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* ?? oa.annotation = for OA-related items about annotation
* ?? oa.apis = for API-related items about OA resources, or OA-related items about APIs (application programming interfaces).
* ?? oa.awareness = for OA-related items about current-awareness systems
* ?? oa.badges = for OA-related items about the use of badges
* ?? oa.blogging = for OA-related items about blogging
* ?? oa.cloud = for OA-related items about cloud computing or cloud storage
* ?? oa.formats = for OA-related items about file formats (e.g. EPUB, HTML, PDF, XML)
* ?? oa.pod = for OA-related items about print on demand
=== ADVOCACY ===
* oa.advantage
* oa.advocacy
* oa.attitudes,
* oa.benefits.
* oa.best_practices,
* oa.boycotts,
* oa.collaboration = for items on how OA facilitates cooperation
* oa.compliance = for items about compliance with OA policies (e.g. rate of compliance, obstacles to compliance, tools for compliance, and so on)
* oa.consultations = for items in which institutions or projects call for public comments
* oa.disciplines,
* oa.history_of
* oa.growth,
* oa.guerrilla
* oa.history_of,
* oa.ignorance
* oa.implementation
* oa.incentives
* oa.milestones,
* oa.misconduct = for OA-related items about misconduct by authors, editors, publishers, funders, or other stakeholders
* oa.misunderstandings
* oa.negative
* oa.objections,
* oa.obstacles,
* oa.partial = for items about steps toward OA, or forms of wider access, that fall short of OA
* (policies)
* oa.predictions = for OA-related predictions
* oa.progress,
* oa.recommendations,
* oa.signatures = for OA-related petitions and declarations collecting signatures
* oa.speed
* oa.surveys = for items about OA-related surveys
* oa.strategies
* oa.trends = for items about trends that help or hurt OA
* oa.usage = for items about the usage of OA works
=== AUTHORS ===
* oa.addenda
* oa.authors,
* oa.citations,
* oa.crowd,
* oa.impact,
* oa.fees
* oa.hybrid
* oa.no-fee
* oa.offsets = for items about the "offset model" for paying APCs by building them into the negotiated subscription price for a hybrid journal
* oa.orcid
* oa.p&t = for OA-related items about promotion and tenure practices
* oa.peer_review
* oa.postprints
* oa.preprints,
* oa.reproducibility = for OA-related items about the reproducibility of research (for example on how OA facilitates reproducibility)
* oa.scholcomm
* oa.scn = for OA-related items about scholarly collaboration networks
* ?? oa.self-publishing = for OA-related items about self-publishing
* oa.versions = for items about different or specific versions of OA works, or about version control
=== DATA===
* oa.3d
* oa.dmp
* oa.data = for items about open data (OA to datasets)
* ?? oa.extraction
* oa.lod
* oa.mandates.data
* oa.mining
* oa.rdm = for OA-related items about research data management
* oa.repositories.data
* oa.visualizations = for OA-related items about data visualization
=== FORMATS===
ie digital objects
* oa.apis = for API-related items about OA resources, or OA-related items about APIs (application programming interfaces).
* oa.audio,
* oa.books,
* oa.courseware
* (data)
* oa.dynamic = for items about dynamic ("living" or periodically updated) OA works
* oa.etds
* oa.floss
* oa.genres
* oa.grey
* oa.hardware
* oa.images
* (journals)
* oa.metadata = for OA-related items about metadata
* oa.mobile
* oa.orphans = "orphan works"
* oa.patents = for OA-related items about patents, e.g. sharing texts about patentable discoveries, limiting patent rights on publicly-funded research, sharing patented specimens, objections that OA will interfere with patents, or objections that patent-protection regimes will interfere with OA
* oa.print = for items about the relation between OA and print
* oa.oer
* oa.psi = "public sector information" (government information)
* oa.software
* oa.specimens = for items about sharing physical materials needed for research (e.g. chemicals, genetic materials, medicines, moon rocks, tissue samples, etc.) rather than sharing digital text, code, or data
* oa.summaries = for items about OA to summaries (either in addition to OA for full-text primary sources or instead of it)
* oa.syllabi,
* oa.textbooks
* oa.tk = for OA-related items about traditional knowledge
* oa.video
* oa.vr = for OA-related items about virtual reality
* oa.wikis = for items about OA on or through wikis
=== FUNDERS===
* oa.case.funds = for case studies of OA journal funds
* oa.cft = for OA-related calls for tenders (calls for funding proposals or funding applications)
* oa.funders,
* oa.policies.funders,
* oa.case.policies.funders,
* oa.policies.funders.data,
* oa.funders
* oa.case.policies.funders,
* oa.funders.private, oa.funders.public, oa.funding, oa.funds, oa.incentives, oa.mandates, oa.policies, oa.policies.funders
* oa.dfg,
* oa.nih,
* oa.wellcome
* ?? oa.cloud = for OA-related items about cloud computing or cloud storage
* oa.code4oa,
* oa.discoverability = for items about the discoverability or visibility of OA resources
* oa.infrastructure,
* oa.orcid
* oa.platforms,
* oa.recommenders = for software that recommends scholarly works, (e.g. "if you like this, you'll like that"), especially when the tools are open-source or the works are OA
* (repositories)
* ?? oa.semantic = for OA-related items about the semantic web
* oa.software = for items about OA-related software (e.g. repository software)
* oa.standards = for items about standards related to OA or scholarly communication; in general these are the kinds of standards approved by standard-setting organizations, not informal norms
* oa.case.funds = for case studies of OA journal funds
* oa.case.journals = for case studies of OA journals
* oa.embargoes = for items about OA embargoes (delays between publication and OA)
* oa.gold, 
* oa.hybrid
* ?? oa.jif = "journal impact factors"
* oa.journals,
* oa.megajournals,
* oa.offsets = for items about the "offset model" for paying APCs by building them into the negotiated subscription price for a hybrid journal
* oa.peer_review
* oa.policies.journals
* oa.policies.journals.data
* oa.redirection = for items about supporting OA by redirecting funds from the support of subscription journals
* oa.versions = for items about different or specific versions of OA works, or about version control
=== METRICS===
* oa.altmetrics = for items about impact metrics other than Journal Impact Factor (JIF)
* oa.citations = for OA-related items about citations, citation counts, or impact metrics based on citations
* oa.jif = "journal impact factors"
* oa.metrics
=== MONEY===
* oa.2.5%
* oa.budgets, oa.redirection
* oa.budgets,
* oa.cancellations,
* oa.case.funds = for case studies of OA journal funds
* oa.cft = for OA-related calls for tenders (calls for funding proposals or funding applications)
* oa.paywalls, oa.prices
* oa.ads
* oa.business_models
* oa.budgets
* oa.cancellations,
* oa.costs
* oa.economics_of, oa.prices, oa.recession,
* oa.economic_impact
* oa.fees
* oa.funds
* oa.case.funds, oa.fees, oa.funders, oa.funding
* oa.memberships = for items about memberships as one way to provide support, revenue, and sustainability to OA publishers or other OA resources
* oa.monopoly
* oa.negotiations
* oa.no-fee,
* oa.predatory,
* oa.prices = for items about the relationship between resource price and resource access, especially high prices that reduce access
* oa.profits = for items about the profits of for-profit corporations, particularly publishers (whether OA or non-OA)
* oa.recession = for items about how hard economic times affect the prospects for OA
* oa.redirection = for items about supporting OA by redirecting funds from the support of subscription journals
* oa.ads, oa.costs, oa.economics_of, oa.fees, oa.gold, oa.hybrid, oa.megajournals, oa.memberships, oa.monopoly, oa.no-fee, oa.offsets,
* oa.offsets = for items about the "offset model" for paying APCs by building them into the negotiated subscription price for a hybrid journal
* oa.paywalls,
* oa.revenue, oa.sales, oa.sustainability
* oa.boycotts, oa.budgets, oa.business_models, oa.costs,   
* oa.prices,
* oa.profits,
* oa.recession,
* oa.redirection,
* oa.sustainability
* oa.addenda
* oa.copyright
* oa.incentives
* oa.pledges, oa.signatures,
* oa.declarations,
* oa.case.policies.funders, oa.case.policies.universities
* oa.declarations_of_independence
* oa.encouragement
* oa.foi
* oa.incentives, oa.mandates,
* oa.legislation
* oa.legislation, oa.licensing
* oa.litigation,
* oa.loophole
* oa.mandates.data,
* oa.pd = for items about the public domain
* oa.petitions
* oa.policies
* oa.signatures = for OA-related petitions and declarations collecting signatures
* oa.treaties.
* oa.access
* oa.accessibility,
* oa.advantage
* oa.benefits,
* oa.credibility = for items about the credibility of OA resources
* oa.debates
* oa.definitions
* oa.discussions
* oa.gold
* oa.gratis
* oa.green
* oa.libre
* oa.objections
* oa.misunderstandings,
* oa.negative,
* oa.obstacles
* oa.prestige = for items about the reputation or reputed excellence of OA resources
* oa.principles
* oa.privacy = for items on the tension between OA and privacy (e.g. medical privacy or confidentiality)
* oa.quality = for OA-related items about the quality of research
* oa.security = for items on the tension between OA and security (e.g. national security or public safety)
* oa.terminology = for items about the words used when discussing OA and related topics
* oa.deposits
* oa.green
* oa.infrastructure
* oa.ir,
* oa.repositories
* oa.repositories.data
* oa.repositories.disciplinary
* oa.repositories.consortial
* oa.versions = for items about different or specific versions of OA works, or about version control
* (authors)
* oa.colleges,
* oa.crowd, 
* oa.development
* oa.ecr,
* (funders)
* oa.glam
* oa.humanitarian = for items about OA as humanitarian aid
* oa.hei
* oa.jobs
* oa.libarts
* oa.libass
* oa.libpub
* oa.libraries
* oa.librarians
* oa.museums
* oa.people
* oa.publishers,
* (repositories)
* oa.societies,
* oa.students
* oa.universities
* oa.up = "university press"
=== OTHER===
* oa.digitization = for items about OA-related digitization projects
* oa.dois
* oa.downloads
* oa.drm = for OA-related developments about digital rights management
* oa.op = "out of print"
* oa.overlay = for items about "overlay journals" or efforts to add a layer of peer review on top of an OA repository
* oa.p2p = for OA-related items on peer-to-peer technologies or approaches to knowledge-sharing
* ?? oa.preservation = for OA-related items about preservation
* oa.reuse = for OA-related developments related to the reuse of information or research
* oa.rss
* oa.search = for OA-related items about searching or search engines
* oa.standards
* oa.takedowns = for items about OA-related takedown notices, or legal demands from copyright holders that a web site remove a work
=== GENRES ===
ie of published OATP item:
* oa.anecdotes = for items about OA-related anecdotes, especially efforts to collect such anecdotes
* oa.audio,
* oa.case = for OA-related case studies
* oa.case.books = for case studies of OA books or OA book publishers
* oa.case.impact = for case studies of OA's effect on research impact
* oa.case.journals = for case studies of OA journals
* oa.cfp
* oa.cft = for OA-related calls for tenders (calls for funding proposals or funding applications)
* oa.comment
* oa.event
* oa.humor
* oa.intro = for items that restate the basics for newcomers
* oa.lay
* oa.notes
* oa.paywalled
* oa.presentation
* oa.spam = for pages not relevant to OA but mischievously tagged as if they were (especially with oa.new)
* oa.video
===[https://cyber.harvard.edu/hoap/OATP_tags_by_region GEOG] ===
* oa.africa,
* oa.antarctica,
* oa.arab
* oa.asia,
* oa.balkans
* oa.caribbean
* oa.europe
* oa.latin_america
* oa.mena = for items about the Middle East and North Africa
* oa.middle_east
* oa.north_america,
* oa.scandinavia
* oa.south = for items about OA-related developments in the "global south" or developing and transition countries
* oa.south_america
=== [https://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/tags NAMES] ===
* oa.aaas = American Association for the Advancement of Science
* oa.arnold_foundation
* oa.bepress = Berkeley Electronic Press
* oa.boai = Budapest Open Access Initiative.
* oa.cc
* oa.coar = Confederation of Open Access Repositories
* oa.cope = Compact for Open-Access Publishing Equity
* oa.core
* oa.cris = Current Research Information Systems
* oa.dfg = Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
* oa.doaj = Directory of Open Access Journals.
* oa.dpla
* oa.eifl = Electronic Information for Libraries
* oa.elsevier
* oa.eosc = European Open Science Cloud
* oa.fair = Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable
* oa.fastr = US Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act
* oa.frpaa = US Federal Research Public Access Act.
* oa.gates_foundation
* oa.google.settlement = Google Book Settlement
* oa.hathi
* oa.hhmi = Howard Hughes Medical Institute
* oa.hindawi
* oa.horizon2020
* oa.ia
* oa.jisc = UK Joint Information Systems Committee
* oa.nih,
* oa.oaspa = Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association
* oa.oa_button
* oa.oai = Open Archives Initiative
* oa.oatp
* oa.oa_week
* oa.obama_directive
* oa.openaire
* oa.orcid = Open Researcher and Contributor ID
* oa.osf = Open Science Framework
* oa.peer_project = Publishing and the Ecology of European Research
* oa.sci-hub
* oa.sparc
* oa.stm-assoc = International Association of STM Publishers
* ?? oa.twitter = for OA-related about Twitter
* oa.uk-scl = UK Scholarly Communications License
* oa.wellcome
* oa.ai = for OA-related items about artificial intelligence
* oa.arts,
* oa.astronomy
* oa.biology, oa.pharma
* oa.business
* oa.ch = for OA-related items about cultural heritage
* oa.citizen_science,
* oa.classics,
* oa.economics
* oa.education
* oa.finance
* oa.geo
* oa.history
* oa.humanities
* oa.industry
* oa.journalism
* oa.law
* oa.lis
* oa.literature,
* oa.mathemetics
* oa.medicine
* oa.museums
* oa.neuro
* oa.news
* oa.pharma
* oa.philosophy
* ?? oa.preservation = for OA-related items about preservation
* oa.religion
* ?? oa.open_science = for items about open science
* oa.ssh
* oa.stem
* oa.tk = for OA-related items about traditional knowledge
* oa.vr = for OA-related items about virtual reality

Revision as of 08:35, 11 January 2018



  • ?? oa.annotation = for OA-related items about annotation
  • ?? oa.apis = for API-related items about OA resources, or OA-related items about APIs (application programming interfaces).
  • ?? oa.awareness = for OA-related items about current-awareness systems
  • ?? oa.badges = for OA-related items about the use of badges
  • ?? oa.blogging = for OA-related items about blogging
  • ?? oa.cloud = for OA-related items about cloud computing or cloud storage
  • ?? oa.formats = for OA-related items about file formats (e.g. EPUB, HTML, PDF, XML)
  • ?? oa.pod = for OA-related items about print on demand


  • oa.advantage
  • oa.advocacy
  • oa.attitudes,
  • oa.benefits.
  • oa.best_practices,
  • oa.boycotts,
  • oa.collaboration = for items on how OA facilitates cooperation
  • oa.compliance = for items about compliance with OA policies (e.g. rate of compliance, obstacles to compliance, tools for compliance, and so on)
  • oa.consultations = for items in which institutions or projects call for public comments
  • oa.disciplines,
  • oa.history_of
  • oa.growth,
  • oa.guerrilla
  • oa.history_of,
  • oa.ignorance
  • oa.implementation
  • oa.incentives
  • oa.milestones,
  • oa.misconduct = for OA-related items about misconduct by authors, editors, publishers, funders, or other stakeholders
  • oa.misunderstandings
  • oa.negative
  • oa.objections,
  • oa.obstacles,
  • oa.partial = for items about steps toward OA, or forms of wider access, that fall short of OA
  • (policies)
  • oa.predictions = for OA-related predictions
  • oa.progress,
  • oa.recommendations,
  • oa.signatures = for OA-related petitions and declarations collecting signatures
  • oa.speed
  • oa.surveys = for items about OA-related surveys
  • oa.strategies
  • oa.trends = for items about trends that help or hurt OA
  • oa.usage = for items about the usage of OA works


  • oa.addenda
  • oa.authors,
  • oa.citations,
  • oa.crowd,
  • oa.impact,
  • oa.fees
  • oa.hybrid
  • oa.no-fee
  • oa.offsets = for items about the "offset model" for paying APCs by building them into the negotiated subscription price for a hybrid journal
  • oa.orcid
  • oa.p&t = for OA-related items about promotion and tenure practices
  • oa.peer_review
  • oa.postprints
  • oa.preprints,
  • oa.reproducibility = for OA-related items about the reproducibility of research (for example on how OA facilitates reproducibility)
  • oa.scholcomm
  • oa.scn = for OA-related items about scholarly collaboration networks
  • ?? oa.self-publishing = for OA-related items about self-publishing
  • oa.versions = for items about different or specific versions of OA works, or about version control


  • oa.3d
  • oa.dmp
  • oa.data = for items about open data (OA to datasets)
  • ?? oa.extraction
  • oa.lod
  • oa.mandates.data
  • oa.mining
  • oa.rdm = for OA-related items about research data management
  • oa.repositories.data
  • oa.visualizations = for OA-related items about data visualization


ie digital objects

  • oa.apis = for API-related items about OA resources, or OA-related items about APIs (application programming interfaces).
  • oa.audio,
  • oa.books,
  • oa.courseware
  • (data)
  • oa.dynamic = for items about dynamic ("living" or periodically updated) OA works
  • oa.etds
  • oa.floss
  • oa.genres
  • oa.grey
  • oa.hardware
  • oa.images
  • (journals)
  • oa.metadata = for OA-related items about metadata
  • oa.mobile
  • oa.orphans = "orphan works"
  • oa.patents = for OA-related items about patents, e.g. sharing texts about patentable discoveries, limiting patent rights on publicly-funded research, sharing patented specimens, objections that OA will interfere with patents, or objections that patent-protection regimes will interfere with OA
  • oa.print = for items about the relation between OA and print
  • oa.oer
  • oa.psi = "public sector information" (government information)
  • oa.software
  • oa.specimens = for items about sharing physical materials needed for research (e.g. chemicals, genetic materials, medicines, moon rocks, tissue samples, etc.) rather than sharing digital text, code, or data
  • oa.summaries = for items about OA to summaries (either in addition to OA for full-text primary sources or instead of it)
  • oa.syllabi,
  • oa.textbooks
  • oa.tk = for OA-related items about traditional knowledge
  • oa.video
  • oa.vr = for OA-related items about virtual reality
  • oa.wikis = for items about OA on or through wikis


  • oa.case.funds = for case studies of OA journal funds
  • oa.cft = for OA-related calls for tenders (calls for funding proposals or funding applications)
  • oa.funders,
  • oa.policies.funders,
  • oa.case.policies.funders,
  • oa.policies.funders.data,
  • oa.funders
  • oa.case.policies.funders,
  • oa.funders.private, oa.funders.public, oa.funding, oa.funds, oa.incentives, oa.mandates, oa.policies, oa.policies.funders
  • oa.dfg,
  • oa.nih,
  • oa.wellcome


  • ?? oa.cloud = for OA-related items about cloud computing or cloud storage
  • oa.code4oa,
  • oa.discoverability = for items about the discoverability or visibility of OA resources
  • oa.infrastructure,
  • oa.orcid
  • oa.platforms,
  • oa.recommenders = for software that recommends scholarly works, (e.g. "if you like this, you'll like that"), especially when the tools are open-source or the works are OA
  • (repositories)
  • ?? oa.semantic = for OA-related items about the semantic web
  • oa.software = for items about OA-related software (e.g. repository software)
  • oa.standards = for items about standards related to OA or scholarly communication; in general these are the kinds of standards approved by standard-setting organizations, not informal norms


  • oa.case.funds = for case studies of OA journal funds
  • oa.case.journals = for case studies of OA journals
  • oa.embargoes = for items about OA embargoes (delays between publication and OA)
  • oa.gold,
  • oa.hybrid
  • ?? oa.jif = "journal impact factors"
  • oa.journals,
  • oa.megajournals,
  • oa.offsets = for items about the "offset model" for paying APCs by building them into the negotiated subscription price for a hybrid journal
  • oa.peer_review
  • oa.policies.journals
  • oa.policies.journals.data
  • oa.redirection = for items about supporting OA by redirecting funds from the support of subscription journals
  • oa.versions = for items about different or specific versions of OA works, or about version control


  • oa.altmetrics = for items about impact metrics other than Journal Impact Factor (JIF)
  • oa.citations = for OA-related items about citations, citation counts, or impact metrics based on citations
  • oa.jif = "journal impact factors"
  • oa.metrics


  • oa.2.5%
  • oa.budgets, oa.redirection
  • oa.budgets,
  • oa.cancellations,
  • oa.case.funds = for case studies of OA journal funds
  • oa.cft = for OA-related calls for tenders (calls for funding proposals or funding applications)
  • oa.paywalls, oa.prices
  • oa.ads
  • oa.business_models
  • oa.budgets
  • oa.cancellations,
  • oa.costs
  • oa.economics_of, oa.prices, oa.recession,
  • oa.economic_impact
  • oa.fees
  • oa.funds
  • oa.case.funds, oa.fees, oa.funders, oa.funding
  • oa.memberships = for items about memberships as one way to provide support, revenue, and sustainability to OA publishers or other OA resources
  • oa.monopoly
  • oa.negotiations
  • oa.no-fee,
  • oa.predatory,
  • oa.prices = for items about the relationship between resource price and resource access, especially high prices that reduce access
  • oa.profits = for items about the profits of for-profit corporations, particularly publishers (whether OA or non-OA)
  • oa.recession = for items about how hard economic times affect the prospects for OA
  • oa.redirection = for items about supporting OA by redirecting funds from the support of subscription journals
  • oa.ads, oa.costs, oa.economics_of, oa.fees, oa.gold, oa.hybrid, oa.megajournals, oa.memberships, oa.monopoly, oa.no-fee, oa.offsets,
  • oa.offsets = for items about the "offset model" for paying APCs by building them into the negotiated subscription price for a hybrid journal
  • oa.paywalls,
  • oa.revenue, oa.sales, oa.sustainability
  • oa.boycotts, oa.budgets, oa.business_models, oa.costs,
  • oa.prices,
  • oa.profits,
  • oa.recession,
  • oa.redirection,
  • oa.sustainability


  • oa.addenda
  • oa.copyright
  • oa.incentives
  • oa.pledges, oa.signatures,
  • oa.declarations,
  • oa.case.policies.funders, oa.case.policies.universities
  • oa.declarations_of_independence
  • oa.encouragement
  • oa.foi
  • oa.incentives, oa.mandates,
  • oa.legislation
  • oa.legislation, oa.licensing
  • oa.litigation,
  • oa.loophole
  • oa.mandates.data,
  • oa.pd = for items about the public domain
  • oa.petitions
  • oa.policies
  • oa.signatures = for OA-related petitions and declarations collecting signatures
  • oa.treaties.


  • oa.access
  • oa.accessibility,
  • oa.advantage
  • oa.benefits,
  • oa.credibility = for items about the credibility of OA resources
  • oa.debates
  • oa.definitions
  • oa.discussions
  • oa.gold
  • oa.gratis
  • oa.green
  • oa.libre
  • oa.objections
  • oa.misunderstandings,
  • oa.negative,
  • oa.obstacles
  • oa.prestige = for items about the reputation or reputed excellence of OA resources
  • oa.principles
  • oa.privacy = for items on the tension between OA and privacy (e.g. medical privacy or confidentiality)
  • oa.quality = for OA-related items about the quality of research
  • oa.security = for items on the tension between OA and security (e.g. national security or public safety)
  • oa.terminology = for items about the words used when discussing OA and related topics


  • oa.deposits
  • oa.green
  • oa.infrastructure
  • oa.ir,
  • oa.repositories
  • oa.repositories.data
  • oa.repositories.disciplinary
  • oa.repositories.consortial
  • oa.versions = for items about different or specific versions of OA works, or about version control


  • (authors)
  • oa.colleges,
  • oa.crowd,
  • oa.development
  • oa.ecr,
  • (funders)
  • oa.glam
  • oa.humanitarian = for items about OA as humanitarian aid
  • oa.hei
  • oa.jobs
  • oa.libarts
  • oa.libass
  • oa.libpub
  • oa.libraries
  • oa.librarians
  • oa.museums
  • oa.people
  • oa.publishers,
  • (repositories)
  • oa.societies,
  • oa.students
  • oa.universities
  • oa.up = "university press"


  • oa.digitization = for items about OA-related digitization projects
  • oa.dois
  • oa.downloads
  • oa.drm = for OA-related developments about digital rights management
  • oa.op = "out of print"
  • oa.overlay = for items about "overlay journals" or efforts to add a layer of peer review on top of an OA repository
  • oa.p2p = for OA-related items on peer-to-peer technologies or approaches to knowledge-sharing
  • ?? oa.preservation = for OA-related items about preservation
  • oa.reuse = for OA-related developments related to the reuse of information or research
  • oa.rss
  • oa.search = for OA-related items about searching or search engines
  • oa.standards
  • oa.takedowns = for items about OA-related takedown notices, or legal demands from copyright holders that a web site remove a work



ie of published OATP item:

  • oa.anecdotes = for items about OA-related anecdotes, especially efforts to collect such anecdotes
  • oa.audio,
  • oa.case = for OA-related case studies
  • oa.case.books = for case studies of OA books or OA book publishers
  • oa.case.impact = for case studies of OA's effect on research impact
  • oa.case.journals = for case studies of OA journals
  • oa.cfp
  • oa.cft = for OA-related calls for tenders (calls for funding proposals or funding applications)
  • oa.comment
  • oa.event
  • oa.humor
  • oa.intro = for items that restate the basics for newcomers
  • oa.lay
  • oa.notes
  • oa.paywalled
  • oa.presentation
  • oa.spam = for pages not relevant to OA but mischievously tagged as if they were (especially with oa.new)
  • oa.video


  • oa.africa,
  • oa.antarctica,
  • oa.arab
  • oa.asia,
  • oa.balkans
  • oa.caribbean
  • oa.europe
  • oa.latin_america
  • oa.mena = for items about the Middle East and North Africa
  • oa.middle_east
  • oa.north_america,
  • oa.scandinavia
  • oa.south = for items about OA-related developments in the "global south" or developing and transition countries
  • oa.south_america


  • oa.aaas = American Association for the Advancement of Science
  • oa.arnold_foundation
  • oa.bepress = Berkeley Electronic Press
  • oa.boai = Budapest Open Access Initiative.
  • oa.cc
  • oa.coar = Confederation of Open Access Repositories
  • oa.cope = Compact for Open-Access Publishing Equity
  • oa.core
  • oa.cris = Current Research Information Systems
  • oa.dfg = Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
  • oa.doaj = Directory of Open Access Journals.
  • oa.dpla
  • oa.eifl = Electronic Information for Libraries
  • oa.elsevier
  • oa.eosc = European Open Science Cloud
  • oa.fair = Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable
  • oa.fastr = US Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act
  • oa.frpaa = US Federal Research Public Access Act.
  • oa.gates_foundation
  • oa.google.settlement = Google Book Settlement
  • oa.hathi
  • oa.hhmi = Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  • oa.hindawi
  • oa.horizon2020
  • oa.ia
  • oa.jisc = UK Joint Information Systems Committee
  • oa.nih,
  • oa.oaspa = Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association
  • oa.oa_button
  • oa.oai = Open Archives Initiative
  • oa.oatp
  • oa.oa_week
  • oa.obama_directive
  • oa.openaire
  • oa.orcid = Open Researcher and Contributor ID
  • oa.osf = Open Science Framework
  • oa.peer_project = Publishing and the Ecology of European Research
  • oa.sci-hub
  • oa.sparc
  • oa.stm-assoc = International Association of STM Publishers
  • ?? oa.twitter = for OA-related about Twitter
  • oa.uk-scl = UK Scholarly Communications License
  • oa.wellcome


  • oa.ai = for OA-related items about artificial intelligence
  • oa.arts,
  • oa.astronomy
  • oa.biology, oa.pharma
  • oa.business
  • oa.ch = for OA-related items about cultural heritage
  • oa.citizen_science,
  • oa.classics,
  • oa.economics
  • oa.education
  • oa.finance
  • oa.geo
  • oa.history
  • oa.humanities
  • oa.industry
  • oa.journalism
  • oa.law
  • oa.lis
  • oa.literature,
  • oa.mathemetics
  • oa.medicine
  • oa.museums
  • oa.neuro
  • oa.news
  • oa.pharma
  • oa.philosophy
  • ?? oa.preservation = for OA-related items about preservation
  • oa.religion
  • ?? oa.open_science = for items about open science
  • oa.ssh
  • oa.stem
  • oa.tk = for OA-related items about traditional knowledge
  • oa.vr = for OA-related items about virtual reality