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* '''Location''': Dr. Steevens Hospital, Dublin 8.
* '''Location''': Dr. Steevens Hospital, Dublin 8.
* '''Event''': Focus Group Session on [ Lenus] the Irish Health Repository Friday 9th Oct 2009
* '''Event''': Focus Group Session on [ Lenus] the Irish Health Repository Friday 9th Oct 2009
===Oficina de Difusió del Coneixement, Universitat de Barcelona===
'''CRAI. Universitat de Barcelona'''
* '''Contact''': [mailto:[email protected] Ignasi Labastida]
* '''Location''': Barcelona
* '''Link for more details, if available''': [ Universitat de Barcelona, Oficina de difusió del coneixement ]
===Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas[ (CSIC)]===
'''Spanish National Research Council'''
* '''Contact''': [mailto:[email protected] Pablo de Castro]
* '''Location''': Madrid, Spain
* '''Event''': [ Call] to CSIC researchers to take part in the OA Week 2009 by depositing new papers in [ Digital.CSIC]
===Globalización, Social Network [ (Globalizacion 2.0)] ===
* '''Contact''': [mailto:[email protected] Santiago Baos]
* '''Location''': Madrid
* '''Event''': promoting the idea of open research and educational resources, open repositories and open access, in general, among twitter users during all the week [ @openarchives]
===Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Alicante [ (RUA)]===
* '''Contact''': [mailto:[email protected] Javier Gómez]
* '''Location''': Alicante, Spain
* '''Event''': [ Maratón de auto-archivo]
===Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya [ (UPC)]===
* '''Contact''': [mailto:[email protected] Anna Rovira]
* '''Location''': Barcelona
* '''Event''': [ / Setmana de l'accés obert]


Revision as of 03:14, 8 February 2018

This list is part of the Open Access Directory.

This is not an exhaustive list of countries. If you want to add your event and your country is not listed here feel free to add it in alphabetical order.


  • Contact: Tigran Zargaryan
  • Location: the Fundamental Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia
  • Link for more details: [1]


COAR: Confederation of Open Access Repositories

Launch of new international repository organisation at DRIVER Confederation Summit


Center for Scholarly Communication

Copenhagen University Library Information Services, The Royal Library


Open Access @ IUEM for young Marine Scientists

European Institute of Marine Science(IUEM, UBO Brest), IFREMER-Archimer and Marine Sciences For Society

  • Contact: Ivo Grigorov, Practical advice on using OA to make early career scientists' research more visible and open
  • Dates: 19 October 2009
  • Location: European Institute of Marine Science, (IUEM, UBO Brest website)
  • Event description and details: An Open Access Day to be held during Open Access Week focusing on offering practical advice to Marine Science postgraduates and young researchers on how to make their research output more visible, citable and open.
  • Factsheet: the main resources presented at the event are summarized in a two page factsheet (francais, english)
  • Program, 19 Oct 2009:
  • Partners: Alfred Wegener Institute contributed via videoconference link, and the event is endorsed by the EUR-OCEANS Consortium and Ecole Doctorale at IUEM with credit points for attending postgraduate students.
  • Where next?: 'OPEN ACCESS @ IUEM' is now running an open access clinic once/twice a month to engage and help researchers. The organiser are also working to encourage University Bretagne Occidentale to sign the Berlin Declaration, and seeking other Earth/Marine/Climate Research Centers to jointly promote the career, political and ethical benefits of open access in the climate sciences. Look out for our program during Open Access Week 2010.


Alliance of German Science Organisations

Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, German Research Foundation, Helmholtz Association, information platform, Leibniz Association, Max Planck Society

  • Contact: Rubina Vock, information platform
  • Location: Several institutes across Germany
  • Link for more details: information platform
  • Universities or non-university research organisations participating in Open Access Week 2009: List of participating organisations
  • Activities planned by the individual institutions: The list of activities provides an overview of the activities and events planned by the individual universities and non-university research institutes, libraries etc.
  • Alliance of German Science Organisations' kick-off event for Open Access Week:

The Alliance of German Science Organisations' Open Access working group has issued a general invitation to the podium discussion it is hosting in Munich to mark the opening of international Open Access Week, which will run from 19 to 23 October 2009.

A panel of speakers from the humanities and sciences and the publishing sector will first give a brief presentation of their respective positions, which will then be discussed by the panellists and the audience. Matthias Spielkamp will act as moderator.

The kick-off event will take place at the Bavarian State Library (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek) on Monday, 19 October 2009 from 11.00 - 13.00 hrs. Video about the kick-off event

Further information, the programme and the exact address can be found in the following press release.

On the information platform you will find a documentation of the several activities.


BrainFactor - Cervello e Neuroscienze

  • Contact: Iryna Kuchma
  • Location: Open Access: Maximising Research Quality and Impact workshop, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia; and international campaign in developing and transition countries [2]
  • Link for more details, if available: [3]


Portal for Italian scholarly e-literature in open archives and institutional repositories


Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) and the Istituto Italo Latino Americano (IILA)

Open Access for safeguarding public health. Opportunities from the NECOBELAC network
IILA, Rome, October 19, 2009 h. 16.30 – 19.30.
The workshop is organized by the within the European project NECOBELAC

Objectives of the workshop: Pointing out the relevance of cooperation and sharing information resources for the safeguard of public health. Promote a cultural change in the perspective of a bi-directional exchange between Europe and Latin America. Providing the opportunity to participate to the NECOBELAC European project through the involvement of all the stakeholders in production and dissemination of scientific information as well as the sharing of a flexible training program on scientific writing and new open access publication models. During the meeting, organized within the International Open Access week, videoconference connections will be established with the European Commission, and Latin American and European institutions involved in public health and promoting open access information diffusion.

Sissa Medialab and Università di Trieste

  • Contact: [Stefania Arabito mailto: [email protected] Enrico Balli mailto: [email protected]]
  • Location: Trieste Italy, Caffé Tommaseo, 19 October, 5:30 pm
  • Link for more details, if available:
Everything you always wanted to know about open access but were afraid to ask

This meeting - in the style of Science Cafés - is open to everybody but it is specially targeted to Doctoral students, as early stage researchers. Video recordings of the whole event are available in the institutional repository of the University of Trieste: OpenstarTs


Waterford Institute of Technology Library Service

  • Contact: David Kane,
  • Location: Waterford, Ireland:
  • Event: New Irish federated harvesting and discovery service now available via Created by Waterford I.T. Library Service, as of 21st Oct 2009
<googlemap lat="53.357109" lon="-8.041992" type="map" zoom="5" width="300" height="150" selector="no" controls="small">

52.246039, -7.140255, Waterford Institute of Technolgy </googlemap>

University College Dublin Library Service

Health Service Executive Regional Library & Information Service


Frontiers Research Foundation

The Netherlands

SURF Foundation

SURFfoundation is coordinating the activities taking place in the Netherlands On Monday 19 October SURF will be launching the brand new Dutch national website on Open Access. This will be available at:

Radboud University Nijmegen

Tuesday 20 October Sijbolt Noorda (president VSNU) will give a presentation on Open Access. He will also present an award for the researcher with the largest number of full text Open Access publications in the repository. The library will also be setting up a special website on Open Access.

University of Groningen

Signing the ‘Conscious Publishing Protocol’ by the Rector Magnificus (Vice-Chancellor) on Thursday 22 October. Open Access Lounges with short presentations:

  • Monday 19 October, 13.00 – 16.00: University Library
  • Wednesday 21 October, 13.00 – 16.00: EBR Library
  • Thursday 22 October, 13.00 – 16.00: University theater

The university magazine will be hosting an hosting an Open Access special preceding the OA week.

Utrecht University

Symposium Read me, Cite me, Count me Symposium on publication strategy and research marketing for academics. Friday 23 October, 9:30 – 15:30

Free University of Amsterdam

Open Access Day: All ins and outs of Open Access at the university library, lunch presentations followed by workshops. Thursday 22 October

Honorary doctorate for Tim Berners Lee during the Dies symposium on Tuesday 20 October.

Leiden University

Open Access Doctors on call During the whole Open Access Week: Members of staff from the university library will be visting the faculties and helping researchers to upload their publications. A thermometer in the hall of the university library will keep track of progress.

Wednesdag 28 October the closing event: Presenting the results of the OA doctors, round-table discussion on copyright and Open Access and finished by a short quiz.

University of Amsterdam

Lunch presentations at the five different locations of the university. Researchers can offer paper publications to be digitised. These will become available through the repository UvA-DARE.

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Unveiling of the improved homepage of the repository RePub

Delft University of Technology

Friday 9 October: Conference Open Courseware

Friday 23 October: 12:30 Lecture at the University Library on Open Access, the Open Access fund, the repository and copyright. The university will giving away a prize amongst the researchers which upload an OA publication between 1 November and 31 December to the repository. The financial prize will be presented to the researcher's research group.

Eindhoven University of Technology

All week there will an Open Access Roadshow during lunch at various locations. This will offer information on OA and the uploading of publications to the repository directed at researchers and master’s students. Thursday 22 October: 12:45-13:45 Lecture by John Mackenzie Owen: "Open Access: the future of scientific publishing?"

University of Twente

There will be a round table debate with notable researchers on Friday 16 October. The vice chancellor will be actively engaged in this discussion.

Tilburg University

Various activities in the course of the week attracting attention to OA, including Walk-in visits to the faculties and a focus on the three researchers with the largest amount of full text publications in the Repository.

Rotterdam University

Various activities organised by the media libraries at four different locations.

KNAW (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences)

KITLV Launch of a brand new Open Access journal: ‘Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences and Humanities’ hosted by the Indonesian office of the het Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV)

Frysian Academy, Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO), Meertens Institute, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) and the Fungal Biodiversity Centre (CBS) will be working on public access to the publications in their repositories during the Open Access Week.

DANS (Data Archiving and Networked Services)

Online forum: Open Data Speaker’s Corner during the entire week.


LIBER is the Association of European Research Libraries. EBLIDA is the European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations.

The 2nd LIBER-EBLIDA Workshop on Digitisation of Library Material in Europe took place during Open Access Week: . Open Access Week t-shirts were handed out to all 24 speakers during the workshop and the Librarian of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek agreed to wear his during his presentation.


State Agency "Culture Information Systems"

  • Contact: Agrita Sagalajeva
  • Location: Open Access: Maximising Research Quality and Impact workshop, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
  • Link for more details, if available: [4]

University of Latvia

  • Contact: Iveta Gudakovska
  • Location: Open Access: Maximising Research Quality and Impact workshop, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
  • Link for more details, if available: [5]


Lithuanian Research Library Consortium

Lietuvos mokslinių bibliotekų asociacija (LMBA)


Consortium eIFL Direct Moldova

Faculty of Journalism and Comm., Moldova State Un.


Openness in science

Seminar – Open Access and other models

  • Contact: Anna Pokrzywnicka, Polish Academy of Science
  • Location: Warsaw
  • Link for more details, if available: Polish Academy of Science Newsletter [6]
  • Description: On October 15, 2009 the Polish Academy of Sciences and the University of Warsaw are organizing the scientific seminar “Openness in science – Open Access and other models”. During the international conference “Public trust in science and industry-supported research” recently held by the Polish Academy of Sciences it was concluded that openness in science is an essential condition for building social trust in science and gaining support for the increase of its financing. The seminar’s goal is to discuss the current situation concerning Open Access in science and perspectives of its development. It is also meant to raise awareness of this issue among broad auditorium including academic community, state officials and librarians.

Electronic Pedagogical Library Open seminars

  • Contact:Aldona Zawałkiewicz, Pedagogical Library in Toruń
  • Location: Toruń
  • Link for more details, if available: Electronic Pedagogical Library [7]
  • Description: Editors of Electronic Pedagogical Library decided to support those who work in education area by promoting the idea of Open Educational Resources and open access among librarians and teachers. Because of these users, a series of seminars on freely available learning materials is being hold in Poland in October and November 2009. Money subsidized by the sponsor enabled to plan only three free seminars in pedagogical libraries in Toruń, Olsztyn and Wrocław. The idea of Open Educational Resources will be presented to the seminar attendees. The organizers had also assumed the practical dimension of seminars - they are supposed to instruct in searching and making use of resources. Moreover, they should encourage people to create new resources and share them with other users for free.


  • Kosson Initiative Constantinescu Nicolaie
  • Bucharest:
  • Discul cu Acces Deschis (Open Access Disc) will be launched on 23th of October. Open Access Disk is a collection of resources ranging from introductory notions concerning Open Access up to a solution for online publication of journals.


Ural State University

  • Contact: Elena Okhezina, Deputy University Librarian, Ural State University
  • More information: the electronic archive of the Ural State University celebrated its next milestone of 1,865 publications (1 new publication was deposited every day since the first Open Access Day on October 14, 2008)


University of Borås


Anthropos - Open Humanities archive

Donetsk National Technical University

  • More information: a lecture for the 2nd and the 3rd year students about Open Access to Knowledge (by Victoria Voropayeva)

Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy

  • More information: a

National University Kyiv Mohyla Academy

National University of Shipbuilding, Mykolayiv

The library of the Uzhorod National University

Kharkiv National University

Kyiv University after Borys Hrinchenko

United Kingdom

The Repositories Support Project is excited to announce the launch of its latest competition, which will coincide with this year's Open Access Week (19th-23rd October 2009). The competition is quite straightforward - the institution with the greatest number of fulltext, open access items deposited in its repository during open access week wins a fabulous RSP iPod!

We will be writing to institutions via relevant listservs on Friday October 23rd to find out how many items they have deposited during open access week and to invite entries. The winner will be announced on Wednesday October 28th, following the decision of our independent judges.

Please note that his competition is open to entries from the UK only, and will count fulltext, openly accessible items deposited in repositories between Monday 19th and Friday 23rd October 2009 inclusive.

Best wishes and good luck!!

University of Cambridge

To broaden awareness and understanding of Open Access October 19-23 will mark the first international Open Access Week. The University Library and the DSpace@Cambridge team have joined the initiative and are organising a number of events in Cambridge.

Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association OA Week Webcast

OASPA OPEN ACCESS WEEK WEBINAR: LIVE Q&A SESSION WITH FIVE OA PUBLISHERS JOIN THE OPEN ACCESS PUBLISHING COMMUNITY in a free live webinar to discuss the latest developments in Open Access scholarly publishing. How does Open Access publishing work in practice? Representatives of 5 very different publishers discuss the promise and perils of open access publishing. Following short presentations by each of the panellists, webinar attendees will be able to pose questions live to our panel of Open Access journal publishers. Open Access Week Offer is celebrating OAWeek by offering a free upgrade to the 'Professional' self archiving service for all new researchers who sign up this week and post a link to their publications list on Twitter or their blog or website.

PublicationsList offers easy to use self-archiving services for researchers and research groups to list their publications on the web, with links out to repository OA copies and web hosting of preprints.