South America: Open Access Day 2008

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  • Contact: Osvaldo Martin
  • Location, if available:
  • Link for more details, if available:


IBICT, Brasilia

  • Contact: Hélio Kuramoto
  • Location, Brazilian Institute of Information on Science and Technology (IBICT)
  • Link for more details : Blog do Kuramoto

I'm a General Coordinator of Research and Maintenance of Consolidated Products. We were planning a Coffe break with a round table with the openning by our Minister of Science and Technology for the Open Access Day, October 14th. But, he can not confirm, considering that he was suddenly called upon to participate in a trip to Spain. So, now we try to organise a round table at Rio de Janeiro with all the researches institutes of the Ministry of Science and Technology. This round table will debate the Open Access in Brazil, the IBICT's actions toward Open Access and at the end we plan to setup a special number of the journal Liinc in Review, dedicated to present and discuss Open Access, and the Open Access policy to all researches institutes from the Ministry of Science and Technology. Now, we work hard to finish the negotiation of this policy with those Institutes. This journal have some articles written in portuguese, but for this issue there are some articles in english and french.

USP, São Paulo

  • Contact: Sueli Mara S.P. Ferreira
  • Location: University of São Paulo, School of Communication and Arts
  • Link for more details : Portal [1]

On October 14, 2008 – the International Open Access Day - the Open Access Portal of Scientific Journals in Communication Science was inaugurated. Right now, the international community can navigate (in Portuguese, English, Spanish or Italian) and have open access to : - 17 Brazilian and Portuguese journals - 121 issues - 1813 documents - 1597 authors


Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago

  • Contact: Alejandro Montenegro-Montero
  • Location, if available:
  • Link for more details, if available:


Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru

  • Contact: Javier Villafuerte
  • Location, if available:
  • Link for more details, if available:

Puerto Rico

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico

  • Contact: Mario Nunez, Coordinator OCW University of Puerto Rico
  • Location, if available: University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez
  • Link for more details: We are planning to have several talks on the subject.