author-agreed changes made in response to peer-review comments. Elsevier will authorize the author manuscript’s public access posting 12 months after final publication. (Reviewed for currency 7/26/2010)
  • American Dental Association.
    • The author deposits the accepted manuscript with PubMed Central, he or she should specify that the manuscript is not to be made available until 12 months after publication. (Reviewed for currency 7/26/2010)
  • American Diabetes Association.
  • Policy for Diabetes.
    • American Diabetes Association will deposit all articles accepted for publication in Diabetes in PubMed Central, a repository of peer-reviewed research maintained by the National Institutes of Health. ADA is providing this service at no cost to authors. Articles will be accessible on PubMed Central 12 months after the date of final print/online publication in Diabetes. (Reviewed for currency 7/29/2010)
  • American Heart Association
    • As a service to authors, the Publisher (Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) of the AHA journals will identify to PMC articles that require depositing. WKH/LWW will transmit the post-print of an article, which is based on research funded in whole or in part by NIH to PMC. (Reviewed for currency 6/9/2012)
  • American Institute of Chemical Engineers
    • AIChE publishes with Wiley-Blackwell. Wiley-Blackwell will support our authors by posting the accepted version of articles by NIH grant-holders to PubMed Central upon acceptance by the journal. This accepted version will be made publicly available 12 months after publication. (Reviewed for currency 7/29/2010)
  • American Institute of Physics
    • AIP will automatically deposit the article in final published form to PubMed Central, the NIH’s online repository website after a 12-month embargo. (Reviewed for currency 8/04/2015)
  • American Medical Association.
  • Policy for JAMA.
    • Permission is granted to post only the manuscript reporting research that was submitted and accepted for publication six months after publication. (Reviewed for currency 7/29/2010)
  • American Physical Society
    • The right to post and update the Article on free-access e-print servers as long as files prepared and/or formatted by APS or its vendors are not used for that purpose. Any such posting made or updated after acceptance of the Article for publication shall include a link to the online abstract in the APS journal or to the entry page of the journal. (Reviewed for currency 7/29/2010)
  • American Physiological Society
    • APS will deliver the final published research article to PMC for authors. APS will have PMC render the article publicly available 12 months after final publication. This period of time is consistent with the APS policy to render all content publicly available through HighWire Press 12 months after article issue publication and ensures compliance with your copyright agreement with APS. (Reviewed for currency 8/22/2013)
  • American Psychological Association Previous Policy
    • A new document deposit policy of the American Psychological Association (APA) requiring a publication fee to deposit manuscripts in PubMed Central based on research funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is currently being re-examined and will not be implemented at this time. This policy had recently been announced on APA’s Web site. APA will soon be releasing more detailed information about the complex issues involved in the implementation of the new NIH Public Access Policy. (Reviewed for currency 6/13/2012)
  • American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.
    • APPI/APA journals acknowledge that the Author retains the right to provide a copy of the author’s final version of the manuscript to the NIH upon acceptance for publication. (Reviewed for currency 08/12/2010)
  • American Public Health Association
    • In order to be in compliance with the NIH Public Access Policy, send the second .pdf proof received from the publication staff after copyediting to NIH PubMed Central. Note that it is the responsibility of the author, not the AJPH, to comply with this Policy. When submitting your second .pdf proof to NIH PubMed Central, we request that you ask for a 12-month delay in publication after the print date; this option is available to you as part of the NIH process and helps ensure that subscriptions needed to fund the AJPH are not jeopardized by the immediate circulation of free content..(Reviewed for currency on 6/9/2012)
  • American Roentgen Ray Society
    • Authors who are supported in whole or in part by the NIH should contact the ARRS to facilitate compliance with the NIH deposit policy. (Reviewed for currency on 8/22/2013)
  • American Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology.
  • Policy for the Journal of Biological Chemistry.
    • The final redacted versions of all research articles resulting from partially or complete support from NIH will be deposited immediately in PubMed Central by ASBMB and will be subject to a 12 month embargo period. This service will be free for ASBMB members and will cost $50 for non-members. (Reviewed for currency 09/05/2010)
  • American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
    • ASBMR copublishes with Wiley-Blackwell who supports authors by posting the accepted version of articles by NIH grant-holders to PubMed Central upon acceptance by the journal. The accepted version is the version that incorporates all amendments made during peer review, but prior to the publisher’s copy-editing and typesetting. This accepted version will be made publicly available 12 months after publication. (Reviewed for currency on 7/23/2010)
  • American Society for Clinical Investigation
    • All research articles published in the JCI is deposited in PubMed Central (PMC), and the content is freely available on the PMC website three months after publication, making the JCI fully compliant with the National Institutes of Health Public Access Policy. Authors of articles published in the JCI do not need to deposit their articles separately in PubMed or PMC. (Reviewed for currency on 04/24/2017)
  • American Society for Investigative Pathology
    • Through our affiliation with PubMed Central (PMC), The American Journal of Pathology and The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics deposit all final published articles in PMC on behalf of NIH-funded authors. Publishing in the AJP or the JMD automatically places you in compliance with the NIH Public Access Policy. (Reviewed for currency 09/05/2010)
  • American Society for Microbiology
    • ASM provides free access to full-text articles 6 months after the final version is published in an issue of one of the 9 primary research journals. For the review journals, Clinical Microbiology Reviews and Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, access to full-text articles is made freely available 1 year after an issue's publication. (Reviewed for currency 06/02/2016)
  • American Society for Nutrition
    • Authors are required to deposit the version of the article that has been accepted for publication and includes changes resulting from peer review. ASN is now making these deposits to PMC on behalf of authors. Authors must designate their paper as an NIH-funded paper in the manuscript submission system at the time of first submission, and will be invoiced for the deposit fee at the time of publication. Deposit fees are $20 for ASN members, and $45 for non-members. (Reviewed for currency on 8/22/2013)
  • American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
    • Effective with its 2009 issues, ASPET is depositing with PubMed Central the final version of any article funded by a grant from the NIH when funding by these agencies MUST be cited as described in the Instructions to Authors. (Reviewed for currency 06/23/2012)
  • American Society for Tropical Medicine and HygienePrevious policy
    • Articles that are published in 2010 or later will be deposited by the journal office of the American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. If article was published before 2010, author must deposit the FINAL published paper in PubMed Central, not your author manuscript or galley proofs. Request that PubMed Central honor the journal's 12-month embargo on free access to current content, unless you have paid the author open access fee, in which case your manuscript may be deposited upon publication. Authors are responsible for depositing their own manuscripts.(Reviewed for currency 06/09/2012)
  • Grantees American Society of Clinical Oncology.
  • Policy for the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
    • JCO will assume responsibility, as a service to ASCO members and to JCO authors, for depositing the final published version of the manuscript to PubMed Central on behalf of the authors. JCO will provide a copy of the published article to the NIH to be made available for public access by PubMed Central 12 months after date of publication of the article by JCO. (Reviewed for currency 06/09/2012)
  • American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.
    • Authors are permitted to submit only accepted manuscripts to PubMed Central that arise from direct funding from a NIH grant or cooperative agreement, direct funding from the NIH Intramural Program, or an NIH employee. Authors should stipulate that PubMed Central may release the manuscript for public access one year after publication. (Reviewed for currency 8/22/2013).
  • American Society of Hematology (SHERPA/RoMEO).
  • Policy for Blood.
    • All Blood authors who published NIH-funded articles from May 2005 forward have no obligation to submit manuscripts to the NIH archive because Blood will do this on their behalf. The publisher embargo period is 12 months. (Reviewed for currency 6/12/12)
  • American Society of Nephrology.
  • Policy for Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.
    • Authors are encouraged to submit their version of the accepted peer-reviewed manuscript to their funding sponsor’s archive for public release 12 months after publication.(Reviewed for currency 06/11/2012)
  • American Society of Neuroradiology
    • Authors receiving NIH funding are responsible for complying with all NIH grant requirements and retain the right to provide a copy of the final, peer-reviewed manuscript (before copyediting) to NIH upon acceptance for publication, for public archiving in PubMed Central no later than 12 months after publication. (Reviewed for currency 10/10/10)
  • American Society of Plant Biologists
  • Policy for Plant Physiology
    • On behalf of authors, Plant Physiology deposits final published articles in PubMed Central for release 12 months after the date of publication. (Reviewed for currency 10/10/10)
  • American Society of Radiologic Technologists
    • All research funded by the National Institutes of Health is subject to the NIH’s Public Access Policy. The author(s) takes full responsibility for complying with laws requiring that NIH-funded research be submitted to the National Library of Medicine’s PubMed Central. (Reviewed for currency 06/11/2012)
  • American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
    • Only the accepted manuscript may be deposited, not the copy edited and typeset final published article.When depositing an article, the author must stipulate that PubMedCentral may release the manuscript for public access no sooner than 12 months after final online publication in the journal.Authors must include on the deposited manuscript a citation indicating where it will be published in its final form, including a link to the Web address of the journal in which it will be published. (reviewed for currency 07/15/10)
  • Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland
    • The Anatomical Society copublishes with Wiley-Blackwell who supports authors by posting the accepted version of articles by NIH grant-holders to PubMed Central upon acceptance by the journal. The accepted version is the version that incorporates all amendments made during peer review, but prior to the publisher’s copy-editing and typesetting. This accepted version will be made publicly available 12 months after publication. (Reviewed for currency 7/23/2010)
  • Annual Reviews Inc
    • Annual Reviews complies with a number of institutional and funding-body mandates. Annual Review articles are explicitly exempt from the NIH mandate. The Public Access Policy specifically excludes content that is invited and edited, as Annual Reviews articles are. Publications to which the Public Access Policy does not apply may be listed in documents submitted to NIH as "(PMC Exempt - invited review)". Nevertheless, if deposit to PMC will help you in any way, you may indeed make the deposit (stipulating, please, a 12-month embargo). (Reviewed for currency 10/10/10)
  • Associated Professional Sleep Societies
  • Policy for Sleep.
    • Beginning with the June 2007 issue the contents of SLEEP are made available through PubMed Central. A six month embargo from date of publication is placed on each issue before it becomes available through PubMed Central. Investigators and institutions whose manuscripts are accepted and published in SLEEP will be in compliance. (Reviewed for currency 10/10/10)
  • Association of American Medical Colleges
  • Policy for Academic Medicine.
    • AAMC publishes Academic Medicine with LWW. To assist our authors in meeting the requirements of the NIH, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins will transmit the accepted manuscript, shortly after acceptance, to PubMed Central (PMC) on their behalf. Upon receipt of your manuscript, authors should receive a confirmation email directly from the NIH/PubMed Central. they will be made publically available 12 months after publication. (Reviewed for currency 6/9/2012)


  • Balliere Tindall
    • Elsevier will deposit to PubMed Central (PMC) author manuscripts on behalf of Elsevier authors reporting NIH funded research and will send the final peer-reviewed manuscript 12 months after final publication. (Reviewed for currency 10/03/2010)
  • Baywood Publishing Co
    • Baywood’s policy is that we require a 6-month embargo period to be in effect, from the date of publication, before an author’s work can be made public in Pub Med Central. (Reviewed for currency 10/27/2010)
  • BC Decker
    • No specific policy as of 06/23/2012
  • Bentham Science Publishers-Toll Access Journals
    • Bentham Science Publishers allows authors to self-archive refereed postprints after 12 months of publication ( unless federal, government, funding agencies or local policy mandates for the author's institute a different policy on self-archiving). (Reviewed for currency 11/23/2010)
  • Bentham Science Publishers-Open Access Journals
    • For authors of Bentham Open there is no restriction to authors for self-archiving of pre-refereeing preprints nor refereed postprints. The same applies for all authors who opt to publish their articles as open access for Bentham Science Publishers journals, in which case the publisher's version/PDF of the published article can be used for self-archiving. (Reviewed for currency 11/23/2010)
  • BioMed Central-Open Access Journals
    • Identical to the 'Creative Commons Attribution License', no special NIH policy is needed. (Reviewed for currency 6/11/2012)
  • Bioscientifica
    • Bioscientifica makes all published research freely available online after 12 months. If your funder requires that research is made freely available in under 12 months you will need to pay for ‘Gold’ Open access (see above). Bioscientifica allows authors to deposit the accepted paper, before editing, in a repository of their choice after an embargo period of 12 months. (Reviewed for currency 8/26/2014)
  • Blackwell Publishing is now owned by Wiley
    • Wiley-Blackwell will support our authors by posting the accepted version of articles by NIH grant-holders to PubMed Central upon acceptance by the journal. The accepted version is the version that incorporates all amendments made during peer review, but prior to the publisher’s copy-editing and typesetting. This accepted version will be made publicly available 12 months after publication...The societies for whom we publish may decide on a different policy. We will continue to brief them on any discussions that we have with the NIH regarding the processing of the articles, appropriate acknowledgements with citation and linking to the final published version on the publisher’s site, and clear licensing terms and conditions for the use of copyrighted material. (Reviewed for currency 01/07/2011)
  • BMJ Publishing Group
    • The full text of all research articles is sent, without further intervention from the author, to PubMed Central, which makes it fully accessible without delay. (Reviewed for currency 6/11/2012)
  • Brandon House Inc
  • Policy for Journal of Mental Imagery
    • No specific policy as of 6/9/2012
  • Brill Academic Publishers
    • Payment of the Article Publishing Fee of $3,000 will enable articles to be available on Brill’s primary online service to non-subscribers, as well as to subscribers to that journal. It will also permit authors to post the final version of the published article on their own website and to submit it to their funding agency’s and/or their institution’s preferred archive. (reviewed for currency 02/17/2011)
  • British Institute of Radiology
    • BIR Open is fully compliant with the requirements of a range of funders including the Wellcome Trust, NIH, HHMI, RCUK, European Commission, MRC, NERC, STFC, ESRC, EPSRC, BBSRC. It is important that researchers are fully informed of each funders mandate before submitting a manuscript to a BIR publication. (reviewed for currency 01/09/2013)
  • British Psychological Society
    • The British Psychological Society now publishes with Wiley/Blackwell. Wiley-Blackwell will support our authors by posting the accepted version of articles by NIH grant-holders to PubMed Central upon acceptance by the journal. The accepted version is the version that incorporates all amendments made during peer review, but prior to the publisher’s copy-editing and typesetting. This accepted version will be made publicly available 12 months after publication. (Reviewed for currency 2/17/2011)
  • Butterworth-Heinemann
    • Elsevier will authorize the author manuscript’s public access posting 12 months after final publication. Following the deposit by Elsevier, authors will receive further communications from the NIH with respect to the submission. (Reviewed for currency 6/11/2012)


  • Cambridge University Press
    • Cambridge complies with the requirements of the The Wellcome Trust, UKRC, HHMI, NIH and many other agencies. In addition the Cambridge Journals’ standard transfer of copyright agreement allows authors to place a copy of their Accepted Manuscript in a variety of places, including PMC. We allow the published Version Of Record to be made freely available under embargo of 12 months, post-publication, if the paper has not been published Open Access, and we offer authors the option to use CC licences on acceptance. (reviewed for currency 11/21/2013)
  • Canadian Public Health Association
    • No specific NIH policy as of 11/21/2013. In consideration of expenses of reviewing, editing, publishing, and distributing your manuscript (including text, tables, and figures), author(s) will be asked to assign their copyright in and to the article to the Canadian Public Health Association. This means that the authors may not, without the Canadian Public Health Association’s prior written permission: post the article on any website. (reviewed for currency 11/21/2013)
  • Cell Press
    • Cell Press will send to PMC the final peer-reviewed manuscript, which was accepted for publication and sent to our production department, and that reflects any author-agreed changes made in response to peer-review comments. We will authorize the author manuscript’s public access posting 12 months after final publication. (reviewed for currency 11/21/2013)
  • Churchill Livingstone
  • Churchill Livingstone texts & journals are now published by Elsevier.
    • As a service to the authors, Elsevier will deposit to PubMed Central (PMC) author manuscripts on behalf of Elsevier authors reporting NIH funded research. Elsevier will send to PMC the final peer-reviewed manuscript, which was accepted for publication and sent to Elsevier’s production department, and that reflects any author-agreed changes made in response to peer-review comments. Elsevier will authorize the author manuscript’s public access posting 12 months after final publication. (reviewed for currency 011/21/2013)
  • Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
  • Policy for Genes & Development.
    • CSHLP (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press) also pertains to 4 other journals. The CSHLP routinely deposits final research papers in PMC on behalf of authors and are freely available in PMC 6 months after full issue publication. (reviewed for currency 07/23/2014)
  • The Company of Biologists
    • All Journal content is freely available six months after publication on the JCS website. Authors may deposit a post-print or final, accepted version of their article in a funding-body archive or institutional repository 12 months after publication. Research Articles can also be made freely available immediately on publication by payment of a subsidized Open Access fee. (reviewed for currency 11/21/2013).


  • Dove Medical Press
    • No specific NIH policy. However, authors are also entitled to deposit the final electronic version of the article into an institutional or centrally organized subject repository upon publication. (reviewed for currency 6/9/2012)
  • Duke University Press Previous Policy
    • Per submission guidelines for authors, the author (or the editor of a collected work) is responsible for acquiring any permissions needed for inclusion in your book of any artwork or written material that belongs to some other party. (reviewed for currency 6/9/2012)


  • e-Century Publishing
    • This open access publisher deposits author manuscripts directly into PubMed Central without embargo. (reviewed for currency 06/09/2012)
  • Edinburgh University Press
    • Policy for The Surgeon
    • As of 2010, The Surgeon will be published by Elsevier. As a service to the authors, Elsevier will deposit to PubMed Central (PMC) author manuscripts on behalf of Elsevier authors reporting NIH funded research. Elsevier will send to PMC the final peer-reviewed manuscript, which was accepted for publication and sent to Elsevier’s production department, and that reflects any author-agreed changes made in response to peer-review comments. Elsevier will authorize the author manuscript’s public access posting 12 months after final publication. (reviewed for currency 06/09/2012)
  • EDP Sciences
    • No specific policy as of 06/09/2012. However, many journals published by EDP Sciences are open access to some extent.
  • Electrochemical Society
    • The nonexclusive right, after publication by ECS, to give permission to third parties to republish print versions of the Article or a translation thereof, or excerpts therefrom, without obtaining permission from ECS, provided the ECS-formatted version is not used for this purpose and provided the Article is not to be published in another journal. If the ECS version is used, permission from ECS must be obtained. (reviewed for currency 6/09/2012)
  • Elsevier
    • Due to the NIH being one of the first federal agencies to have a public access policy, Elsevier has a long standing arrangement to support their public access policy and this allowed us to test and learn how to best support US federally funded authors and agencies. In this arrangement we deposit the accepted manuscript on behalf of the author to PubMed Central after 12 months. We also deposit gold open access articles immediately. (reviewed for currency 7/8/2018)
  • Emerald Group Publishing Limited
    • Emerald authors who assign their copyright to us retain unlimited free reproduction rights for their own work. Authors do not give up their rights to use, republish or reproduce their work for course notes, in another journal or as a book chapter, or electronically including their own institutional website, subject to acknowledging first publication details. Authors who publish with Emerald are not required to seek our permission with regard to their own work. (reviewed for currency 6/09/2012)
  • Endocrine Society
    • For articles that were funded by NIH, the Endocrine Society will deposit the final edited article after publication to PubMed Central. These manuscripts will be made freely available online twelve months after print publication. NIH will contact the author to confirm submission. (reviewed for currency 6/09/2012)
  • Evolutionary Ecology Research
    • Moreover, in return for publishing their work, we require our authors to allow that work to be used freely for non-commercial purposes. (reviewed for currency 06/09/2012)


    • If you choose to submit your accepted manuscript to PMC, you will be asked to indicate when that manuscript should be made available to the public. FASEB, grants authors one-time permission to allow public release of their final, accepted manuscript through PMC 12 months after publication in The FASEB Journal. (reviewed for currency 6/9/2012)
  • First Monday
    • Authors submitting a paper to First Monday automatically agree to confer a limited license to First Monday if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication. This license allows First Monday to publish a manuscript in a given issue. (reviewed for currency 6/9/2012)
  • Future Medicine Ltd.
    • To assist our NIH-supported authors in meeting these requirements, Future Medicine will submit the final published PDF to the NIH submission system on their behalf, within two weeks of online publication. Authors will then be asked to indicate the funding source as part of the submission process and the identified manuscripts will be transmitted to PubMed Central. The article will appear within PubMed’s index and be freely accessible no later than 12 months after publication. (reviewed for currency 6/9/2012)


  • Genetics Society of America
  • Policy for Genetics
    • As a service to its authors, GENETICS deposits its final, published articles to PubMed Central on behalf of its US National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded authors. (reviewed for currency 6/9/2012)
  • Gerontological Society of America
    • GSA journals are published by Oxford University Press which sends NIH-funded articles to PMC at issue stage, and they will become available in PMC 12 months after that date. All journals in Oxford Open will have their open access papers automatically deposited and made publically available in PMC immediately without 12 month delay. (reviewed for currency 6/9/2012)
  • Guilford Press
    • All published manuscripts become the permanent property of the publisher and may not be published elsewhere without written permission. (reviewed for currency 6/9/2012)


  • Haworth Press
    • Taylor & Francis now owns Haworth Press. With respect to National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded research, Taylor & Francis will deposit into PubMedCentral (PMC) manuscripts on behalf of authors reporting NIH-funded research. (Reviewed for currency 6/13/2012)
  • Health Affairs/Project Hope previous policy
  • Policy for Health Affairs
    • Taylor & Francis now owns Health Affairs/ Project Hope. Health Affairs, as publisher and copyright holder of all material published in Health Affairs, offers the following instructions for NIH-funded authors wishing to submit their accepted Health Affairs manuscripts for PubMed Central: 1. Submit the accepted manuscript (peer-reviewed but not final edited and formatted version) to PubMed Central (PMC) per PMC’s instructions. 2. Specify the 12-month release date following publication in Health Affairs. (reviewed for curreny 06/24/12).
  • Heldref Publications
    • The Taylor & Francis Group announced that from August 2010, 37 titles previously published by Heldref Publications joined the T&F portfolio. The titles will be subsumed into T&F’s Routledge, Psychology Press and Taylor & Francis imprints and will be available via the informaworld platform. Taylor & Francis' will deposit author manuscripts on behalf of the author with respect to National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded research into PubMedCentral (PMC). Author manuscripts will appear on PMC no later than 12 months after final publication. (Reviewed for currency 6/12/2012)
  • Histochemical Society
    • The Histochemical Society deposits all of its published articles into PubMed Central (PMC) for public release twelve months after publication. Within four weeks of publication, the JHC deposits the final copyedited version of accepted manuscripts into PMC. (Reviewed for currency 6/11/2012)


  • IEEE
    • Authors may voluntarily submit their funded work to PubMed Central (PMC) in the 12th month of the print publication. IEEE will supply authors of funded work with the final versions of their papers, which authors may then submit directly to PMC. (reviewed for currency 6/9/2012)
  • Informa Healthcare
    • As part of our author services program, Informa Healthcare will deposit to PubMed Central (PMC) and UK PubMed Central (UKPMC) author manuscripts reporting NIH or Wellcome Trust funded research on specific request by the author. (Reviewed for currency 6/1/2011)


  • Johns Hopkins University Press
    • No specific policy as of 6/10/2012. Each journal published by the Johns Hopkins University Press has different guidelines on how to submit an article for publication. For example, the Bulletin of the History of Medicine guidelines discuss PubMed Central policies for authors funded by the Wellcome Trust, but do not specify any policy for authors who are NIH-funded. (reviewed for currency 6/10/2012)


  • Karger
    • No specific policy as of 6/10/2012


  • Lancet
  • Policy for Lancet journals.
    • Lancet is published by Elsevier. Elsevier will deposit to PubMed Central (PMC) author manuscripts on behalf of Elsevier authors reporting NIH funded research and will send the final peer-reviewed manuscript 12 months after final publication.(reviewed for currency 05/29/2013)
  • Landes Bioscience
    • Landes Bioscience acknowledges that Author retains the right to provide a copy of the final manuscript to the NIH upon acceptance for Journal publication, for public archiving in PubMed Central as soon as possible but no later than 12 months after publication by Journal. (reviewed for currency 05/29/2013)
  • Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
    • Lippincott Williams & Wilkins will transmit the accepted manuscript to PubMed Central on the authors' behalf. Additional information will be available in the Instructions for Authors and Copyright Transfer Agreements for each LWW publication. For articles funded by the NIH, they will be made publically available 12 months after publication.(reviewed for currency 10/16/2017)
  • Livres Hebdo
    • No specific policy as of 08/24/2011. (reviewed for currency 05/29/2013)


  • Maney Publishing
    • Maney has agreements to deposit in PubMed Central. (reviewed for currency on 6/11/2012)
  • Mary Ann Liebert, Inc
    • Mary Ann Liebert,Inc.publishers will deposit the final accepted paper (after copy -editing and proofreading) to PubMed Central (PMC) on behalf of the authors. The manuscript’s public access posting on PMC will occur 12 months after final publication. (reviewed for currency on 10/01/2015)
  • Massachusetts Medical Society
    • If the research supporting an article was funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the Wellcome Trust or another not-for-profit organization that requires authors to submit to a publically available, not-for-profit (non-institutional) repository, NEJM will submit PDFs of the published version to the NIH Manuscript Submission System or Europe PubMed Central to be released six months after the article is published. (reviewed for currency on 01/20/2016
  • Materials Research Society- Policy for Journal of Materials Research
    • All contributors retain the right to post either their own version of their contribution as submitted to the journal (prior to revision arising from peer review and prior to editorial input by Cambridge University Press) or their own final version of their contribution as accepted for publication (subsequent to revision arising from peer review but still prior to editorial input by the Materials Research Society and Cambridge University Press) on their personal or departmental web page, or in the Institutional Repository of the institution in which they worked at the time the paper was first submitted, or (for appropriate journals) in PubMedCentral or UK PubMedCentral. (reviewed for currency on 6/11/2012)
  • Medicine Publishing
  • Medicine Publishing is now a part of Elsevier.
    • No specific policy as of 6/11/2012. As a service to the authors, Elsevier will deposit to PubMed Central (PMC) author manuscripts on behalf of Elsevier authors reporting NIH funded research. Elsevier will send to PMC the final peer-reviewed manuscript, which was accepted for publication and sent to Elsevier’s production department, and that reflects any author-agreed changes made in response to peer-review comments. Elsevier will authorize the author manuscript’s public access posting 12 months after final publication. (reviewed for currency 6/09/2012)
  • MIT Press
    • At this time, MIT Press does not submit articles on authors' behalf. You will need to do this yourself using the NIH Manuscript Submission System. Depositing a manuscript takes only a few minutes and can be done by the primary (lead) author or a third party. (reviewed for currency on 9/27/2017)
  • Mosby Publishing
  • Mosby is now part of Elsevier.
    • No specific policy for Mosby as of 6/11/2012. As a service to the authors, Elsevier will deposit to PubMed Central (PMC) author manuscripts on behalf of Elsevier authors reporting NIH funded research. Elsevier will send to PMC the final peer-reviewed manuscript, which was accepted for publication and sent to Elsevier’s production department, and that reflects any author-agreed changes made in response to peer-review comments. Elsevier will authorize the author manuscript’s public access posting 12 months after final publication. (reviewed for currency 6/09/2012)


  • National Academy of Sciences
  • Policy for "PNAS"
    • PNAS automatically deposits the PNAS-formatted version of all papers in PubMed Central. (Reviewed for currency as of 6/13/2012)
  • Nature Publishing Group Previous Policy
    • When a manuscript is accepted for publication in an NPG journal, authors are encouraged to submit the author's version of the accepted paper (the unedited manuscript) to PubMed Central or other appropriate funding body's archive, for public release six months after publication. In addition, authors are encouraged to archive this version of the manuscript in their institution's repositories and, if they wish, on their personal websites, also six months after the original publication. For open access content published under a Creative Commons license, authors can replace the submitted version with the final published version at publication. (Reviewed for currency 6/13/2012)
  • Neuro-Oncology Journal
    • No specific policy as of 6/12/2012. Neuro-Oncology is now published by OXford Journals.
  • North Holland
  • North Holland Publishing is now a part of Elsevier.
    • No specific policy as of 6/13/2012. As a service to the authors, Elsevier will deposit to PubMed Central (PMC) author manuscripts on behalf of Elsevier authors reporting NIH funded research. Elsevier will send to PMC the final peer-reviewed manuscript, which was accepted for publication and sent to Elsevier’s production department, and that reflects any author-agreed changes made in response to peer-review comments. Elsevier will authorize the author manuscript’s public access posting 12 months after final publication. (reviewed for currency 6/09/2012)


  • OMICS Publishing Group
    • OMICS Publishing Group will support authors by posting the published version of articles by NIH grant-holders to PubMed Central immediately after publication. (Reviewed for currency 07/05/2011).
  • Oncology Nursing Society
    • ONS does not impose or require an embargo on articles funded by the NIH. Oncology Nursing Forum and Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing authors receiving government funding are required to comply with all of the terms of the NIH Public Access Policy, including submitting their funded articles to the NIH for posting on PubMed Central. (Reviewed for currency 6/10/2012)
  • Optical Society of America
    • OSA acknowledges the NIH policy and the author's right to place eligible OSA journal articles in PubMed Central. Authors who are required to submit the accepted version of their manuscript to PubMed Central through the NIH Manuscript Submission System. Authors should deposit their own articles to PubMed Central within 12 months of publication.(Reviewed for currency 6/10/2012)
  • Oxford University Press
    • Oxford Journals will deposit into PMC the final published version of any NIH-funded article published in their biomedical journals. Open access articles will be available immediately; non-open access articles will be available after a 12 month embargo. Oxford Journals will work with authors to identify which articles are NIH-funded. (Reviewed for currency 6/01/2011)


  • Palgrave Macmillan
    • o specific NIH policy, however, the majority of our Palgrave Macmillan journals now permit authors to archive either a pre-print or a post-print of their article. (Reviewed for currency 6/11/2012)
  • Pensoft Publishers
    • No specific NIH policy, however, Pensoft adheres to open access as much as possible to accelerate the barrier-free dissemination of scientific knowledge. Several of our journals and e-books can be read, downloaded, printed and distributed at no charge for the reader! (Reviewed for currency 7/20/2011)
  • Pergamon
    • No specific policy as of 6/11/2012
  • Portland Press
  • Policy for BioChemical Journal
    • The final, peer-reviewed manuscript in journals published by Portland Press is called the Immediate Publication, and authors are permitted to deposit the Immediate Publication in PubMed Central 12 months after the official date of publication. Authors are permitted to make the Immediate Publication freely available in PubMed Central. (reviewed for currency 6/11/2012)
  • Preston Publications
    • Please note that Preston Publications may now be found under Oxford University Press. No specific policy as of 6/10/2012
  • Public Library of Science (PLoS)Previous policy
    • PLOS states that they "immediately deposit your work in PubMed Central upon publication, as required for example by the NIH, the Wellcome Trust, and the European Research Council." For further information see above link. (reviewed for currency 6/11/2012)


  • Radiation Research Society
    • Radiation Research will deposit the PDFs in PMC on the authors’ behalf when page charges have been paid. The Journal’s embargo period for open access on PMC is 12 months. (reviewed for currency 6/13)/12
  • Radiological Society of North America
    • On behalf of authors RSNA will submit not only the version after peer review, but the final, published version, following RSNA copyediting and production processing. In compliance with the NIH public access policy, the RSNA will make the submitted articles open to the public 12 months after the date of publication in Radiology.(Reviewed for currency on 6/30/10)
  • RNA Society
    • The RNA Society will deposit articles in PubMed Central where they will be released to the public 12 months following the full-issue publication date (with the exception of Open Access papers, which are made freely available in PubMed Central immediately upon full-issue publication). (reviewed for currency 7/24/2014)
  • Rockefeller University Press
    • The Final published content of the JCB will be posted on PubMed Central and UK PubMed Central, where it will be available to the public 6 months after the publication date. There is no need for authors to submit their papers independently to these repositories. This service is free of charge.(Reviewed for currency on 6/12/12)
  • Rodopi
    • No specific NIH policy. However, author can archive pre-print or post-print according to terms: 1. An author's own final version can be archived 2. On author's website or institutional repository 3. Publisher's version/PDF cannot be used 4. Published source must be acknowledged 4. Must link to publisher version (Reviewed for currency on 6/12/12)
  • Royal College of Psychiatrists
    • 1. Authors retain the right to provide a copy of the manuscript to PubMed Central for public release no sooner than 12 months after publication in the British Journal of Psychiatry. Only the final peer-reviewed manuscript as accepted for publication (not earlier versions, or the final copy-edited version) may be deposited in this way. 2. Authors have the option to make their papers freely available from the time of publication, on payment of an open access charge. This charge is currently £2500 (or US$4500) per article plus VAT where applicable. (Reviewed for currency on 6/13/2012)
  • Royal Society Publishing
    • Articles are free to access one year after publication (from 2001) for the biological journals and Interface and after two years for the physical science journals. For the biological journals and Interface we deposit articles on PubMedCentral with a one year embargo. For all our journals we also deposit NIH-funded articles in PubMedCentral on behalf of our authors. (Reviewed for currency on 6/13/2012)
  • Royal Society of Chemistry
    • No specific NIH policy. However, the RSC shall deposit the accepted version of the submitted article in non-commercial repository(ies) as deemed appropriate, including but not limited to the author(s)' funding agency repository(ies). There shall be an embargo of making the above deposited material available to the public of 12 months from the date of acceptance.(Reviewed for currency on 6/12/12)


  • Sage
    • Under the terms of the contributor agreement, without seeking permission, authors may, at least 12 months after publication, post on any non-commercial repository or website the version of the article that was accepted for publication. (reviewed for currency 9/21/2015)
  • Saunders
  • Saunders is now a part of Elsevier.
    • No specific policy as of 6/12/2012. As a service to the authors, Elsevier will deposit to PubMed Central (PMC) author manuscripts on behalf of Elsevier authors reporting NIH funded research. Elsevier will send to PMC the final peer-reviewed manuscript, which was accepted for publication and sent to Elsevier’s production department, and that reflects any author-agreed changes made in response to peer-review comments. Elsevier will authorize the author manuscript’s public access posting 12 months after final publication. (reviewed for currency 6/25/2012)
  • Society for Endocrinology
    • Papers that acknowledge NIH funding will be automatically deposited to PubMed Central, for release at 12 months after publication, allowing authors to comply with NIH policy. NIH funded authors are not required to pay an Open Access Fee, but may still opt to make their paper freely available to all before 12 months by selecting the journal's Open Access Option. (reviewed for currency 01/06/2016)
  • Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine
    • 1.The article can not be made freely available sooner than 12 months after publication. 2.For immediate publication, there is a Free Access Fee, which is currently £2000+VAT. 9reviewed for currency 6/13/2012)
  • Society for General Microbiology
    • Allows for final peer-reviewed version to be made publicly available 12 months after publication, or for final published version to be made immediately available through "Open Option", which is available for a fee of £1500 (plus VAT where applicable). Please note that the SGM policy has not been updated to reflect 2008 changes to NIH Public Access Policy description. (reviewed for currency 6/13/2012)
  • Society for Neuro-Oncology
    • Policy for Neuro-Oncology published in cooperation with Duke University Press.
    • Per submission guidelines for authors, authors are granted the right to post accepted papers on personal or institutional websites and in other open-access repositories. (reviewed for currency 6/12/2012)
  • Society for Neuroscience (SHERPA/RoMEO)
    • The Journal of Neuroscience will deposit in PubMed Central final versions of manuscripts that describe work that was funded by agencies that have this requirement. Manuscripts describing work that was funded by the NIH, HHMI and the Wellcome Trust and which are accepted for publication in the Journal of Neuroscience on or after April 7, 2008 will be deposited.Although the NIH policy calls for manuscripts in PubMed Central to be freely accessible after 12 months, the Journal will allow manuscripts to be publicly accessible through PubMed Central six months after publication, which is when all Journal of Neuroscience articles become freely accessible. (reviewed for currency 8/30/2013)
  • Society for the Internet in Medicine
  • Policy for the Journal for Medical Internet Research
    • Authors publishing in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) are exempt from the deposit requirement, because - since inception - JMIR is already depositing all published articles in PubMed Central. (reviewed for currency 6/13/2012)
  • Society for the Study of Reproduction
  • Policy for Biology of Reproduction.
    • Authors must deposit the PIP version : (Papers in Press) : to be released for public access 12 months after publication and must contain reference to its prior publication in Biology of Reproduction. (reviewed for currency 6/13/2012)
  • Springer
    • Springer deposits authors accepted manuscripts to PubMedCentral with a 12 months embargo period for traditional publication model.
    • Springer deposits the final published version of your article into PubMedCentral and it is made immediately publicly accessible with the 'Springer Open Choice' publication model. (reviewed for currency 6/13/2012)
  • Syngress
    • No specific policy as of 6/12/2012


  • Taylor & Francis
    • All Taylor & Francis Journals deposit the final published Article in PubMed Central for iOpenAccess articles and the accepted manuscripts for all other NIH funded articles. Taylor & Francis in conjunction with the NIH then make iOpenAccess articles immediately available and all other manuscripts available 12 months after publication. Through Taylor & Francis' direct manuscript feed it will not be necessary for you to submit a manuscript yourself. Taylor & Francis' will deposit author manuscripts on behalf of the author with respect to National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded research into PubMedCentral (PMC). Author manuscripts will appear on PMC no later than 12 months after final publication. (reviewed for currency 6/13/2012)
  • Thieme Medical Publishing Group
    • No specific NIH Public Access Policy as of 6/13/2012. Press Release dated 11 March 2008 - Effective immediately, the accepted manuscript after the peer-review process, as well as supplementary data, can be added to an author's personal website, instantly following article publication. Additionally, all manuscripts can be made available on an Institutional Repository 12 months after the initial print or electronic publication by Thieme. (reviewed for currency 6/13/2012)
  • Georg Thieme Verlag
    • No specific NIH Public Access Policy as of 6/13/2012. Press Release dated 11 March 2008 - Effective immediately, the accepted manuscript after the peer-review process, as well as supplementary data, can be added to an author's personal website, instantly following article publication. Additionally, all manuscripts can be made available on an Institutional Repository 12 months after the initial print or electronic publication by Thieme. (reviewed for currency 6/13/2012)


  • University of Alberta
    • No specific NIH policy. However the journal does have an open access policy: the journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge and utilizes the LOCKSS system. (reviewed for currency 6/13/2012)
  • University of Chicago Press
    • Authors whose research was funded in whole or in part by the National Institutes of Health (HIH), may deposit the accepted manuscript with PubMed Central or PubMed Central UK, with release to the public twelve (12) months after publication for NIH-funded research. Only the final accepted manuscript may be submitted; authors may not submit proofs or the published article to PubMed Central or PubMed Central UK. (reviewed for currency 6/10/2012)


  • Wayne State University Press
    • Authors may immediately include a preprint or postprint version of articles in PMC. After 12 months a PDF of the final, copyedited article may be posted to PMC. (Reviewed for currency 6/12/2012)
  • WebMed Limited
    • No specific NIH policy, this is an open access publisher. WebmedCentral allows the final version of all published research articles to be placed in any digital archive immediately on publication. Authors are free to archive articles themselves. (Reviewed for currency 6/12/2012)
  • John Wiley & SonsPrevious policy
    • Wiley-Blackwell will support our authors by posting the accepted version of articles by NIH grant-holders to PubMed Central upon acceptance by the journal. The accepted version is the version that incorporates all amendments made during peer review, but prior to the publisher’s copy-editing and typesetting. This accepted version will be made publicly available 12 months after publication...The societies for whom we publish may decide on a different policy. We will continue to brief them on any discussions that we have with the NIH regarding the processing of the articles, appropriate acknowledgements with citation and linking to the final published version on the publisher’s site, and clear licensing terms and conditions for the use of copyrighted material. (Reviewed for currency 6/12/2012)
  • Wiley-VCH Verlag Berlin
    • Wiley-VCH , a part of John Wiley & Sons since 1996, follows their NIH public access policy. Wiley-Blackwell will support our authors by posting the accepted version of articles by NIH grant-holders to PubMed Central upon acceptance by the journal. The accepted version is the version that incorporates all amendments made during peer review, but prior to the publisher’s copy-editing and typesetting. This accepted version will be made publicly available 12 months after publication...The societies for whom we publish may decide on a different policy. We will continue to brief them on any discussions that we have with the NIH regarding the processing of the articles, appropriate acknowledgements with citation and linking to the final published version on the publisher’s site, and clear licensing terms and conditions for the use of copyrighted material. (Reviewed for currency 6/12/2012)
  • Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
    • Lippincott Williams & Wilkins will transmit the accepted manuscript to PubMed Central on the authors' behalf. Additional information will be available in the Instructions for Authors and Copyright Transfer Agreements for each LWW publication. For articles funded by the NIH, they will be made publically available 12 months after publication.(reviewed for currency 04/20/2015)