Copyright Arrangements for Self-Archiving and Use

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This list is part of the Open Access Directory.

General Works

Bide, Mark. Open Archives and Intellectual Property: Incompatible World Views? Bath, UK: Open Archives Forum, 2002. Expert Report 1.

Case, Mary M. "Promoting Open Access: Developing New Strategies for Managing Copyright and Intellectual Property." ARL: A Bimonthly Report on Research Library Issues and Actions from ARL, CNI, and SPARC, no. 220 (2002): 1-5.

Clark, Charles. "In What Are We Trading? Author's Rights and Publishers' Rights in Traditional and Digital Media." Learned Publishing 12, no. 3 (1999): 179-189.

Edwards, Richard, and David Shulenburger. "The High Cost of Scholarly Journals (and What to Do About It)." Change 35, no. 6 (2003): 10-19.

Ewing, John. "Copyright and Authors." First Monday 8, no. 10 (2003).

Frankel, Mark S. "Seizing the Moment: Scientists' Authorship Rights in the Digital Age." Learned Publishing 16, no. 3 (2003): 123-128.

Gorman, Robert A. "Intellectual Property: The Rights of Faculty as Creators and Users." Academe 84, no. 3 (1998): 14-18.

Hiltre, Peter B. "Author Addenda: An Examination of Five Alternatives." D-Lib 12, no.11.

Kiernan, Vincent. "Scholars Seek New Copyright Rule to Ease Dissemination of Research through the Web." The Chronicle of Higher Education, 11 September 1998, A32.

Lastowka, F. Gregory. "Free Access and the Future of Copyright." Rutgers Computer & Technology Law Journal 27, no. 2 (2001): 293-331.

Singer, Peter. "When Shall We Be Free?" In Freedom of Information Conference 2000. London: BioMed Central, 2000.

Suber, Peter. "Copyleft for Science?" Free Online Scholarship Newsletter, 6 February 2002.

———. "Not Napster for Science." SPARC Open Access Newsletter, no. 66 (2003).

———. "Thoughts on Commercial Use of FOS." Free Online Scholarship Newsletter, 30 January 2002.

Vaknin, Sam, and Peter Suber. "Copyright and Scholarship, Part 1." UPI, 19 February 2002.

———. "Copyright and Scholarship—II." UPI, 19 February 2002.

Willinsky, John. "Copyright Contradictions in Scholarly Publishing." First Monday 7, no. 11 (2002).

Wilson, Bonita. "Open Access and Public Domain." D-Lib Magazine 9, no. 12 (2003).

Copyright Ownership and Rights

Alexander, Suzie, and Sue Childs. "Time to Sort Out Copyright." Information World Review, 1 July 2001.

Armbruster, Chris. “Cyberscience and the Knowledge-Based Economy, Open Access and Trade Publishing: From Contradiction to Compatibility with Nonexclusive Copyright Licensing.” International Journal of Communications Law & Policy 12 (2008): 20-38.

"Baby Steps from the Market Leader." Open Access Now, 5 July 2004.

Bachrach, Steven, R., Stephen Berry, Martin Blume, Thomas von Foerster, Alexander Fowler, Paul Ginsparg, Stephen Heller, Neil Kestner, Andrew Odlyzko, Ann Okerson, Ron Wigington, and Anne Moffat. "Who Should Own Scientific Papers?" Science Magazine, 4 September 1998, 1459-1460.

Bennett, Scott. "Author's Rights." The Journal of Electronic Publishing 5, no. 2 (1999).

———. "Copyright and Innovation in Electronic Publishing: A Commentary." The Journal of Academic Librarianship 19, no. 2 (1993): 87-91.

Bloom, Floyd E. "The Rightness of Copyright." Science Magazine, 4 September 1998, 1451.

Boutilier, R. G., and Kathryn Phillips. "Open Access and Other Innovations for 2004." The Journal of Experimental Biology 206, no. 23 (2003): 4179.

Byrd, Gary D. "Protecting Access to the Intellectual Property of the Health Sciences." Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 82, no. 4 (1994): 444-445.

Chillingworth, Mark. "Elsevier Allows Article Publishing on Personal and Institutional Sites." Information World Review, 4 June 2004.

Editorial. "The Lancet 2004: Design, Contents, and Access." The Lancet, 3 July 2004, 2.

Fisher, Janet H. "Copyright:The Glue of the System." The Journal of Electronic Publishing 1 (January 1995).

Friend, Frederick J. "Zwolle's Contribution to Good Copyright Relationships." Serials 17, no. 2 (2004): 196-199.

Gasaway, Laura N. "Scholarly Publication and Copyright in Networked Electronic Publishing." Library Trends 43, no. 4 (1995): 679-700.

Gass, Andy, Helen Doyle, and Rebecca Kennison. "Whose Copy? Whose Rights?" PLoS Biology 2, no. 7 (2004): 877-878.

Guernsey, Lisa. "A Provost Challenges His Faculty to Keep Copyright on Journal Articles." The Chronicle of Higher Education, 18 September 1998, A29.

Henry, Geneva. "On-Line Publishing in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities." D-Lib Magazine 9, no. 10 (2003).

Hoorn, Esther and Maurits van der Graaf. "Copyright Issues in Open Access Research Journals: The Author's Perspective." D-Lib Magazine 12, no. 2 (2006).

Jacobson, Michael W. "Biomedical Publishing and the Internet: Evolution or Revolution?" The Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 7, no. 3 (2000): 230-233.

"JHU Press Grants Rights to Authors." D-Lib Magazine 10, no. 6 (2004).

Kennard, C. "Giving Something Back to the Authors." Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 67, no. 4 (1999): 419-420.

Law, D. G., R. L. Weedon, and M. R. Sheen. "Universities and Article Copyright." Learned Publishing 13, no. 3 (2000): 141-150.

Long, Maurice. "Authors and Their Rights." Learned Publishing 11, no. 1 (1998): 3-4.

Morris, Sally. "Authors and Copyright." Learned Publishing 13, no. 2 (2000): 75-76.

———. "Scholarship-Friendly Publishing." LIBER Quarterly 14, no. 1 (2004).

Okerson, Ann. "Whose Work Is It Anyway? Perspectives on the Stakeholders and the Stakes in the Current Copyright Scene." The Serials Librarian 28, no. 1/2 (1996): 69-87.

———. "With Feathers: Effects of Copyright and Ownership on Scholarly Publishing." College & Research Libraries 52, no. 5 (1991): 425-438.

Peek, Robin. "Elsevier Allows Open Access Self-Archiving." Information Today NewsBreaks & The Weekly News Digest, 7 June 2004.

Plutchak, T. Scott. "Change in Copyright Policy." Journal of the Medical Library Association 91, no. 3 (2003): 279.

Smith, Jane. "Giving Something Back to Authors: Some Changes to Our Copyright Agreements." BMJ, 1 January 2000, 6.

Suber, Peter. "Advice to a Student." SPARC Open Access Newsletter, no. 68 (2003).

Suber, Peter. "Balancing Author and Publisher Rights." Bilgi Dünyası 9, no. 1 (2008) 207-224.

———. "Elsevier Permits Postprint Archiving." SPARC Open Access Newsletter, no. 74 (2004).

———. "Elsevier's New Postprint Archiving Policy, Continued." SPARC Open Access Newsletter, no. 75 (2004).

TRLN Copyright Policy Task Force. "Model University Policy Regarding Faculty Publication in Scientific and Technical Scholarly Journals: A Background Paper and Review of the Issues." The Public-Access Computer Systems Review 4, no. 4 (1993): 4-25.

Watt, Fiona M., and Richard Sever. "Non-Profit Publishing: Open Access and the End of Copyright Transfer." Journal of Cell Science 117, no. 1 (2004): 1.

Creative Commons

Ardito, Stephanie C. "Public-Domain Advocacy Flourishes." Information Today 20, no. 7 (2003): 17, 19.

Asschenfeldt, Christiane. "Copyright and Licensing Issues—The International Commons." In CERN Workshop Series on Innovations in Scholarly Communication: Implementing the Benefits of OAI (OAI3), 12-14th February 2004 at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. Geneva: CERN, 2004.

Brown, Glenn Otis. "Academic Digital Rights: A Walk on the Creative Commons." Syllabus Magazine (April 2003).

———. "Out of the Way: How the Next Copyright Revolution Can Help the Next Scientific Revolution." PLoS Biology 1, no. 1 (2003): 30-31.

Chillingworth, Mark. "Creative Commons Attracts BBC's Attention." Information World Review, 11 June 2004.

Conhaim, Wallys W. "Creative Commons Nurtures the Public Domain." Information Today 19, no. 7 (2002): 52, 54.

"Delivering Classics Resources with TEI-XML, Open Source, and Creative Commons Licenses." Cover Pages, 28 April 2004.

Denison, D.C. "For Creators, An Argument for Alienable Rights." Boston Globe, 22 December 2002, E2.

Ermert, Monika. "Germany Debuts Creative Commons." The Register, 15 June 2004.

Fitzgerald, Brian, and Ian Oi. "Free Culture: Cultivating the Creative Commons." (2004).

Johnstone, Sally M. "Sharing Educational Materials Without Losing Rights." Change 35, no. 6 (2003): 49-51.

Plotkin, Hal. "All Hail Creative Commons: Stanford Professor and Author Lawrence Lessig Plans a Legal Insurrection.", 11 February 2002.

Rens, Andrew. "Managing Risk and Opportunity in Creative Commons Enterprises." First Monday, 11, no. 6 (2006)

Schloman, Barbara F. "Creative Commons: An Opportunity to Extend the Public Domain." Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 13 October 2003.

Stix, Gary. "Some Rights Reserved." Scientific American 288, no. 3 (2003): 46.

Weitzman, Jonathan B., and Lawrence Lessig. "Open Access and Creative Common Sense." Open Access Now, 10 May 2004.

Permissions Crisis

Hugenholtz, P. Bernt. "Copyright vs. Freedom of Scientific Communication." Learned Publishing 13, no. 2 (2000): 77-81.

Lynch, Clifford A. "Life after Graduation Day: Beyond the Academy's Digital Walls." EDUCAUSE Review 38, no. 5 (2003): 12-13.

Suber, Peter. "Removing Barriers to Research: An Introduction to Open Access for Librarians." College & Research Libraries News 64, no. 2 (2003): 92-94, 113.

———. "Removing the Barriers to Research: An Introduction to Open Access for Librarians." (2003).

Research Studies

Beier, Gerhard, and Ulla Tschida. "Journal Publishers Approaches to Self-Archiving and Open Access: ZIM Briefing Paper." (2003).

Gadd, Elizabeth. "IPR Issues Facing Open Access." Serials 16, no. 3 (2003): 261-263.

Gadd, Elizabeth, Charles Oppenheim, and Steve Probets. "The Intellectual Property Rights Issues Facing Self-Archiving: Key Findings of the RoMEO Project." D-Lib Magazine 9, no. 9 (2003).

———. "The RoMEO Project: Protecting Metadata in an Open Access Environment." Ariadne, no. 36 (2003).

———. "RoMEO Studies 1: The Impact of Copyright Ownership on Academic Author Self-Archiving." Journal of Documentation 59, no. 3 (2003): 243-277.

———. "RoMEO Studies 2: How Academics Want to Protect Their Open-Access Research Papers." Journal of Information Science 29, no. 5 (2003): 333-356.

———. "RoMEO Studies 3: How Academics Expect to Use Open-Access Research Papers." Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 35, no. 3 (2003): 171-187.

———. "RoMEO Studies 4: An Analysis of Journal Publishers' Copyright Agreements." Learned Publishing 16, no. 4 (2003): 293-308.

———. "RoMEO Studies 5: IPR Issues Facing OAI Data and Service Providers." The Electronic Library 22, no. 2 (2004): 121-138.

———. "RoMEO Studies 6: Rights Metadata for Open Archiving." Program: Electronic Library & Information Systems 38, no. 1 (2004): 5-14.

Jenkins, Celia, Charles Oppenheim, Steve Probet and Bill Hubbard. "RoMEO studies 7: Creation of a controlled vocabulary to analyse copyright transfer agreements." Journal of Information Science 34, no.3 (2008): 290-307.

———. "RoMEO Studies 8: self-archiving: The logic behind the colour-coding used in the Copyright Knowledge Bank." Program: electronic library and information systems 41, no.2 (2007): 124-133.

Griffey, Jason M. "The Perils of Strong Copyright: The American Library Association and Free Culture." Masters Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2004.