Australia and New Zealand: Open Access Week 2009

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This is not an exhaustive list of countries. If you want to add your event and your country is not listed here feel free to add it in alphabetical order.

  • Contact: Sigi Jottkandt
  • Location: Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
  • Link for more details, if available: Programme features presentations by Creative Commons Aotearoa New Zealand, a roundtable on academic attitudes towards OA by Professor Rowena Cullen and Brenda Chawner (VUW), an open access publishing workshop by Victoria UP, NZ Electronic Text Centre and Open Humanities Press, a virtual presentation on WikiEducator and Open Education Resources by Wayne Mackintosh (Otago Polytech), and Jordan Carter from InternetNZ talking on net neutrality. OA week programme

  • Contact: Angela Jones
  • Location: Dove Medical Press, Auckland, New Zealand
  • Link for more details, if available: We are an open access publisher of peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals. Promotion of Open Access Week will be through our website Dove Medical Press and via email to our authors and readers.

  • Contact:
  • Location:
  • Link for more details, if available:

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  • Location:
  • Link for more details, if available:

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