Europe: Open Access Day 2008

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Copenhagen University Library, Denmark

Europe in general

SPARC Europe, Wellcome Trust, Public Library of Science (PLOS), and BioMed Central

  • Contact: Charis Murton
  • Location, if available:Wellcome Trust
  • Link for more details, if available:Celebrating both Open Access Day and the launch of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers' Association from 6:30 to 8:00 at the Wellcome Trust Atrium. Please RSVP to [email protected] by October 8th. Space is limited!



CSP, Italy, works in 48 developing and transitional countries

  • Contact: Iryna Kuchma, Kyiv-Rome
  • iryna.kuchma[@]
  • Events planned: in Azerbaijan, Lithuania, Moldova, Mozambique, Poland, South Africa, Sudan.

Journal of Infection in Developing Countries, Italy

  • Contact: Marco Scano
  • Location, if available:
  • Link for more details, if available:

SISSA Medialab, Italy

University of Chieti - Italy, Chieti

  • Contact: Roberto Paganelli
  • Location, if available:
  • Link for more details, if available:
  • I read all open access journals with double pleasure, and I put on a poster for open access support on my office door. I paid to ensure open access to one of my recent papers (in CPD, 2008)


University College Dublin - Dublin Ireland

  • Contact: Rosalind Pan
  • Location, if available:University College Dublin, Ireland map
  • Link for more details, if available: UCD Library
  • We will have information boards in our largest library, we have sent out materials to senior university figures supporting research and to heads of the academic units, we will have some promotional pens, some posters and we have created a web page.

Trinity College - Dublin Ireland

  • Contact: Niamh Brennan
  • Location, if available:
  • Link for more details, if available:


Lithuanian research libraries consortium

  • Contact: Dr. Gintare Tautkeviciene, Kaunas University of Technology
  • Location, if available:
  • Link for more details, if available:
  • Lithuanian research libraries consortium together with Lithuanian Ministry of Education and Science and the Center for Quality Assessment in Higher Education organize the workshop about Open access in the Lithuanian Academy of Science on October, 14, 2008. Workshop program. Information about open access is also on the Lithuanian Research Library Consortium website


Metamorphosis Foundation, Macedonia

  • Contact: Bardhyl Jashari, Metamorphosis Foundation, bjasari[@]
  • On the occasion of the International Open Access Day, Metamorphosis Foundation sent an open letter to the Ministry of Education and Science and the Government of the Republic of Macedonia calling them to instigate an initiative for systematic, prompt and efficient resolution for the acute lack of educational contents available online (e-contents) in the local languages in Macedonia (,en/).


Consortium eIFL Direct Moldova

  • Contact: Natalia Cheradi, the Open Access Coordinator for Moldova:
  • Location, if available:
  • Link for more details, if available:
  • A blog about Open Access in Romanian language and a directory of Open Access Moldovian resources will be launched on the Open Access Day. Natalia Cheradi, the Open Access Coordinator for Moldova, will speak about Open Access on the National Radio and National TV (TV-4 channel). News from other libraries and about other events are coming.


14 October 2008

Nicolaus Copernicus University Library in Torun, Poland

  • Contact: Bożena Bednarek-Michalska, eIFL Open Access country coordinator in Poland / Poznan Foundation of Scientific
    Libraries, b.michalska[@]
  • Information campaign about Open Access:
  • Bożena Bednarek-Michalska translated into Polish "A very brief introduction to Open Access" by Peter Suber and "We Support Open Access Flyer";
  • different institutions will put this information with Open Access Day icon on their portals and web-sites on October 14;
  • Bożena Bednarek-Michalska will send letters to the ministries, Universities and other public institutions about Open Access.

ICM (Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling), Warsaw, Poland


Kosson initiative, Bucharest

  • Contact: Constantinescu Nicolaie
  • Location, if available: Online at Kosson initiative
  • Link for more details, if available:
  • Kosson Initiative is one of the main promoters of Open Access in Romania. We started back in 2005 and we keep on adding knowledge. We are now translating in Romanian a very important handbook for Open Access that we intend to send in a DVD form to all major Universities in Romania. |We would appreciate if we could add valuable materials on this DVD.


Universitat de Barcelona, Spain