Journals that converted from TA to OA

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This list is part of the Open Access Directory.

  • This is a list of toll access (TA) journals that converted to OA.
  • In the annotation, please include the publisher, the date of conversion, and whether the journal converted to full or hybrid OA.
    • If a TA journal launched a full-text OA edition, even while retaining the TA edition, please include it with an appropriate annotation.
  • Wikidata identifier for this page: Q56229420.
  • Alphabetical by title.


  • Acta Dermato-Venereologica. Published by the Society for the Publication of Acta Dermato-Venereologica, it converted to OA in January, 2011. As of 04/04/2012 the journal was still OA, publishing issues.
  • Acta Orthopaedica. Published by the Nordic Orthopaedic Federation and Taylor & Francis, it converted to OA in 2005. As of 04/10/2012 the journal was still OA, publishing issues. The full backfile from 1930 to the present is also OA.
  • Advanced Optical Technologies, it began publishing in TA with DeGruyter from 2012 to 2022. It then switched to publishing with Frontiers Media S.A. in 2023 and became OA going forwards. The backfile content is still TA with DeGruyter.
  • Advances in Archaeological Practice. Published with Cambridge University Press, converted to OA with the same publisher in mid-2024: "all articles accepted for publication in Advances in Archaeological Practice from August 23, 2024 will be ‘open access’; published with a Creative Commons licence and freely available to read online".
  • Aging Cell. Published by Wiley on behalf of the Anatomical Society, it formally converted to OA in 2013 but also lists 2012 as OA. As of 05/08/2015 the journal was still OA, publishing issues. It is Occasional issues from the backfile are available and listed as free.


  • BMJ (former: the British Medical Journal). Converted to OA on October, 2008. For details, see its announcement.


  • Cancer Science. Published by Wiley on behalf of the Japanese Cancer Association, it converted to OA in 2005. As of 05/08/2015, the journal was still OA, publishing issues. The backfile is available as OA. In 2003, it changed names from the Japanese Journal of Cancer Research to Cancer Science.
  • Concrete Beton. Published by the Concrete Society of Southern Africa NPC, it converted to OA in 2017.


  • Drugs in R&D. Published by Adis, it converted to OA in June, 2010. As of 04/04/2012 the journal was still OA, publishing issues.


  • Earth, Planets, and Space. Published by SpringerOpen. It converted to OA in 2014. This journal is affiliated with The Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences, The Seismological Society of Japan The Volcanological Society of Japan, The Geodetic Society of Japan and The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences. As of 2015, the journal was still OA, publishing issues.
  • EJC Supplements. Published by Elsevier, it converted to OA in 2014. As of 05/13/2015, the journal was still OA, publishing issues.
  • Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental. Published by SciELO, it converted to OA creating an online version on August, 2005 and has retained a TA print version. As of 10/22/2008 the journal was still OA, publishing issues.
  • Environmental Sciences Europe. Converted in 2011. Issues from 2011-2015 are OA while the backfiles from 1989-2010 are not. This journal is associated with Associated with GDCh Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Öotoxikologie (GDCh Division Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology), VGöD - Verband für Geoökologie in Deutschland (Association of Geoecologists in Germany), the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC Europe) German Language Branch (SETAC GLB), the Students Advisory Council (SAC) of SETAC Europe, and The NORMAN network. As of 2015, the journal was still OA, publishing issues.
  • Epidemics. Published by Elsevier, it converted to OA in 2014. As of 05/08/2015, the journal was still OA, publishing issues.
  • Experimental Biology and Medicine. When publishing under TA it was published with Sage, from January 2024 it changed publisher to Frontiers Media S.A. and also changed to full APC-OA.


  • Foot & Ankle Journal. Converted to OA on February, 2008. As of 09/12/2008 the journal was still OA, publishing issues.
  • Functional Ecology. Published by Wiley, converted to APC-OA from 2025 onwards, staying with the same publisher (Wiley).


  • Green Chemistry Review and Letters. Published by [ttp:// Taylor&Francis], It converted to OA in 2013 and provides free access to a back archive through 2007. As of 2015, the journal was still OA, publishing issues.




  • Journal of Foot and Ankle Research. Published by BioMed Central. As of 12/03/2008 the journal was still OA, publishing issues. Under a new title, this journal continues (since July 2008) TA journals from the UK Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists and the Australasian Podiatry Council.
  • Journal of Headache and Pain. Published by SpringerOpen. It converted to OA in 2013. It is the official journal of the European Headache Federation. 2000-2012 were published by Springer. As of 2015, the journal was still OA, publishing issues.
  • Journal of Micropalaeontology. Formerly published by Geological Society of London Publications, it converted to OA in January 2018 with a switch in publisher to Copernicus Publications.
  • Journal of Orthoptera Research. Currently (2018) published with Pensoft. I think it first converted to OA in 2017 with the change from BioOne to Pensoft.


  • Krisis. Converted to OA on June, 2008. As of 09/12/2008 the journal was still OA, publishing issues.



  • MADERAS: Ciencia y Tecnologí­a. Published by SciELO, it converted to OA creating an online version on August, 2005 and has retained a TA print version. As of 10/22/2008 the journal was still OA, publishing issues.


  • Nature Communications. Published by Nature it converted to OA on October 20, 2014. Prior to that, the journal was hybrid OA and articles could be OA or subscription. As of 2015, the journal was still full OA, publishing issues.
  • Nordeuropa Forum. It coverted to OA on January, 2006. As of 10/25/2008 the journal was still OA, publishing issues.
  • Nuclear Physics B. Published by Elsevier. Since 2014 the journal is OA and funded by SCOAP3. As of 2016, the journal was still OA.
  • Nucleic Acid Research. Published by Oxford University Press, the journal converted to OA in 2005. The journal has an online archive through 1996, which are freely available. Prior to 1996, articles are in PMC. As of 2015, the journal was still OA, publishing issues.


  • Open Chemistry. Published by the De Gruyter Open, it converted to OA on January, 2014. The journal changed names in 2014 from the Central European Journal of Chemistry (CEJC) to Open Chemistry. As of 05/12/2015, the journal was still OA, publishing issues.
  • Open Engineering. Published by the De Gruyter Open, it converted to OA on November, 2014. The journal changed names in 2014 from the Central European Journal of Engineering (CEJE) to Open Engineering. As of 06/08/2015, the journal was still OA, publishing issues.
  • Open Life Sciences. Published by the De Gruyter Open, it converted to OA in 2014. The journal changed names in 2014 from the Central European Journal of Biology to Open Life Sciences and has an online archive through 2006. As of 2015, the journal was still OA, publishing issues.
  • Open Mathematics. Published by the De Gruyter Open, it converted to OA in 2014. The journal changed names in 2014 from the Central European Journal of Mathematics to Open Mathematics.” As of 2015, the journal was still OA, publishing issues.
  • Open Medicine. Published by the De Gruyter Open, it converted to OA in 2014. The journal changed names in 2014 from the Central European Journal of Medicine to Open Medicine.” As of 2015, the journal was still OA, publishing issues.
  • Open Physics. Published by the De Gruyter Open, it converted to OA in 2014. The journal changed names in 2014 from the Central European Journal of Physics to Open Physics” and has an online archive through 2003. As of 2015, the journal was still OA, publishing issues.


  • Parks Stewardship Forum. Established as The George Wright Forum, in 1981 and published under that name through until 2018. It converted to OA on the California eScholarship platform in 2020 (volume 36) under the new name 'Parks Stewardship Forum'.
  • Pathology and Oncology Research. Official Journal of the Arányi Lajos Foundation. Launched in 1995 and published with Springer immediately prior to conversion to OA. It converted to OA on 2020-07-02 changing publisher from Springer to Frontiers.
  • Physics Letter B. Published by Elsevier. Since 2014 the journal is OA and funded by SCOAP3. As of 2016, the journal was still OA.


  • Revista Chilena de Literatura (La). Published by SciELO, it converted to OA creating an online version on August, 2005 and has retained a TA print version. As of 10/22/2008 the journal was still OA, publishing issues.
  • Rice. Published by SpringerOpen. It converted to OA in 2012. As of 2015, the journal was still OA, publishing issues.


  • Sarcoma. Published by Hindawi Publishing, it converted to OA on February 2006. As of 09/15/2008 the journal was still OA, publishing issues.
  • Stem Cell Research. Published by Elsevier, it converted to OA in 2007. As of 05/13/2015, the journal was still OA, publishing issues.


  • Tessera. Published by York University Libraries, it converted to OA in January 2011. As of 4/4/2012 the journal was still OA; the entire archive is available for the duration of publication, from its inception in 1984 to the final issue in 2005.
  • Thoracic Cancer. Published by the Wiley, it converted to OA on November 15, 2015. The journal is the official publication of the Chinese Society of Lung Cancer and the International Chinese Society of Thoracic Surgery. It is endorsed by the Korean Association for the Study of Lung Cancer and the Hong Kong Cancer Therapy Society. As of 2015, the journal was still OA, publishing issues.
  • Tilburg Law Review. Formerly published by Brill, it converted to being fully OA with a change in publisher to Ubiquity Press in mid-2018.
  • Transplant International. Up until the end of 2021 it was published by Wiley. It changed publisher to FrontiersIn as of January 2022 and at the same time converted to a fully open access model. The journal is the official publication of the European Society for Organ Transplantation.
  • Transversal The journal has been published since the year 2000. Transversal has been published as an open access journal by De Gruyter open since 2015. Also known as the Journal of Jewish Studies.




See also