Summer final paper
CORE (Connecting Repositories) is a Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) project, at The Open University, United Kingdom. The aim of the project is to promote open access to scholarly outputs, by aggregating (is anyone of these ? the content of open access repositories.
The project fully supports the taxpayer's entitlement to the research they have funded and its goal is to promote the wide dissemination of the open access content by working closely with digital libraries and institutional repositories, and applying efficiently advanced technologies.
Searching CORE
CORE has a rich collection of harvested outputs that dates back to February 2012. All outputs can be accessed and downloaded free of cost and have limited re-use restrictions, libre open access. One can search the CORE content by using keywords, authors' names, or names of institutions and organisations. The collection of the harvested outputs is available either by looking at the latest additions or by browsing the collection at the date of harvesting. The CORE search engine is one of the top 10 search engines[1] for open access research, fascilitating access to academic papers[2][3]. CORE ranks second among the most useful databases of searching electronic thesis and dissertations (ETDs). [4]
CORE has designed four applications:
The CORE Portal searches the scientific outputs aggregated from the open access institutional repositories.
The free CORE Mobile application provides easy search and download of the CORE content when using a smart phone or tablet and is available for both Android and iOS operating systems.
The CORE Plugin can link the institutioal repository with the CORE service and it will recommend semantically related resources.
The CORE API offers an easy and efficient way to connect an institutional repository with the CORE service to allow the harvesting of metadata and full-text content.