Disciplinary Archives

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This list is part of the Open Access Directory.

General Works

Dallman, D., M. Draper, and S. Schwarz. "Electronic Pre-Publishing for Worldwide Access: The Case of High Energy Physics." Interlending & Document Supply 22, no. 2 (1994): 3-7.

Danner, Richard A. "Issues in the Preservation of Born-Digital Scholarly Communications in Law." (2003). http://eprints.law.duke.edu/archive/00000614/

———. "Applying the Access Principle in Law: The Responsibilities of the Legal Scholar." International Journal of Legal Information 35 (2007): 355-395. http://eprints.law.duke.edu/1698/

Dessy, Ray. "Chemical E-Preprints: The Ostriches." Trends in Analytical Chemistry 19, no. 10 (2000): 587-592.

Johnson, Lorrie, and Delores Brabson. "PrePRINT Network for Researchers." D-Lib Magazine 6, no. 2 (2000). http://www.dlib.org/dlib/february00/02inbrief.html#JOHNSON

Jun-ran, Park. "Language-Related Open Archives: Impact on Scholarly Communities and Academic Librarianship." Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship 6, no. 2-3 (2004): 1-16. http://southernlibrarianship.icaap.org/content/v05n02/park_j01.htm

Mili, Fethy. "Trends in Publishing Academic Grey Literature: Examples from Economics." International Journal on Grey Literature 1, no. 4 (2000): 157-166.

Solla, Leah. "Building Digital Archives for Scientific Information." Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, no. 36 (2002). http://www.istl.org/02-fall/article2.html

Town, William G., Bryan A. Vickery, Jan Kuras, and James R. Weeks. "Chemical E-Journals, Chemical E-Preprints." Online Information Review 26, no. 3 (2002): 164-171.

Traylor, Terry Dennis. "The PrePRINT Network: A New Dynamic in Information Access from the U.S. Department of Energy." Journal of Government Information 28, no. 3 (2001): 249-266.

Specific Archives and Projects


Butler, Declan. "Biologists Join Physics Preprint Club." Nature, 9 October 2003, 548.

———. "Los Alamos Loses Physics Archive as Preprint Pioneer Heads East." Nature, 5 July 2001, 3-4. http://www.nature.com/nature/debates/e-access/Articles/ginsparg.html

Choi, Charles Q. "Biology's New Online Archive." The Scientist, 30 September 2003. http://www.biomedcentral.com/news/20030930/03/

Giles, Jim. "Preprint Server Seeks Way to Halt Plagiarists." Nature, 6 November 2003, 7.

Ginsparg, Paul. "Winners and Losers in the Global Research Village." The Serials Librarian 30, no. 3/4 (1997): 83-95. http://arxiv.org/blurb/pg96unesco.html

Halpern, Joseph Y. "A Computing Research Repository." D-Lib Magazine (November 1998). http://www.dlib.org/dlib/november98/11halpern.html

———. "CoRR: A Computing Research Repository." Journal of Computer Documentation 24, no. 2 (2000): 41-48. http://arxiv.org/abs/cs.DL/0005003

Luce, Richard E. "E-Prints Intersect the Digital Library: Inside the Los Alamos arXiv." Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, no. 29 (2001). http://www.istl.org/01-winter/article3.html

McKiernan, Gerry. "arXiv.org: The Los Alamos National Laboratory E-Print Server." The International Journal on Grey Literature 1, no. 3 (2000): 127-138. http://www.public.iastate.edu/~gerrymck/arXiv.org.pdf

Pinfield, Stephen. "How Do Physicists Use an E-Print Archive? Implications for Institutional E-Print Services." D-Lib Magazine 7, no. 12 (2001). http://www.dlib.org/dlib/december01/pinfield/12pinfield.html

Quigley, Brian. "Physics Databases and the Los Alamos e-Print Archive." EContent 23, no. 5 (2000): 22-26.

Taubes, Gary. "Publication by Electronic Mail Takes Physics by Storm." Science Magazine, 26 February 1993, 1246-1248.

Warner, Simeon. "Open Archives Initiative Protocol Development and Implementation at arXiv." (2001). http://arxiv.org/abs/cs/0101027

"What Is q-bio?" Open Access Now, 2 August 2004. http://www.biomedcentral.com/openaccess/www/?issue=19

NASA Astrophysics Data System

Accomazzi, Alberto, Guenther Eichhorn, Michael J. Kurtz, Carolyn S. Grant, and Stephen S. Murray. "The NASA Astrophysics Data System: Architecture." Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 143 (2000): 85-109. http://www.edpsciences.org/articles/aas/pdf/2000/07/ds1784.pdf

Eichhorn, Guenther, Alberto Accomazzi, Carolyn S. Grant, Michael J. Kurtz, and Stephen S. Murray. "The NASA Astrophysics Data System: Free Access to the Astronomical Literature On-Line and through Email." High Energy Physics Libraries Webzine, no. 5 (2001). http://doc.cern.ch/heplw/5/papers/1/

Eichhorn, Guenther, Michael J. Kurtz, Alberto Accomazzi, Carolyn S. Grant, and Stephen S. Murray. "The NASA Astrophysics Data System: The Search Engine and Its User Interface." Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 143 (2000): 61-83. http://www.edpsciences.org/articles/aas/pdf/2000/07/ds1781.pdf

Grant, Carolyn S., Alberto Accomazzi, Guenther Eichhorn, Michael J. Kurtz, and Stephen S. Murray. "The NASA Astrophysics Data System: Data Holdings." Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 143 (2000): 111-135. http://www.edpsciences.org/articles/aas/pdf/2000/07/ds1779.pdf

Kurtz, Michael J., Guenther Eichhorn, Alberto Accomazzi, Carolyn S. Grant, Markus Demleitner, and Stephen S. Murray. "The NASA ADS Abstract Service and the Distributed Astronomy Digital Library." D-Lib Magazine 5, no. 11 (1999). http://www.dlib.org/dlib/november99/11kurtz.html

Kurtz, Michael J., Guenther Eichhorn, Alberto Accomazzi, Carolyn S. Grant, Stephen S. Murray, and Joyce M. Watson. "The NASA Astrophysics Data System: Overview." Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 143 (2000): 41-59. http://www.edpsciences.org/articles/aas/pdf/2000/07/ds1780.pdf

McKiernan, Gerry. "The NASA Astrophysics Data System Abstract Service: Astronomy." Library Hi Tech News 18, no. 7 (2001): 30-38. http://www.public.iastate.edu/~gerrymck/NADSASA.pdf


Chu, Heting, and Thomas Krichel. "NEP: Current Awareness Service of the RePEc Digital Library." D-Lib Magazine 9, no. 12 (2004). http://www.dlib.org/dlib/december03/chu/12chu.html

Cruz, José Manuel Barrueco, and Thomas Krichel. "Cataloging Economics Preprints: An Introduction to the RePEc Project." Journal of Internet Cataloging 3, no. 2/3 (2000): 227-241. http://openlib.org/home/krichel/papers/shankari.html

Karlsson, Sune, and Thomas Krichel. "RePEc and S-WoPEc: Internet Access to Electronic Preprints in Economics." In Electronic Publishing '99: Redefining the Information Chain: New Ways and Voices, Ronneby, Sweden 10th-12th May 1999, 204-214. Washington, DC: International Council for Computer Communication, 1999. http://www5.hk-r.se/elpub99/ap.nsf/08c6c2f88424ad99c12566ff002a0c10/40f52b3bf537ecddc12566ff003635af!OpenDocument

Krichel, Thomas. "The Setting Up of a Large-Scale Archives Network." In 2nd Workshop on the Open Archives Initiative (OAI): Gaining Independence with E-Prints Archives and OAI, CERN, 17-19 October 2002, Geneva, Switzerland. Geneva: CERN, 2002. http://agenda.cern.ch/askArchive.php?base=agenda&categ=a02333&id=a02333s5t6/video

McKiernan, Gerry. "RePEc: An Open Library for Economics." Library Hi Tech News 18, no. 3 (2001): 21-31. http://www.public.iastate.edu/~gerrymck/RePEc.pdf

Parinov, Sergey, and Thomas Krichel. "RePEc and Socionet as Partners in a Changing Digital Library Environment, 1997 to 2004 and Beyond." (2004). http://eprints.rclis.org/archive/00001830/


Chapman, Karen, and Lee Pike. "Working Papers and Scholarly Research in Finance." Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian 21, no. 1 (2002): 29-35.

Charnay, Daniel. "The Centre for Direct Scientific Communication." Information Services & Use 23, no. 2-3 (2003): 133-137.

Cruz, José Manuel Barrueco, and Imma Subirats Coll. "Documents in Information Science: A Free Space for Our Profession on the Internet." Serials 16, no. 2 (2003): 211-214.

Delamothe, Tony, Richard Smith, Michael A. Keller, John Sack, and Bill Witscher. "Netprints: The Next Phase in the Evolution of Biomedical Publishing." BMJ, 11 December 1999, 1515-1516. http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/319/7224/1515?ijkey=9b043f48ec7b1f83fe605bd3f73b82797da88e3d&keytype2=tf_ipsecsha

E. Hilf, M. Hohlfeld, T. Severiens, and K. Zimmermann. "Distributed Information Services in Physics." High Energy Physics Libraries Webzine, no. 4 (2001). http://library.cern.ch/HEPLW/4/papers/2/index.html

Fleming, Dan. "The Garden of Forking Paths—Forms of Scholarship and the 'Formations' Pre-Print System for Cultural Studies and Related Fields." Computers and the Humanities 32, no. 4 (1998): 303-322.

Guernsey, Lisa. "On-Line Archive in Political Science Gains a Following." The Chronicle of Higher Education, 17 July 1998, A29.

Guillopé, Laurent. "Mathematics and Databases: Open Access." Information Services & Use 23, no. 2/3 (2003): 127-131.

Guterman, Lila. "As Experts Call for a Chemistry Preprint Server, Elsevier Unveils Its Own." The Chronicle of Higher Education, 15 September 2000, A40.

Jost, Michael, and Hans J. Becker. "EULER—A Real Virtual Library for Mathematics." High Energy Physics Libraries Webzine, no. 9 (2004). http://library.cern.ch/HEPLW/9/papers/5/

Krichel, Thomas. "Building a Discipline-Specific Aggregate for Computing and Library and Information Science." In CERN Workshop Series on Innovations in Scholarly Communication: Implementing the Benefits of OAI (OAI3), 12-14th February 2004 at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. Geneva: CERN, 2004. http://agenda.cern.ch/askArchive.php?base=agenda&categ=a035925&id=a035925s11t15/video

McConnell, John, and Richard Horton. "Lancet Electronic Research Archive in International Health and Eprint Server." The Lancet, 3 July 1999, 2-3.

McKiernan, Gerry. "eConf: The SLAC Electronic Conference Proceedings Archive." Library Hi Tech News 18, no. 5 (2001): 16-23. http://www.public.iastate.edu/~gerrymck/eCONF.pdf

Nentwich, Michael. "The European Research Papers Archive: Quality Filters in Electronic Publishing." The Journal of Electronic Publishing 5, no. 1 (1999). http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/05-01/nentwich.html

O'Connell, Heath B. "Physicists Thriving with Paperless Publishing." High Energy Physics Libraries Webzine, no. 6 (2002). http://library.cern.ch/HEPLW/6/papers/3/

Ranzinger, Rene, Stephan Herget, Thomas Wetter, and Claus-Wilhelm von der Lieth. "GlycomeDB- Integration of Open-Access Carbohydrate Structure Databases." BMC Bioinformatics 9, no. 384 (2008). http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/9/384

Service, Robert F. "Chemists Toy with the Preprint Future." Science Magazine, 1 September 2000, 1445-1446.

Severiens, Thomas, Michael Hohlfeld, Kerstin Zimmermann, and Eberhard R. Hilf. "PhysDoc—Distributed Network of Physics Institutions Documents: Collecting, Indexing, and Searching High Quality Documents by Using Harvest." D-Lib Magazine 6, no. 12 (2000). http://www.dlib.org/dlib/december00/severiens/12severiens.html

Taubes, Gary. "APS Starts Electronic Preprint Service." Science Magazine, 19 July 1996, 304.

Town, Bill. "The Great Preprint Debate." Information World Review, 1 April 2001. http://www.iwr.co.uk/iwreview/1150936

Turk, Ziga. "Scientific Publication Process Re-engineering with SciX Open Publication Services." In CERN Workshop Series on Innovations in Scholarly Communication: Implementing the Benefits of OAI (OAI3), 12-14th February 2004 at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. Geneva: CERN, 2004. http://agenda.cern.ch/askArchive.php?base=agenda&categ=a035925&id=a035925s13t5/video

———. "SciX Project: Lowering the Technical, Economic and Social Barriers to Open Scientific Publishing." In 2nd Workshop on the Open Archives Initiative (OAI): Gaining Independence with E-Prints Archives and OAI, CERN, 17-19 October 2002, Geneva, Switzerland. Geneva: CERN, 2002. http://agenda.cern.ch/askArchive.php?base=agenda&categ=a02333&id=a02333s13t5/video

Turk, Ziga, Bo-Christer Björk, and Bob Martens. "Towards Open Scientific Publishing—The SciX Project." Cultivate Interactive, no. 7 (2002). http://www.cultivate-int.org/issue7/scix/

Weeks, James R., Jan Kuras, William G. Town, and Bryan A. Vickery. "The Chemistry Preprint Server: An Experiment in Scientific Communication." Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 42, no. 3 (2002): 765-766.